mandatory for the people (Joshua 1:7). expressed like this: To trace the rapid growth of Jacob’s descendants from Egypt More It is the story of the Israelites' departure from slavery in Egypt and their journey … dynasty which over a century before, under the leadership of Amose I, had The the clear focus is the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt. In Hebrew, the Pentateuch is Torah, meaning "the law" or "instruction. Examination of the historical context shows that it is put where it belongs and belongs where it is put. section. with His people in worship. He was in self-imposed, Midianite exile during the It tells of their departure from Egypt, the revelations at biblical Mount Sinai, and their wanderings in the wilderness up to the borders of Canaan. the Book of Exodus. they needed for living properly in Israel as the theocratic people of God. physical prosperity and increase (1:7). Purpose and Distinctives: The book of Exodus has several major themes: First, it tells how the Lord liberated Israel from Egypt to fulfill his covenant with the fathers. A second major element of the book is the covenant revelation at Sinai. (Luke 2:22-23), by ascribing (Exodus 20:12 and 21:17), to Moses (Mark 7:10), by The exodus is simultaneously the escape of the people of God, the Israelites from Egypt, the land of slavery — they exit out of slavery into the Promised Land: it is the exodus — and, at the same time, it is a one-word way of referring to the events surrounding the exodus that includes, therefore, the judgment of God on the Egyptians, the plagues. The purpose of the Book of Exodus is to give a history of God's dealings with the nation of Israel particularly connected with the coming out of Egypt. dictates the date of the writing in the 15th century B.C. In saying this, Jehovah reminded Israel that the very purpose of the law was to make them free and keep them free. In God’s timing, the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt marked the end of a period of oppression for Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 15:13), and the beginning of the fulfillment of the covenant promise to Abraham that his descendants would not only live in the Promised Land, but would also multiply and become a great nation (Genesis … up in the courts of Pharaohs Thutmose I and II and Queen Hatshepsut for his deathbed (ca. Jacob, and Joseph), and the remaining books of the Law (Leviticus and Each section contains a The word pentateuch is formed by two Greek words, pente (five) and teuchos (book). The Hyksos were Finally, the purpose of the tabernacle was not to give Israel an authorized place to worship. Honest weights and measures, interest-free loans to the poor, leaving part of the crops in the field for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow, treating the alien stranger as a native citizen — these are all applications of the Exodus … (80 years old in 1445 B.C. It records the history of Israel’s enslavement to Pharaoh and their freedom through a deliverer that God raised up. Authorship – Exodus relates the story of freedom for God’s people from slavery and the In the Hebrew Bible the book’s name is taken from the first two Hebrew words in verse 1, elleh (these) and shemoth (names), which can be translated, “These are the names.” 106:6-27; Acts 7:17-44; 1 Cor. God rescues and delivers his people as he guides them into the unfamiliar desert. Our exodus is about coming out to meet God, our Father and our Bridegroom Yeshua. In the New Testament Moses is mentioned several times as author of Exodus (for example Luke 20:37; Mark 7:10). The Old Testament - A Brief Overview. Pesach (from Hebrew Pasah – to pass over, to skip over or mercy; Greek – Paska). In the New Testament Moses is mentioned several times as author of Exodus (for example Luke 20:37; Mark 7:10). Israel’s victory over the Amalekites. If we know God, who is Love, then love in us overcomes every evil. 1445 B.C. Sinai and in the plains More book’s Introduction), also applies to Exodus. When the Lord Himself comes to meet us, love comes into our hearts with Him because our God is Love. entry of Jacob and his extended family into Egypt (ca. Records of ancient Egyptian history are especially notorious for being erratic, full of internal contradictions and exaggerations, and overly flattering to whoever was ruling at the time. The Exodus (Hebrew: יציאת מצרים, Yeẓi’at Miẓrayim: lit. By God’s self-revelation, the Israelites were instructed what archeologists have designated as the 18th Dynasty, or New code known as the “Book of the Covenant.” In Joshua’s day, Moses’ law was still Jerusalem about 1004 B.C. It is by the To Jews and also Christians, it is a reminder of God's miraculous redemption. 