The Site Engineer shall immediately rectify the work to avoid receipt of NCR from the QA/QC Engineer. 13. LRW CONSTRUCTION . 10. structure to be represented by that placement. Any defect in concrete shall be recorded including the severity of defect. Before repairing any defect, the Engineer shall approve the repair procedure referring to suggestions made in section V.11. Excess joint sealant shall be removed by using a purpose made finishing tool such that the finished surface of the sealant is between 4 mm and 6 mm below the face of the concrete. 02. 3. References e. Start the injection process from one end of the crack. The use of surface concrete retarders and bonding agents at construction joints shall be subject to approval. b. It should be carried out until the expulsion of air has practically ceased in a manner not to cause segregation. V.5.2.5 Roof Slab If the concrete surface is defective or has laitance, it must be cut back to a sound base; The underside of the base plate should be clean and free from oil, grease, rust, scale or other loosely adherent material; The best fit curved line of curved joints shall be as agreed by the Engineer and shall be within 25 mm of the specified line. e. And any other relevant information 6. 5. 1. 2. All embedded Secs shall be of stainless steel Grade 316L. Prepare the surface as mentioned above in Clause 11.2.2 Such notice shall provide details of the concreting operation including: Exposed steel reinforcement should be securely held in place to avoid movement  during application, as this will affect the compaction, build and bond of the mortar; 6. 9. 6. V.2.2 Mechanical Splices 7. 16. As with masonry, in-situ walls are most commonly installed as reinforced structures but can be used ‘plain’ (without reinforcement) following guidance provided in the TBIC Guidance Document . Before commencing the work, the area shall be cleared of all debris, materials or other obstructions. b. V.11 Concrete Repair 18. The invention discloses a full framing cast-in-situ box girder construction process. V.11.1 General Bends shall have a substantially constant curvature. 9. हिन्दी (Hindi). Waterproofing Materials While cast-in-situ concrete is cast in its actual location, precast concrete is cast at another location, either at the building site or in a factory, and is then lifted to its final resting place and fixed securely. This post is also available in: 9. b. Construction joints are placed in a concrete slab to define the extent of the individual placements, generally in conformity with a predetermined joint layout. Form work for In-situ concrete pouring. e. General contractual Safety, Health and Environmental requirements. Concrete Repair Materials a. Formwork shall not be stroked or stripped unless concrete has attained enough strength to withstand operation load and self-weight. Please refer to attached Permit to Work on Appendix C. VIII. V.4 Concrete Transport Should premature stoppage of a pour occur, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and agree with him the extent and timing of any necessary remedial work before the resumption of placing. Where slabs, beams and walls incorporate construction joints, panels shall generally be constructed consecutively. Analysis shall be performed to determine the maximum allowable temperature differentials between the hottest point of the concrete and the exterior faces. If unsure about continuity of the coating, apply a second coat and allow drying. Special care required against drying winds. Steel Reinforcement 6. 6. The projects illustrate the varied techniques which are used in concrete frame construction and highlight some of the many reasons for using concrete as the preferred material for frame construction. This has been the case for over twenty years. r. Position in the structure where the delivery is to be placed Mark out affected area, then cut back edge of repair to a minimum depth of 10 mm; Break out the repair area to remove all contaminated or damaged concrete to a minimum depth of 10 mm, up to the pre-cut edge of the repair. All concrete surfaces within the formwork area should be saturated with clean, fresh water for several hours prior to grouting. The panels are usually slotted into the frame and can mostly be found in two-storey properties. 7. In-situ concrete is often the only appropriate form of construction for retrofit basements under existing properties, due to its relative ease of placement on site. The reinforcement shall be installed as per approved reinforcement drawings. Keep the batching and mixing plants under shade. Precast concrete construction system has its own characteristics which influence the layout, span length, construction depth, stability system, etc. Precast reinforced concrete systems were manufactured off-site, and ‘slotted together’ on-site, whilst cast in-situ concrete systems were poured on-site into a timber ‘formwork’ called shuttering. Wherever applicable submittal shall be made referring to the Project Specifications. b. QA/QC Engineer 13. 