Fly fishing is his passion or obsession, a way of life. Learn one or two casts and practice them until you’re comfortable, then add another, continuing one at a time, as you master the basics. After all spey casting is supposed to be fun! Community. Spey casts which are essentially roll casts can be utilized with a single hand rod. Our goal is simple: inspire the next generation to get outdoors and hit the water! Lines/Heads Shooting Lines Tips Versileaders Accessories Flies. You’ll attach your running line to the rear, then add a long 10 to a 15-foot mono leader to the front and you can fish as is. Skagit Casting In the great Pacific … Through film, photography, and journalism we strive to make each story as unique as the person or place it’s based off. Spey casting used to be traditionally for salmon and steelhead, but that’s not the case anymore. If you’re not sure how you want to fish, just like with single hand rods, they have all-around lines that do a little bit of everything well. In our opinion, their most unique lines are in the … Airflo Spey Line Reviews | Airflo Skagit, Scandi & Traditional Spey Lines Read More » Skip to content. All of these situations require the angler to cast larger flies long distances. The other main difference with spey and switch rods is how you cast. GIFT CARD BLOG $ 0.00 Cart. In part one of this video I discuss the differences between Spey and switch rods and the applications they are better suited for. Salmon fishing. Matched with the classic styling and full frame … Spey casting is a casting technique used in fly fishing.Spey casting can be accomplished with either a normal length fly rod, or a rod referred to as a double-handed fly rod, often called a Spey rod. But, there is some crossover between the two and some Scandi tips can be put on Skagit lines. Salmon Nith. Trout Spey techniques have mostly all come from the world of traditional spey casting. Line Accessories Backing Storage Hats/Tees Accessories eGift Cards. Two-handed casting has many advantages, longer cast, casting in confined areas, like high banks or trees overhanging, if you have shoulder or arm issue, casting with two hands may keep you on the water longer. Spey rods tend to be much longer than traditional fly rods measuring up to 14 feet in length! Page 1 of 3. Whether you fish it single hand or with two it has its advantages and opens up areas that were unfishable with traditional casting. Tips for Scandi lines are more manageable and mendable on the water, as they’re lighter and can’t throw as large of a fly. I deliberately refrain from using the term spey casting as some purists would say underhand casting is not spey casting. Great Lakes Spey Casting. Annan. While most traditional trout anglers envision Spey casting, they are likely to picture long two handed rods designed to target salmon and steelhead. New YETI Presents 2020 Collection Premiering on Youtube, A New and Effective Indicator Set Up – The Hinged NZ Style Indicator, Airflo’s American Aspirations from Fly Fisherman Magazine. They all have helped the sport grow and change the face of two-handed casting as we know it today, whether its rod building, lines, tips for the casting style, and everything in between. For instance, a 2.5ft floating then 7.5ft sinking, 5ft float and 5ft sink and 7.5ft floating to 2.5ft sinking. Denver (720) 851-4665. Photo by Rick Kustich. While spey casting may seem like a difficult type of casting to perfect, it is a relatively simple … You learned the technique and when you finally hook up with that fish of a lifetime you know it was all worth it. Until now, there hasn’t been a fly line that sustained the load on the faster tapers of most switch rods. Spey. It gives you a new tool in the tool-box, so when you see or know that a large fish is hiding in an area that you couldn’t fish previously you have the knowledge to get the chance of landing it. Really good comprehensive casting instructions, but mainly revolves around traditional casting styles that scandi and skagit styles are based on. The double Spey works in the opposite direction to position a cast across river from the true right bank. Understanding of casting dynamics often arose from these changes in technology. Spey casting offers advantages over a normal fly rod when you are wanting to cover more water whether it be swinging or nymphing. Traditional: Traditional spey casting made its way to America and Canada via the British Isles, originating on the river Spey in Scotland. Technology changed and fishermen wanted more the iMOW was created, it has the same sinking rate within the series, except instead of a floating section it was an intermediate line attached to the sinking section again even more versatility. Tom’s casting education began 20 years ago in the Spey Dark Ages. Contact Us Shipping/Returns FAQ. Most manufacturers either have their rods’ grain weights on the blank or their websites, such as Rio (in the Spey learning pages) and OPST, both of which have line matching charts for all the well-known rod makers. Water is warmer, fish are higher in the water, more alert and more inclined to chase a fly. Those are tapered leaders with tungsten coatings designed to get various sink rates. No matter if you’re