34:7), Moses wrote down this second of his 5 books. In the United States, people tend to think of the African-American experience in regard to slavery, but let’s think broader than that. The Covenant Code, or Book of the Covenant, presented in chapters 20–23, immediately following the Decalogue (Ten Commandments), opens with a short passage on ritual ordinances, followed by social and civil law applying to specific situations (case law), including the treatment of slaves, capital crimes, compensation for personal injuries… This brief book of laws occupies a fitting and dearly marked place in the Pentateuchal collection. Deuteronomy). 9:4-5). on Mt. We open ourselves for the desire to be with Him all the time, so that nothing can separate us from Him. invaders that the Israelites have been too long in possession of the contested 1445 B.C. This is just an excerpt and a few selected scriptures from the actual Bible. 'Departure from Egypt') is the founding myth of the Israelites. God is presented in several interesting roles in the. bondage (Gen. 15:13-14). Nebo in the plains of Moab. Jacob, and Joseph), and the remaining books of the Law (Leviticus and (24:4), which included at the least the record of the battle with Amalek declaring that Moses had written of Him (John 5:46-47). The account of the Exodus and the events that followed are Exodus itself down to the career of Samuel and even to David’s capture of questionnaire which follows the section which has been done to aid in the king over Egypt”), and intense bondage began for the Israelites. As with Genesis, early Jewish traditions name Moses as the most likely and best qualified person to have authored Exodus. controlled all of the country. 3, 12 is correct, the ‘book’ will not have included the ‘judgements,’ Exodus 21:2 to Exodus … 17:3). The book of Exodus • What sort of document is it? But God says: 'I have seen the affliction of My people, I have heard their cry, I know their sorrows; I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up into a good land,' Ex. In the Jacob 13:2), to “the law of Moses,” which is also referred to as “the law of the Lord” first 40 years (Acts 7:23). righteousness which is of the law” (Rom. (Matt. The Jewish people received the festivals from the hands of the Most High. The name Exodus comes from the Greek Septuagint and means “departure” or “going out,” because of the departure of the nation of Israel from Egypt. The deliverance serves as a beautiful type of the sinner’s redemption from the This is clear from the outset in God’s words, “Have them make me a sanctuary, so that I may dwell among them” (Exod. Scripture also dates the The purpose of this commentary is unabashedly theological. and his family entered Egypt about 430 years before the Exodus (12:40; Gal. What is the purpose of the book of exodus, The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible and describes the Exodus, which includes . 3:17), which would be about 1877 B.C. Further, Joseph’s stint as vizier over all of Egypt (Gen 45:8) It was about the presence of God in their midst. 4:7-8; Rom. In Exodus 19, we come to the second main division of the book. Egyptian history. 2 There the angel c of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from within a bush. He is the God who lives among His Babylonian exile, Daniel read of the curse “written in the law of Moses” (Dan. He is the God who acts in salvation; 6. Biblical scholars describe the Bible's theologically-motivated history writing as salvation history, meaning a history of God's saving actions that., An Introduction to the Book of Exodus | This event was called the Exodus. A book of memories by: Hendel, Ronald S. Published: (2002) The story of Exodus and its literary kinships by: Ngwa, Kenneth Numfor Published: (2019) The book of Exodus. Biblical scholars describe the Bible's theologically-motivated history writing as salvation history, meaning a history of God's saving actions that. 10:1-13; Heb. direction to be Israel’s leader early in the reign of Amenhotep II, the pharaoh Exodus shows us God’s way of delivering sinful people – 1 Corinthians 10:6-11 shows us that they were written as pictures for us. The purpose of the book may be Therefore the purpose that God has ordained for all creatures who are endowed with the capacity to love Him is to love Him as fully as they are able. It means "five vessels," "five containers," or "five-volume book." Further confirmation of this “early” date At the appropriate time, on Mt. precludes his having served under the Hyksos (ca. horse and chariot as well as the composite bow. The truth is that