We can also use the past continuous to refer to the present or future in hypotheses (when we imagine something). The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present participle (-ing word). He was going to pack a ham sandwich for lunch but he decided to make a peanut butter and jelly instead. To refer to things that happened before, we use the past perfect tense. What were you doing when the alarm went off last night? ⬤ Example sentences about past continuous tense. MultipleSelection_MTY2NDE= Past continuous and past simple. 3. Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Formula: Subject 4 + was /were + 1st form of verb + ing + object. Examples of this use include: Past continuous tense can be used to show that two actions were going on at the same time in the past. The following are basic examples of the past continuous tense. The emphasis is on ‘I’. For making positive statements in the past continuous tense, notice how we use: 1. For an action that was happening at a specific time Ex: At 6:00 p.m. last night, we were working in the backyard. We were shopping in this market last week. 3. • Rina was giving me some food. It refers to things that occurred before the point in time you are describing. 10 examples of past continuous tense. When we write sentences in simple past we follow this formula : (Subject + was / were + ‘ing’ form of the verb + object). GapFillTyping_MTYzMzI= Level: intermediate. I was singing different kinds of songs, especially modern. Interrupted or Continuous Action in the Past. For example if a person says,” Mark was working in the office”. I was not watching the cricket match on television. The lyricist was writing a realistic song for the program. Definition of Past Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense is used when the action was continued for some time in the past. A man __________ (stand) near to her. )and he may or may not be still working in the office. ; They were listening to the radio when it broke. It is formed like this: Subject + was/were + continuous form of the verb ending in -ing, One example of this tense is: I was watching television when she called me last night. To make questions in the Past Continuous, put ‘was’/’were‘ before the subject and add the ‘-ing’ form of the verb: What were you doing when you broke your leg? An example of this combination is: While we were sitting at the stadium, the rain began. She was drinking coffee in that coffee shop. Neither of these actions are happening in the present. Past Continuous Tense represents an on-going action of the past. ; I wasn’t studying when the lights went off. ; Yes/No questions. For example, the verb "talk" becomes "talked" in the simple past tense. You can see a few sentences here to learn past continuous tense. I was wondering if you could walk the dog for me this evening. I was going to spend the afternoon at the mall but decided to stay home instead. They were abusing us. Past Continuous Tense | Affirmative Sentences • I was watching the bird. I was shopping at the Dhaka International Trade Fair with my elder brother. ‘was’ for the subjects ‘I’, ‘He’ and ‘She’ and ‘were’ for the subjects ‘You’, ‘We’ and ‘They’ 2. Past Continuous Tense Paragraph Exercises. To form past continuous passive we use was / were + being + verb3 (past participle)... See details, example sentences and free exercises online ; He was playing soccer with his friends when his mom called him to go home. The action is not happening now and was a temporary habit. If you practice all these sentences, you will be able to learn this tense easily. The past continuous is formed using was/were + present participle. to describe a continuous action that was already in progress (using past continuous) and was interrupted by a shorter action (using past simple ): "I was going downstairs when I heard the doorbell." My husband was always talking about friends from school. I prefer my coffee black. Past continuous. We were wondering if she was able to meet us at noon. Examples of this use include: Past continuous can be used with the words always, constantly and forever. He was waiting at home all day when she sent him the message. Past continuous. 2. Past continuous tense can also be used when describing the background of a story written in the past tense. He was practicing to sing the song for the program. 1. Write various examples on the board of sentences combining the past simple and past continuous to illustrate the idea of an interrupted past. Essential Basic English Lessons. The past perfect, or pluperfect, tense is used to talk about events that occurred in the past in relation to other events. Dan was going to accept the job offer in New York but changed his mind later. They had been playing football in that field before it started to rain. Were you enjoying the concert of realistic songs? Here are Example Sentences with Past Continuous tense Positive, Negative and Question Forms; You were watching television last night. I was forever worrying if I would make the team. They were not shouting. I was working when John showed up. They were studying math yesterday. This means that I started studying before 8 p.m. and I continued after 8 p.m. What were you doing at 8 p.m. last night? Past Continuous Tense refers to two actions that were happening at the same time in the past. What is Past Perfect Continuous Tense, rules and Examples: Past perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in the past and till continued in the past. He was not reading the book. For example, "I was walking through the park when I met David." He __________ (chew) gum. 24 Past Continuous Tense Example Sentences; 20 Connectors and Example Sentences; 850 Opposite Words List in English; A little, Little, A few, Few, 15 Example Sentences and Definition +70 Irregular Plurals Nouns in English; Verb + Preposition List in English, In From On Past Continuous Tense Examples, Exercises Worksheets with Answers PDF. At 5:30 last night, we were driving home. Point out that the past continuous focuses on a specific moment in the past. Both are formed by subtracting the infinitive ending (-ar, -er or -ir), and replacing it with another. When the doorbell rang, they were watching TV. Example: He was playing football. They were taking bath together. The train was on its way to the destination in the