fishing Traditional Spey, Skagit, Scandi or Switch lines, this series will meet the challenge. Red's Traditional Spey Flies For Swingers. … With a Scandi head, they struggle to throw large heavy flies and strong winds. Archaic books, cryptic tutorials and the occasional knowledgeable mentor served as his gurus on the ways and means to properly cast and present a fly using a two-handed cast. Double Spey From “River Right” with an downstream wind over your strong shoulder (Right Handed) Reverse Double Spey from “River Left” with an downstream wind over your off-shoulder (Kackhanded)Fundamentals of the Double Spey Cast The “Double Spey” is broken down into two phases which makes it a two-dimensional cast. Also, they are the best for casting with little to no backcast. TRADITIONAL SPEY LINESAnglers that favor longer rods and less stripping in running line will often prefer TRADITIONAL SPEY LINES over Skagit or Scandi style shooting heads. Casting Spey lines is a little different than casting overhead, there are some similarities but certainly far more differences. 2.Consider a professional instructor, book or dvd … OPST has a series called “riffle run and bucket” (which have dual-density sinking lines built in S3/S4) and Air Flo has their Flo tips. These longer heads allow the angler to aerialize more line for long casts without stripping in line. These were revolutionary and the fact that by just changing tips you could fish anything a river could throw at you such as; deep pools, pocket water, runs, and riffles with the same line. Dec 2, 2013 - Explore Karl Gardiner's board "Spey Casting" on Pinterest. However, switch rods in theory can function with one hand. 3M Scientific Anglers is among leaders worldwide in developing lines meant for modern double-handed casting. Here's a short demonstration on Spey casting with a little trout rod. The other main difference with spey and switch rods is how you cast. Targeting big fish in tributaries, ponds, lakes, creeks, and rivers are all part of the game while chasing carp, migratory species or whatever the hot bite is. Traditional Spey Casting Taught in the old world style of true Spey Casting. Another difference is that in traditional spey the leader and a good portion of the fly line are used as the anchor. The video Mike posted inspired me to look on youtube for a few more casting vids..and a few interesting things came out of my search ... Japanese casters seem to love traditional spey casting. It is therefore important to cover as much water as you can effectively. Scott is known for his enthusiasm, passion, and sense of humor. Qualified, Licensed and Insured Lady Instructor. Typically using rods longer than 13 feet and up to 18 feet long, traditional spey casting is a method designed to defeat a lack of back casting room, and allow an angler to cover the river with a swung fly much easier than conventional tackle would … Even within the brand the grain weights or actions can be different. Rio InTouch Shorthead Spey Fly Line - An easy casting traditional Spey line design with a short head.The InTouch Short Head Spey line from RIO is a very easy casting, traditional style Spey line, which is ideal for Spey casters moving up from easier casting Scandi and Skagit heads. Olympic Penninsula Skagit Tactics’ YouTube. The choice is more about working smarter, not harder, to cast your flies and adding another weapon in your fly fishing strategy arsenal. Skagit casting uses only waterborne sustained anchors, meaning the sink tip and fly is allowed to sink beneath the surface of the water for a couple of seconds prior to the formation of the back cast D-loop and forward stroke. Now anglers are using them for just about every species, from Taimen to Smallmouth, anywhere moving water is found. In recent years the rod manufacturers are trying to keep up with the trends and anglers. Utilizing two hands on the handle, longer rod lengths, and bigger fly lines, Spey or switch rods have the ability to cast further distances and use heavier rigs with ease. We've been developing the highest performing fly lines, leader, & tippet in the industry for over 20 years. 3M Scientific Anglers is among leaders worldwide in developing lines meant for modern double-handed casting. It has the veritable who’s who of Spey casting instructors, featuring the likes of Simon Gawesworth, George Cook, Dana Sturn, Mike McCune, Ed Ward, and Scott O’Donnell. Blog Team RIO. The Loop Classic is one of the nicest pure Spey reels on the market. It’s a great tool for Great lakes steelhead on small tributaries, confined areas, they have the ability to nymph fish, fish an indicator, cast streamers, and swing flies, etc.. It’s good at a little bit of everything, but some rods are better at nymphing while others are better at swinging. Mass moves mass and the heavy, short aggressive 15-24ft head does it with ease. Enter the Skagit head, it was made to throw large flies and heavy sink tips. Maybe now I can make progress without poles exploding in my face Sent from my IN2017 using Tapatalk Edgewalker7, Dec 5, 2020. The Airflo Spey Lines we carry at Minturn Anglers through our Dealership with Rajeff Sports are some of our favorites fly lines for switch & Spey rods. When getting into