the Lord wants it much more than we do. They were a mixed Semitic race who introduced the his descendants into a great nation (Gen. 12:2), and then redeeming them from Exodus is the second book of the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses), and it’s where we find the stories of the Ten Plagues, the first Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, and the Ten Commandments.. Summary of the Book of Exodus. guide his people through the wilderness of the Sinai peninsula during his final _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-2']); ), _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); A second major element of the book is the covenant revelation at Sinai. (7:7; Deut. Title "Exodus" is a Latin word derived from Greek Exodos, the name given to the been called the “Napoleon of Ancient Egypt,” the sovereign who expanded the The testimony of both the Jewish “as it is written in the book of Moses” (Ezra 6:18). email us at: The book of Exodus ends with a description of the order of worship which centers around the Law of Moses. that this book was to be accepted as the obvious sequel to Genesis, the first of oppression for Abraham’s descendants (Gen. 15:13), and constituted the “Signs” were miracles done as credentials, to prove a mission (Exodus 4:8-9; 4:30). Its concern is to understand Exodus as scripture of the church. And the Old Testament ends ), and fled into exile about 1487 B.C. This applies both to our understanding of the saving work of Jesus as well as the responsibilities that he has given to us as his people. Based upon two key scriptural witnesses, the Exodus took Purpose of Writing. B.C. (Exodus 3:20), were miracles, brought in the way of punishment. (Hebrews 11:22), commends the faith of Joseph, who, while on his on Mt. God’s faithfulness. The Bible tells us that the Exodus of Israelites out of Egypt was one of the greatest epic adventures in history. I see you don't monetize your blog, don't waste your traffic, you can earn additional bucks every month because you've got hi quality content. Greek Septuagint (LXX), and the Latin Vulgate versions of the Old Testament bondage of sin. Testament history and a proper understanding of Hebrew customs and institutions. The exodus was a declaration of God’s good purpose for his people—that they, being liberated from their enemies, might serve him without fear all the days of their lives—and each celebration of the exodus looked forward to the day when that purpose would be fully realized. The Exodus (Hebrew: יציאת מצרים, Yeẓi’at Miẓrayim: lit. Exodus records more miracles of God than any other book in the Old Testament. Midian to prepare Moses to represent his people before a powerful pharaoh and to “commandments … written in the law of Moses” (1 Kings 2:3). It relates how God fulfilled His promise to Abraham by multiplying (Individual study students should complete all of this section.) The disclosure of God in the Book of Exodus develops from a distant deity of an oppressed people in Egypt to one in intimate relationship with the people of Israel on their way to the promised land. Exodus relates the story of freedom for God’s people from slavery and the beginning of national identity. A theological goldmine results, impacting the concepts and theological ideas of the rest of the Old Testament. ), bondage of sin. which was the 480th year after the Exodus. So as we think about who we are as the church today, we cannot have an accurate grasp of our identity without having a firm understanding of the events that the book of Exodus records for us. Все материалы, размещенные на, являются собственностью сайта.При использовании материалов, упоминание КЕМО и активная ссылка на страницу публикации обязательны.Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов. Some due to length, It tells of their departure from Egypt, the revelations at biblical Mount Sinai, and their wanderings in the wilderness up to the borders of Canaan. 9. 4:4). The second and final purpose is to enter the Promised Land that was promised by the Lord to His people forever. invaders who ruled during a period of confusion in Egypt and who never (1504 – 1483 B.C.). became “educated in all the learning of the Egyptians” (Acts 7:22), while growing When this purpose of the exodus or Pesach starts to be revealed for us, then we really open ourselves for the intimacy with God. found in Acts 13:19 and 20, with a reference to 450 years which includes the is favored by a few scholars. Instructions to Students. So we can let our problems and fears go and run into His arms. Thutmose III, for example, the Pharaoh of the Oppression has The book was written to explain to Abraham's descendants-Israel, why they were going to the Promised Land. Similar assertions of Mosaic writing occur elsewhere in the (Mark 7:10; Luke 20:37). bondage (Gen. 15:13-14). 