morning. Use Past Continuous when an action was happening in the past and got interrupted, usually we use it in combination with Simple Past.. Past perfect continuous tense is made by the use of ‘had’ as in the past perfect followed by ‘been’ and V1(+ing) form of the verb. Past continuous and hypotheses. I was wondering if you could open the door. The past continuous tense is "was watching." He had been reading different kinds of books since morning. by Ambro | FreeDigitalPhotos.net • She was doing her homework. You can also use this tense to make a question. ; I wasn’t studying when the lights went off. Examples of this use include: Past continuous tense can be used when describing an unfinished action that was interrupted by another action. I was working when John showed up. Fill in the correct form of the verb in Past Progressive (Continuous) or Past Simple as in the examples. My guests arrived while I was cooking. I was writing articles on different topics. Examples of this use include: Past continuous tense can be used with the word "wonder." My mother lets me go out with my friends. Questions in Past Continuous. When the lights went out he was sitting on an armchair. 1. This tense describes actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past. Past Continuous Tense takes was/ were as it’s helping verbs. Marc was making pizza while Anthony was watching him. Grandma was constantly singing songs when she made us breakfast. In this combination, the simple past tense interrupted the past progressive tense action. or. Simple Past: I went to the store yesterday. Question: Were you studyingwhen she called? Past Perfect: I had goneto the post office befo… Past continuous. She was playing the piano while Ann was singing on stage. The Simple past tense is also know as past indefinite tense and it talks about … MultipleSelection_MTY2NDE= Past continuous and past simple. The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. 3. 1. https://careersplay.com/what-is-past-continuous-tense-with-examples I found it to be quite rude. While we were playing tennis, it started to rain. I was making dinner when he arrived at my house this evening. So when we describe an action which was occurred in the past and continued for a short period of time then it’s called Past Continuous Tense. When using it this way, it is used to talk about things that happened repeatedly but occurred in the past. Before talking about the differences between the simple past and past continuous, let's review their verb conjugations. I was not walking alone. Examples of Past Continuous Tense. He was not sleeping. When the doorbell rang, they were watching TV. The adjective in this sentence is ‘rude’ and it goes with the auxiliary verb ‘be’. Simple Present Tense 1. I was weeping for my friend. An easy explanation for the past perfect is something happened before. How to Effectively Teach the Past Continuous to EFL and ESL Students. 10 examples of past continuous tense. "When I heard the doorbell, I was going downstairs." This kind of actions happens in the past time and thus expressed by past continuous tense. The past tense refers to an event or an action that has happened in the past. It uses was/were and "ing" is added with the verb. These actions are usually no longer happening at the time the sentence is being said or written. They were playing football in that field. If you practice all these sentences, you will be able to learn this tense easily. The past continuous shows us that the action was already in progress at a certain time in the past. The past continuous tense is "were sitting" and the past simple is "began.". ; They were listening to the radio when it broke. The structure of past continuous tense in other section like an affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence I was going to the Pub. It was raining yesterday. The past continuous usually has a continuous form in the past. All Rights Reserved. You can see a few sentences here to learn past continuous tense. The examples for the past continuous are similar to the past simple combinations, with the key difference being that many of these focus more on the process than a complete past action. He was reading various kinds of books. I was writing articles on different topics. If two works continued in the past at the same time then these two works there will be past continuous tense. This pairing shows that something happened in the middle of something else happening. I was having a great conversation with him when his ex-girlfriend interrupted it. My guests arrived while I was cooking. (The text in bold is the past continuous tense.) Examples: I was not expecting such a foolish behavior from him. The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that began in the past and often continued for a short period of time after the action started. Past continuous ( I was working ) - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Past Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense usually placed when the action was continued in the past for some time. Alan was cutting the grass the other day when the snake appeared. I was listening to my music, so I didn't hear the phone ring. We always use ‘be’ with adjectives. When using it this way, it is used as a request. Formula for affirmative sentences. … You were not driving carefully. (do) Subject + had + been + present participle + time reference. The verb tense in each sentence is underlined. Examples of this use include: The past continuous tense is important since it is used when mentioning actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past and which are generally no longer are happening now. When we got to the house yesterday morning, the baby was drinking a bottle. They saw a starfish while they were walkingon the beach. When we write in the past tense, the simple past tense is the moment in time we are describing. It uses was/were and "ing" is added with the verb. Past Continuous Tense is used: The Past Continuous Tense is used to express an action that was happening in the Past at the time of speaking. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. ; He was playing soccer with his friends when his mom called him to go home. The request is not happening now and was made in the past. Examples of this use include: Past continuous can also be used to express a change of mind or thought that happened in the past. Note that each te… (do / occur) What _____the manager _____ at 7:00 pm yesterday? I was listening to melodious songs last evening. Types of past tense are as below: -Simple Past Tense -Past Continuous Tense -Past Perfect Tense -Past Perfect Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense. The past Continuous or past progressive tense talks about any continuous action that happened in the past. Examples of Modal Auxiliaries for Expectation, Examples of Modal Auxiliaries for Probability, Linking Verbs: Definition, Examples and Lists, Parallel Structure: Definition & Examples, Embedded Questions: Definition & Examples, Subjunctive: Structures, Usage & Examples, Correct Use of "Sequence of Tense" in Writing, Dangling Modifiers: Definition & Examples. What was she actually saying? She was wondering if you could babysit after school today. Examples. Were you calling me when I emailed you this afternoon? Definition of Past Continuous Tense. I was studying. Affirmative Sentences. 4. Notice the use of tenses: ... Past Continuous Worksheets. I was not sleeping when you got home late last night. Past Continuous Tense | Affirmative Sentences • I was watching the bird. English Past Continuous Tense, Definition and Example Sentences. For example, I was writing a letter while my brother was playing football. The past continuous can also show that an activity was in progress for some time, not just for a moment. p.A time reference is found in these kind of sentences like “since 2000”, “for 2 hours”. We are going to share 100 example sentences of Past Continuous Tense. ; I was snowboarding. A cute girl __________ (sit) opposite to her. Another example of this tense is: We were playing football when he sprained his wrist last week. Use Past Continuous when an action was happening in the past and got interrupted, usually we use it in combination with Simple Past.. ⬤ Example sentences about past continuous tense. We were watching a movie in this Cineplex yesterday. Past Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past. To form the past continuous positive, use subject + (to be) + verb + -ing Examples: 1. Tom was wrapping the gift when I walked in the room. ( … (comfort / cry) What were you doing when the accident occurred? She was not washing her clothes. Complete List of Past Continuous Forms (wrap / walk) Did he comfort her while she was crying? When the lights went out he was sitting on an armchair. If we are talking about the past tense, and if this event has been going on for a while, we usually have to use past continuous tense.When we talk about the past, we mean that things happen all of a sudden. He was dancing like a Nagin. They were playing hockey on that field last week. She was playing guitar at the party. Simple Past Tense. Alam was running towards the train. I was having a terrifying dream when the alarm clock went off at six o'clock this morning. 2. “What were you doing when I called you?” “I was studying.” 2. The action in the past started before the other action and continued after for a short period of time. While she was sleeping, someone took her phone. Past continuous and hypotheses. https://englishstudyhere.com › tenses › 10-sentences-of-past-continuous-tense Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and was/were. It gives a sense of the order of events and when events of the past happened relative to one another. I was reading a novel. You were talking to her. They were playing football in that field. And the verb +ing all subjects. Past Continuous Tense. In Spanish, there are two simple past tenses: the preterite and the imperfect. Let’s look at an example of the past continuous tense in context: I was walking to the train station when you called me. This tense can be used alone or can be combined with past simple tense to show that an action or event happened in the middle of another action. Past Continuous Tense is also called past progressive tense. 100 Sentences of Past Continuous Tense. He was traveling to her when she was cooking food. Although examples are provided for the past, present and future, "as long as" and "so long as" are generally used with future forms. We were sitting outside while the planes were flying overhead. 2. He/She/It/You/I/We/They + … It means that mark was working in the past (what is Simple past tense? Past Continuous Tense represents an on-going action of the past. The snake was not running toward you. She was not decorating her room. We were making fun of her. Negatives are made with not. The Past Continuous Tense (Example & Explanation)| English Grammar For an action in the past that was interrupted Ex: We were working in the backyard when the dark clouds appeared. Examples of this use include: Past continuous tense is often combined with past simple tense. We are going to share 100 example sentences of Past Continuous Tense. Examples of Past Perfect Continuous Tense I had been writing articles on various topics for three hours. The past continuous tense is "were playing.". It expresses continued nature of an action that started and stopped at some point in the past. A young lady __________ (travel) on the train. That continuity being ‘being told by Jennifer’. The past continuous is formed from the past tense of "to be" with the base of the main verb plus the ending "-ing" form of the verb. Our neighbor was always telling us funny stories about his daughter. 24 Past Continuous Tense Example Sentences; 20 Connectors and Example Sentences; 850 Opposite Words List in English; A little, Little, A few, Few, 15 Example Sentences and Definition +70 Irregular Plurals Nouns in English; Verb + Preposition List in English, In From On This is the past continuous in the active form ‘was saying’. She was taking selfies before dying. We can also use the past continuous to refer to the present or future in hypotheses (when we imagine something). Negative: You were not studyingwhen she called. Those women were standing there yesterday as well. Statement: You were studyingwhen she called. GapFillTyping_MTYzMzI= Level: intermediate. https://examples.yourdictionary.com › past-continuous-tense-examples.html Interrupted or Continuous Action in the Past. The kids were not playing with the toys. 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