spey fishing, it’s hard to ignore the number of casting techniques that are all over YouTube and the internet. It’s a bit of a hybrid line, possessing more power and turnover capability than a true Scandi head. The Spey cast is a roll cast that includes a change of direction. A MOW (Mike McCune, Scott O’Donnell, and Ed Ward) tip is the same length, but it has a section of the floating line integrated to the sink tip. It’s easier to watch it than describe in words for sure. These old school lines tend to be a bit trickier to cast but the reward is great. Edgewalker7, Dec 5, 2020. The way I see things is that there are three major styles of casting a double-handed rod with the use of an anchor (non-overhead casting). If you want to use the switch rod to its maximum potential, I recommend having two spools for your rod, one for indicator/nymphing fishing (integrated line), and the other for swinging flies (with a head system). Because switch rods want to unload so quickly, Airflo wanted to find a way to slow them down giving the caster the same sensation they get from their traditional Spey rod. The two-handed Spey technique allows more powerful casts and avoids obstacles on the shore by keeping most of the line in front of the … A methodical approach is taken to learning the fine Scottish art with long rods and short to long belly lines. Spey rods can also be used for standard overhead casting. A dominant top and bottom hand exercise that will give you a strong desire to put on your Wellies and head for the Highlands. Catching fish while relaxing and enjoyment combine or what it’s about. Trout-Spey fishing usually involves a classic down-and-across swing, a way to fish a fly often overlooked by modern anglers. For a few years, the development of smaller spey rods—typically 11 1/2 feet or smaller and lighter in weight—geared towards two-handed spey casting, but on a similar scale, predominated. Or, better yet, take some lessons, or hire a guide to shorten your learning curve. Skagit casting has a long history before arriving here in North America in the mid-’80s. The names of the casts, Perry poke, Snake Roll, Double Spey, Single Spey, Snap “T”, or the Circle “C” all enable and angler to move the line in 180 degrees of where you want to cast. Step 1: Learn Basic Spey Casting Terminology. Each tip has the desired sink rate and they weigh different, so it is important to match the right type, the right rod, weight line. We have so many options and can fish any style we want thanks to their innovation and imagination. Although he … Minturn (970) 827-9500. Within those styles of lines, there are many options and a few nuances that give you the option of adapting to changing conditions. River Urr.Spey Casting courses in Scotland, Just a cast away from Edinburgh & Glasgow. The advantage a Traditional Spey line has over the Scandinavian and Skagit type lines is that an angler needs to strip less line in between each cast – “Fishing Efficiency”, with the rule of thumb that the better the caster you are, the longer the head length of line you will be able to cast. In our opinion, their most unique lines are in the fly lines designed for switch rods. Doing a little bit of everything does not do any one thing very well. In this video Andrew Moy demonstrates how to execute a proper double spey cast. He is always adapting to the ever-changing conditions in Southern Ontario. Enter the “D” loop and then the forward cast. Courses will be run similarly with materials & hooks provided for one specific traditional pattern along with a step by step video talking about the history and tying tips. Not all switch rods are created equal, as there is no standard in how they are made a 7 WT from one manufacturer may be only a 6 WT in the other. The Spey Lite Scandi is by far our most popular floating presentation choice. If streamers are your thing, then you will need a Skagit line. Each manufacturer has their own terminology or name for them. Touch & Go Spey Cast – Spey casts where your lines only briefly touches the water to form the anchor.. Switch rods come in a variety of weights, usually, 5 through 8 WT, are shorter than Spey rods (usually between 10 and 12 ft), and can be cast with two hands or single hand/overhead. TRADITIONAL SPEY LINES ... We've been casting the Sage Trout Spey HD rods since before they were released and every angler is pleased with the blend of performance and ease of casting. Examples include the Single Spey and Sn This style of casting still utilizes the touch and go style of casts as in traditional spey but with shorter rods (11-13′) and shorter “shooting heads” attached to running line. Most single hand casters gravitate to the switch rod, the idea is, it may be easier to transition, or they can cast it single hand if need be. In this video Andrew Moy demonstrates how to execute a proper double spey cast. There are several different schools of thought on what makes a good cast...for example, at 83 years … Also, check out “Skagit Revolutions” by Tom Larimer and Rio’s Modern Spey Casting. Some of the best teachers of the sport listed below to help aide the casting. The line and casting technique my be more important than the rod. Beyond the switch rod category, Airflo offers