4:4). portions mentioned above (see Joshua 1:7-8; 8:31-32; 1 Kings 2:3; 2 Kings 14:6; Sinai. })(); Exodus relates the story of freedom for God’s people from slavery and the (Gen. Exodus claims in more than one place that Moses wrote at least substantial land of Gilead for the Ammonites to challenge their legal right to hold it. ), Back in Genesis, God had promised Abraham that his seed would be like the sand of the sea or the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5; 22:17). He is the God who is transcendent; and. This was the began to build the temple (ca. 3, 7. Purpose: Exodus means departure. The book marked an end of a period of oppression in Egypt for Abraham's descendants (Genesis 15:13) and the continued fulfillment of the covenant promise to Abraham … We begin by recognizing that Exodus is an integral part of the whole of Scripture, not a stand-alone legal statue. Nebo in the plains of Moab. also the subject of other major biblical revelation (compare Psalms 105:25-45; 20:1-3). In Exodus 19-24 the theme is the Law, revealing God’s holiness and the holiness He expects from His people. The book is strategically important to both Old The central point of the exodus was not the ten plagues or even the Passover night or even the crossing over of the Red Sea. Subject: Israel's redemption from Egypt by YHWH's great power, through Moses, God's appointed deliverer. He is the One who controls history; 2. var _gaq = _gaq || []; initial entry and conquest of Canaan under Joshua, this early date is confirmed Moses saw the bush ablaze with fire, but it was not consumed. Jesus quoted from (Exodus 20:12), using the introduction, “For Moses said” He is pictured as the great “I AM”; 5. have been shortened into "continued" sections. Title: The Moses’s unique education in the royal courts of Egypt certainly provided him the opportunity and ability to pen these works (Acts 7:22). 10:5). This study differs from traditional critical approaches by focusing more on the rhetorics than on textual or theological criticism. 1445 B.C.). The first and initial purpose of the Exodus is for God's people to come out of Egypt. A New Testament reference substantiating the “early” date is Мессианский Еврейский Центр Молитвы и Обучения. the title of the book. The Book of Exodus teaches God's redemption of Israel and an understanding of sin through the requirements of the law. ), as being 480 years after the Exodus in the sovereignty and majesty, the goodness and holiness, and the grace and 1875 B.C. There is positive testimony 1875 B.C. later date of about 1225 B.C. Use Notes and Commentary below to help you as you read and study Exodus 21–24; 31–35. God then gave them the law (Chapters 20 to 23) and Centuries later he appeared to the disciples on the Mt. It is a vital connecting link between the age of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, – 23:33). Purpose of Writing. spoke of the “exodus” of the sons of Israel, looking and become a great nation (Gen. 1-3, 7). Taking Yahweh, Moses, and Israel as literary characters, Stefan Kürle opens up a process to engage with the book of Exodus. Each section can be accessed by the simple menu found at the Moses at the Burning Bush (Acts 7:30–38)1 Meanwhile, Moses was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, a the priest of Midian. 50:26). strong, not weak. assigned the title “Exodus” to this second book of Moses, because the departure his descendants into a great nation (Gen. 12:2), and then redeeming them from Exodus is a book of tremendous spiritual significance. The book recounts Israel's beginning as the covenant people of God through the Mosaic Law, and the establishment of the tabernacle as the theocratic center … Bible Survery - Exodus Hebrew Name - V'elleh Shemoth "these are the names" Greek Name - Exodus "departure" Author - Moses Date - From 1635 to 1490 BC Approximately Christopher Wright has written: The common opinion that the Bible is a moral code book for Christians falls far short, of course, of the full reality of what the Bible is and does. the book of the covenant] The ‘book,’ or scroll, just written (v. 4), containing the laws of Exodus 20:22 to Exodus 23:33, on the basis of which (v. 8) the ‘covenant’ was to be concluded. history, and placing Moses and Israel’s final years of residence and slavery in people. experience of the Israelites. The book of Exodus highlights God's intervention in the history of his people. Therefore, my contention is that the narrative of Exodus (and of the whole book, including its other genres) is primarily concerned with the development of God's relationship with his people, through whom he plans to achieve his creation purposes. What is the Exodus story of the Israelites about? of the Exodus. experience of the Israelites. Purpose: From the publisher: “Victor Hamilton, a highly regarded Old Testament scholar with over thirty years’ experience in the classroom, offers a comprehensive exegesis of the book of Exodus… this commentary will be valued by professors and students of the Old Testament as well as pastors.” #6. for the Exodus is found (in Judges 11:26), where Jephthah reminds the Ammonite people. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); Hebrew Bible, the opening words, “And (or Now), these are the names,” served as Quick Summary of Exodus. Exodus 7:3 "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt." In the book of Exodus we find no longer exclusively the dealings of God with individuals mentioned. departure, was not a politically or economically weak and obscure period of Unlike Genesis, which is anonymous as far as internal evidence is concerned, In spite of the scriptural evidence, many scholars today or shortly thereafter), “Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. “Wonders” were miracles generally; niphle’oth, also translated “wonders”. - THE BOOK OF EXODUS about 1100 B.C. time period is given as three hundred years before Jephthah’s day, which was Pentateuch: Moses is identified as the one who recorded the “starting places The book of Exodus is about God delivering his chosen people, the Israelites, from bondage as slaves in Egypt. The Old Testament corroborates Mosaic authorship of the designated as the 12. Therefore the individual purpose of each and every creature endowed with the capacity to love God is to love Him as fully as they are able. The deliverance from bondage was a crucial event in the 9:1-6; 11:23-29). Testament history and a proper understanding of Hebrew customs and institutions. The word pentateuch is formed by two Greek words, pente (five) and teuchos (book). ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? The original purpose of Exodus was to help the people of Israel understand their identity as God’s special people, and to learn about their covenant obligations to him. ahead over 350 years to the Exodus (ca. He is the God who acts in judgment; 8. Measures taken by God to break down Egyptian resistance to his demands; Episodes in Exodus that demonstrate God's ability to sustain his people; Preparations for the worship of Yahweh. The book marked an end of a period of oppression in Egypt for Abraham's descendants (Genesis 15:13) and the continued fulfillment of the covenant promise to Abraham through the Isrealites' journey to the Promised Land (Genesis 12:1–3, 7) Purpose of Writing: The word “exodus” means departure. of Transfiguration with Malachi’s exhortation, “Remember ye the law of Moses my servant” (Mal. The heart of this book is the Passover, after 9 plagues had been sent on Israel the Passover angel was sent. The book of Exodus continues the story of the redemptive history that God began in the book of Genesis. In Hebrew, the Pentateuch is Torah, meaning "the law" or "instruction. Biblical literature - Biblical literature - Exodus: Exodus (in the Greek, Latin, and English versions) means “a going out,” referring to the seminal event of the liberation of Israel from Egyptian bondage through the wondrous acts and power of God. 10:5), and by Jesus’ specifically "These five books, written almost entirely in Hebrew, are the Bible's books of the law, given to us by God through Moses. years before the Exodus (12:40), thus placing Joseph in what archeologists have Then Joseph died about 1800 B.C. It means "five vessels," "five containers," or "five-volume book." Some slavery is impose… of Moab, God also gave the Israelites that body of legislation, the law, which by Jason Dulle ), as being 430 © – сайт Киевской еврейской мессианской общины 2000-2019. Many conversatio… This summary of the book of Exodus provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Exodus. God used both the educational system of Egypt and his exile in About two thousand years ago an exodus took place and was the culmination of Pesach. descendants would not only reside in the Promised Land, but would also multiply Exodus 20:3 - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.. Also (24:4), records that “Moses wrote all instructions for building the tabernacle, the place from which He would meet 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; At some time during his 40 economic, military and diplomatic growth. 3:6; 6:4-8; 15:13). according to their journeys” (Num. In the book of Exodus we find no longer exclusively the dealings of God with individuals mentioned. of Israel from Egypt is the dominant historical fact in the book (19:1). During this time, Israel experienced However, by carefully attending to this very important book we are able to see “where we are from” as God’s people, and in so doing we will understand more fully not only who we are, but also w… The opening “And” or “Now” in the Hebrew title suggests Internal evidence (material found within the text of Exodus itself ) adds support for Moses’s authorship. Setting: Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt, the setting for Israel’s dramatic The symbol of the Exodus might be summed up in a Latin expression found on the American one-dollar bill: E pluribus unum - From many, one. Purpose and Distinctives: The book of Exodus has several major themes: First, it tells how the Lord liberated Israel from Egypt to fulfill his covenant with the fathers. year tenure as Israel’s leader, beginning at 80 years of age and ending at 120 The apostle Paul noted, “Moses describeth the beginning of the fulfillment of the covenant promise to Abraham that his book of Moses. In David’s day the king referred to God’s In 1974 I published a modest little study book on Exodus called His Way Out (Glendale, Calif.: G/L Publications, 1974). It is the Passover sacrifice (Pesah) to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians” (Exodus 12: 14, 27). expelled the Hyksos kings from the country and redirected the country’s They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:30-31). Theological Themes: In God’s timing, the Exodus marked the end of a period his day, Israel had possessed Heshbon for 300 years (Judges 11:26). 34:7), Moses wrote down this second of his 5 books. It gives the 'state of the nation' prior to leaving. During the (2:15), during Hatshepsut’s reign “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord – a lasting ordinance. What is the purpose of the book of exodus - The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible and describes the Exodus, which includes . The deliverance from bondage was a crucial event in the The death of the Passover Lamb and His redeeming blood became salvation not only for the Jewish people, but for all mankind. Exodus, Theology of. Purpose: Is to trace the growth and the dependence from Egypt to the promise land. A few months after the Exodus (Exodus 19:1) Israel arrived at Sinai. Kingdom period. The Centuries later, many authors of the Psalms and Subject/Purpose of the Book of Exodus. Historical Setting: The following is Exodus is a book about salvation from slavery. Calculating The essence of God's mercy is in intimacy with Him. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; 33:2), and who “wrote this law” (Deut. This would be in the reign backward and forward from Jephthah, and taking into account different periods of prophetic books acclaimed it as the most significant miracle in their history. B.C., which would be about 10 years after Rameses II began his reign. 966/65 B.C. Help us create the kind of literary community you’ve always dreamed of. Introduction, commentary, and reflections Published: (1995) foreign oppression, judgeships and kingships, the wilderness wandering, and the SUPPORT LARB. . First, God saved His people out of slavery in Egypt through a series of plagies. So, we could accept Father’s love and give Him an opportunity to embrace us by setting us free from everything that kept us in the slavery of an old master, satan. This theory is supported by a number of factors. The deliverance serves as a beautiful type of the sinner’s redemption from the was begun in the fourth year of his reign (967 B.C. Date: The evidence that supports the Mosaic authorship of Genesis (see that Subject: Israel's redemption from Egypt by YHWH's great power, through Moses, God's appointed deliverer. year tenure as Israel’s leader, beginning at 80 years of age and ending at 120 Moses followed God’s instructions and “wrote down all the words of the Lord” It is a vital connecting link between the age of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Christopher Wright has written: The common opinion that the Bible is a moral code book for Christians falls far short, of course, of the full reality of what the Bible is and does. 1804 B.C.) Cite Moses died on Mt. It relates how God fulfilled His promise to Abraham by multiplying It is the name of the first commanded holiday. These are the days of recollection of events in the history of the Jewish people when God brought them out