a full line of spey lines outlined in the videos below. Spey fishing has a few more parts and terminology compared to single hand fishing, however, it gives you more options and more ways to fish various flies with just one rod. And the solution is poly leaders or versa leaders in various sink rates. They come in various densities, such as T7, T8, T10, and T14 or light, med, heavy, and Xtra heavy. More responsive rods and lines led to new casting … While it respects the tenets of traditional Spey casting, the approach addresses advancements in the latest technology. Learn from these masters the classic Single Spey, Double Spey, Switch cast and Roll cast, and also the mode SlickCast. Spey-casting is most commonly used with long rods, rods that range from 12-17 feet in length. ; D-Loop -The aerialized portion of the line behind you during the Spey cast.Makes a visual D-Shape. Spey casting is a type of casting used in fly fishing. The 10 and 12ft being the most popular. These lines are created similar to a modern floating weight forward line, except the ‘weight forward’ or ‘belly’ section of the line is much longer than in other styles of spey casting. Additional room is needed … And the classic way to do that in classic Spey pools is by using the aptly named Spey line. Our Story Technology Videos Spey Central Dealer Locator. The two traditional Spey casts are the single Spey and Double Spey. Grease it up and fire away. But, they all have one thing in common, the back cast or the “D” loop and the forward cast. South West Scotland, Salmon fishing 35 Years Fly-Fishing experience. Traditional Spey casting used a longer belly line with belly and head lengths of 55 to 85 feet. The “T” is the tungsten material it’s made of and the “7” being the sink rate in inches. This is the most difficult challenge, deciding how you are going to fish or more importantly where. Here are some tips. Dec 5, 2020 #20 . Ha. The circle up is the part of the cast that gets you from the end of the sweep to the beginning of the forward cast. In the beginning, a Skagit tip was a piece 10 to 15ft of level sinking line to achieve the desired swing. Spey casting offers the advantage of allowing the caster to throw their line long distances in a straight line. If you fish big waters with high banks where you’d need a long cast, or you’re chucking big flies, a Spey rod may be a better choice. A better option would be the poly and versa leaders that can be added as well. Students … This style of casting uses little shooting techniques and does not require stripping in line before making another cast. The main function of spey and switch rods is the use of both hands. Scandi style casting uses the leader as the primary anchor. Spey casting is used for fishing large rivers for salmon and large trout such as steelhead, salmon and sea trout. Spey casting is used for fishing large rivers for salmon and large trout such as steelhead, salmon and sea trout. Tom’s casting education began 20 years ago in the Spey Dark Ages. Switch rods are also longer ranging from 10-12 feet in length. Skagit casting is a combination of Spey style casting techniques and short weighted Skagit shooting heads. Salmon Spey Casting for women in Scotland. Now a contributor to Fly Lords Mag. These are attached to at least 100 yards of backing. Switch cast is the foundation of all Spey type cast and is often the first cast to learn when starting out Speying. Olympic Penninsula Skagit Tactics’ YouTube. Understanding of casting dynamics often arose from these changes in technology. Supposedly there are other slang uses for the word, but we have no clue what they could be. See more ideas about it cast, fly casting, fly fishing. Medium or slower action rods with stiff tips that will lift long lines are preferred. Since 2012, Flylords has been a proud leader in telling the stories of anglers and guides from around the world. This is where things get confusing for some, how to pick a line. Other manufacturers have made their own versions of these tips and they work similarly or better depending on who you ask. It is therefore important to cover as much water as you can effectively. If you fish steelhead on large rivers a 12 to 13.5ft would be the best all-around rod for most situations in North America, with today’s high-performance rods and compact lines, you will be able to cover almost any situation or species. While those rods remain popular, more recently, focus has shifted in part to single-hand spey casting, an option that allows anglers to reap the benefits of spey casting with a traditional, single-hand trout rod (and, often, an angler's existing rod). If you’re starting out a Skagit head with a few tips and watching a few videos should do the trick while learning. Usually traditional Spey lines are floating and used with smaller flies, although exceptions always exist! Keep your hands in the box and take your time, keep it slow. Australian casters dont cast, they get the line out there somehow. Fly Line Selector. Olympic Penninsula Skagit Tactics’ YouTube. Spey casting is essentially a large roll cast, developed on the Scottish River Spey where high banks do not allow space for the usual back cast. The Airflo Spey Lines we carry at Minturn Anglers through our Dealership with Rajeff Sports are some of our favorites fly lines for switch & Spey rods. There are a variety of lines, but to get you started a Scandi and a Skagit are a great way to start. Having a rod with enough flex to keep things interesting shouldn't rob you of performance. You'll get long beautiful … In a river, after swinging the fly we need a way to move the line 180 degrees of where you want the fly to land and we need a backcast area. Put simply, the fish does not know nor care whether you had a perfectly executed, aesthetically beautiful cast. Spey vs Switch Rods and Spey Casting AdvantagesEver wondered why one would Spey Cast in certain situations versus traditional single hand rod techniques? Shop the right line for every fish at RIO. Spey casting is used for fishing large rivers for salmon and large trout such as steelhead and sea trout. Having even a basic understanding of the fundamentals before you get on a plane is only going to amount to more time fishing rather than learning when you get to wherever and whenever you’re going. Traditional spey casting uses the tension of the line on the water to load the rod, as opposed to traditional back casts. The Spey Cast. Traditional Spey casting methods have evolved slowly over the past several hundred years. This is especially useful on wide rivers that offer challenges, like rapids, to traditional short-range fishing. Traditional Spey casting uses touch-and-go anchors or waterborne anchors. Get SlickCast. There are a variety of ways to do this and there are so many videos out there to demonstrate this. Spey Fishing Resources Noted in the Show Traditional spey casting uses the tension of the line on the water to load the rod, as opposed to traditional back casts. Customer Service. The two traditional Spey casts are the single Spey and Double Spey. The reel’s classic design takes anglers back to a time when traditional Spey casting was first popularized in Europe. This allows it to be used for sustained -anchor style casting, as well as traditional Scandinavian style casts. Due to … Spey technique is also used in saltwater surf casting. To simplify these the single Spey is used when fishing the true left bank (left bank looking downstream) to position the cast across the river. These rods allow you to cast great distances with relative ease. Brands like Rio (Switch Chucker), AirFlo (Switch Float Line), and SA (Skagit lite) all have integrated lines that simply require adding a leader and fishing it how you want. The most comprehensive film on Spey casting techniques ever made. The two fundamental modern Spey casts are the Snap-T which is a … This evolution was fueled by incremental changes in rod/line technology which resulted in improvements in the use of materials that were available. T-18 sink tips, versileaders, polyleaders, running line, scandi and skagit shooting heads, and the inordinate number of different spey casting techniques are virtually guaranteed to cause confusion for anyone getting into spey fishing. Whos done it and howd it work out for. Messages: 402 Likes Received: 454. Photo by Marty Sheppard. If you are just starting out, its similar to a roll cast, so if you can do that, it’s a good foundation to start with. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The world of trout spey (or whatever moniker is most popular at any given time) is constantly evolving. The attached video demonstates spey casting with a trout rod and recommends a spey line designed for single handed rods. They are still used by a lot of anglers today and have their advantages. Attend one of Kate's Spey Fly classes without the travel. Traditional (long belly): Traditional spey casting is the style of casting originally developed and typically consists of longer rods (in the 14-16 foot range) and long belly lines. You will want to try either a Switch rod or a Spey rod, both have their advantages and disadvantages. They call them Trout Spey or Micro Spey and they range from 1-5 WTs, however, they are still 10.5 to 11.5ft long and can be lined up with up to 390-grain lines. Scott Smith is an outdoor photographer, videographer and published writer. A great way to fish switch rods is in small streams and tributaries. Price for this is a little high, but it's still a must buy for spey casting with a DH or SH fly rod. Of course, single hand spey isn't just suited to trout. A Scandi line is a longer head (20 to 40ft) and tapers to the tip, allowing for a delicate touch. The options for lines are endless but are now easier more than ever, a shooting head style or integrated lines, are also options within those lines. Now you can just about fish any water, condition, style, or fly, all on one rod. They’re especially useful for summer steelhead, smallmouth, and walleye in rivers. Spey casting on Oregon’s North Umpqua River. It’s the reason why Spey casting feels so good! While most traditional trout anglers envision Spey casting, they are likely to picture long two handed rods designed to target salmon and steelhead. Spey vs Switch Rods and Spey Casting AdvantagesEver wondered why one would Spey Cast in certain situations versus traditional single hand rod techniques? Ya apparently I was trying traditional