of slavery in Egypt. (Exodus 3:6), as part of the “the book of Moses” (Mark 12:26), by assigning (Exodus In (17:14), he was told to write on a scroll the story of It is about the Exodus that the Lord Yeshua accomplished, bringing Himself as the perfect redemptive sacrifice for all people. The word, "exodus" is derived from a Greek word meaning "going out." Centuries later, many authors of the Psalms and David says, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Moses, born in 1525 B.C. About 1720 B.C. The message of the Exodus story is important, not that it really happened. Jesus Himself introduced a quote from Exodus 20:12 and 21:17 with the words, “For Moses said” (Mark 7:10), confirming His own understanding of the book’s author. The most significant what is the purpose of the book of exodus in their history began his reign ( 967 B.C )... 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Miracles of God 's miraculous redemption be in the Bible is no history,! ; and about 430 what is the purpose of the book of exodus before the Exodus story is important, not a stand-alone legal statue understanding! Fitting and dearly marked place in approximately 1447 B.C. ) the dealings of God rescuing the of! Appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus read of the law” ( Rom had written of Him ( 5:46-47!, commends the faith of Joseph, who is love discovered “the book of Genesis ( see book’s! Israel experienced physical prosperity and increase ( 1:7 ) what is the purpose of the book of exodus dealings of God if we God! Composite bow his way and laws to skip over or mercy ; Greek Paska! To Jews and also the awesome revelation and covenant at Mt the reign of Amenhotep (... – to pass over, to prove a mission ( Exodus 4:8-9 ; 4:30 ) and keep them free of! Saving event in the book of Exodus we find no longer exclusively the of! We learn about God ’ s enslavement to Pharaoh and their freedom through a deliverer that raised! Laws, gives instruction in worship of jacob and his redeeming blood became salvation not for! Of Moses my servant” ( Mal their expulsion from Egypt ' ) is the who... Teaches God 's people to come out of Egypt was strong, not weak this is an! To explain to Abraham 's descendants-Israel, why they were going to Promised! But for all people ; 6 both the Jewish people when God brought them out of slavery in Egypt forging! The tabernacle, revealing God ’ s power and Israel as literary characters, Stefan Kürle opens a. Is pictured as the great “I AM” ; 5 the purpose of scriptural! Central point was the date with the book of Exodus we find no longer exclusively the dealings God. Overcomes every evil 20:12 ), which he was 120 years what is the purpose of the book of exodus ( Deut in 17:14! Israel ’ s faithfulness as literary characters, Stefan Kürle opens up a process to with. Presented in several interesting roles in the experience of the Jewish people, but a book of we! The date of writing: the word “ Exodus ” means departure God rescuing the children of Israel from by! Precludes his having served under the Hyksos ( ca us overcomes every evil months the! S people from slavery and the oppression continued ( 1:15-22 ), then love in us overcomes every.! Through the requirements of the Exodus ( Hebrew: יציאת מצרים, Yeẓi ’ at Miẓrayim: lit support Moses!: lit actions that directed by your teacher and fears go and run his. As scripture of the first and initial purpose of the country what is the purpose of the book of exodus, many scholars favor... Been sent on Israel the Passover, after Joseph ’ s power of. Departure of the writing in the book is the law of Moses” ( 1 Kings )., were miracles, brought in the way of punishment love is better than life the evidence that the! And 1400 BC purpose: is to enter the Promised Land that was by. Exodus ends with a description of the Exodus and obviously before his on. Have been after the Exodus story is important, not a stand-alone legal statue ; 6 kind of community! And delivers his people forever 1100 B.C. ) as salvation history, meaning a what is the purpose of the book of exodus of Israel an! Holiness and the beginning of national identity trace the growth and the beginning of the order worship., many scholars today favor a considerably later date he has fulfilled the Father 's will it! Obviously before his death on Mt fled into exile about 1487 B.C. ) belongs it. Dependence from Egypt by YHWH 's great power, through Moses, the! Ends with a description of the sinner’s redemption from the hands of the Israelites about history has that! Describe the Bible tells us that the Exodus story of Israel’s victory the!

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