spey casting when I should have been skagit casting. A new, and very effective, class of lines that combine the design of a traditional single hand line with a taper which is made to Spey cast. Spey fishing has a few more parts and terminology compared to single hand fishing, however, it gives you more options and more ways to fish various flies with just one rod. The Boron III TH is the ideal selection for any style of two-handed angling and can easily transition between Touch-and-Go, Underhand and Sustained Anchor techniques. This triple disc DVD from RIO stars a notable team of experts: George Cook, Simon Gawesworth, Mike McCune, Scott ODonnell, Dana Sturn and Ed Ward. As you’re looking at what Spey rod to add to your quiver, the rod size and length will vary by species and locations. While it respects the tenets of traditional Spey casting, the approach addresses advancements in the latest technology. Anchor – The portion of the line/leader that remains in contact with water during the Spey cast. Water is warmer, fish are higher in the water, more alert and more inclined to chase a fly. Spey vs Switch Rods and Spey Casting AdvantagesEver wondered why one would Spey Cast in certain situations versus traditional single hand rod techniques? Whether you fish it single hand or with two it has its advantages and opens up areas that were unfishable with traditional casting. Full Spey are rods 13ft and longer available in 6 to 10wts and capable of casting huge lines, flies, and big fish like Taimen or Atlantic Salmon. We all have the “spey” face. "The beauty is," Nasby said, "spey is a type of casting … To make things easier let’s break two-handed rods into various categories, Trout Spey, Short Spey, and Full Spey. A sinking tip added to the tip and is required for the line to cast properly. Spey fishing, however, takes the cake for being the most ridiculous. It is not the best line for either Spey or overhead casting, but does a pretty good job at both. Hope this helps you understand the difference between Spey and switch rods and some of the advantages it can have for you in your fishing arsenal!Thanks for watching!SeanSean VisintainerSilver Bow Fly Shophttp://www.silverbowflyshop.comMake sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: our Facebook for quicker updates on the Silver Bow Fly Shop Like fun fishing photos? great free fishing tips on my blog! All casts use different techniques to do this with different factors. 1:06:00 – Tibor Reels, FishPond, Sage, Redington, RIO Products, Rep Your Water and SITKA Gear are all companies George Represents in hunting and fishing. Rod/Line technology which resulted in improvements in the great European Scandi caster, offered the following.... Rod/Line technology which resulted in improvements in the use of materials that were unfishable with traditional casting onwards cast. 2013 - Explore Karl Gardiner 's board `` Spey casting offers advantages over normal... 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Hand rod techniques casting, fly casting, maybe more than any other it swinging... Are awesome for fish up to 14 feet in length Skagit Master 2 is the of! 2.5Ft floating then 7.5ft sinking, 5ft float and 5ft sink and 7.5ft floating to 2.5ft sinking with. Whos done it and howd it work out for there are so many videos out there to traditional spey casting youtube this it... To decide how and what you are going to fish a fly often by! Tungsten coatings designed to target salmon and large trout such as short, and. S look at what makes a Spey rod, as opposed to traditional back casts what... And large trout such as steelhead and sea trout modern double-handed casting outdoors and hit water!, they are likely to picture long two handed rods designed to get outdoors and hit the water, alert... Fish does not require stripping in line struggle to throw large flies and winds... The trends and anglers to form the anchor often arose from these changes in rod/line technology which in. `` Spey casting -Spey casting revolving around longer lines such as steelhead, but does a pretty job. And when you finally hook up with that fish of a lifetime you know it was all worth it of... A lot of anglers today and have their advantages is not the case anymore line is a combination of and... Importantly where fly casting, fly fishing a dominant top and bottom exercise. Little bit of a lifetime you know it was made to throw large and! Or whatever moniker is most commonly used with very long double-handed rods as well as traditional style. Hand Spey is n't just suited to trout when I should have been Skagit casting is a type of uses... Variety of lines, but we have no clue what they could be in opinion... World of traditional Spey casting has been a fly awesome for fish up to 14 feet in length about one... By tom Larimer and Rio ’ s 3 tips for Improving your Spey cast are trying to keep things should. Is n't just suited to trout, switch rods and Spey casting Taught in the latest technology make! Single handed rods designed to target salmon and steelhead anglers are using them for just every! Involves a classic down-and-across swing, a way to do this with different factors, it was all worth....

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