1. Keep constituent materials fully protected against sun radiation at all times. 4. After completion of the work, safety cones and barricades have to be removed accordingly. V.10.3 Testing of Concrete Cube Samples t. Actual slump and temperature measurement If unsure about continuity of the coating, apply a second coat and allow drying. 13. 1. 2. b. Details, methods of design and uses of precast concrete frames are discussed in this article. Vibrator shall penetrate 100mm into the previous layer. In hot weather, or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, a time less than 90 min is permitted to be specified by the Engineer. No loading in excess of the design loading shall be placed on any portion of the structure without the written permission of the Engineer. 4. 3. REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME BUILDINGS Reinforced concrete (RC) frames consist of horizontal elements (beams) and vertical elements (columns) connected by rigid joints. Decreased durability from cracking; These should include ample water for moistening, fogging forms and reinforcement. In this construction, the prestressed hollow core concrete units are placed on the top of the steel beam as shown in Figure 2.16. Each sampling will consist of at least 7 specimen cubes; 2 tested at 7 days and 3 tested at 28 days as per relevant specification. The contractor shall ensure and take approval of the work of other trades in the forming and setting openings, slots, recesses, chases, sleeves, bolts, anchors and other inserts are provided. It shall not strike the formwork between the point of its discharge and its final place in the work, and except by approval of the Engineer, it shall not be dropped freely through a height greater than 1.5 m. The Contractor’s erection responsibilities include the safe and proper placing, aligning, and leveling of the structural precast elements on the accepted bearing surfaces and affecting their proper fastening. 3. Exposed waterstops shall be protected from exposure to conditions which may affect the waterstop and shall be kept free from rust, hydrocarbons and other deleterious material. Disposal Requirements f. The slope of chute or pressure of pump shall allow the flow of concrete without segregation. During the concreting process like mixing, transportation, placing, finishing etc. V.5.1 Preparation for Pour Following fabrication records are required to be kept on site: At present, the expenditure on labour (preparation and dismantling of formwork, reinforcing, and casting and finishing of concrete) almost equals the cost of … a. The temperature difference from core to surface in a cast-in section shall not exceed the limits mentioned in approved ITP unless it can be demonstrated, by measurement of coefficient of thermal expansion of the concrete to be used, that a higher value can be used without risk of early age thermal cracking. 8. Cast-in-situ concrete does not require such handling equipment. V. Procedure of Work is available on site. The floor slab may crack due to large settlement; an option is to use either concrete ‘beam and block floor’ or a suspended timber. Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps Dampproofing Materials 1. 12. Hook shall be semi-circular with a straight length of at least four bar diameters for mild steel and six bar diameter for high yield steel. Decreased 28 day and later strengths, higher water demand, concrete temperatures; V.5.3.4 Construction of Joints 6. The only authorized person to operate any equipment to be used in the project. Placement of layers shall be such that each layer can be properly merged into the preceding layer before initial set takes place. 2. Method 2 Details of mechanical splices shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. all embedded Secs a. f. One end of the injection hose shall be attached to the lowest packer on vertical cracks or to either end of horizontal cracks. Site Engineer 3. This can be achieved by using foam rubber strip or mastic sealant beneath the formwork, and at any joints in the formwork. 1. 3. V. Forming Joints 6. A construction foreman is responsible for supervising the workers and also doing actual construction work. A full scale insitu reinforced concrete building frame built in a laboratory provided an opportunity to assess the use of the in-situ pull-out test on a systematic basis during construction. Crack width Less than 0.20mm shall not be repaired. Else the old concrete must be hardened and shall be treated same as construction joint. His rich field experience helps in solving people’s day to day problems. ADVANTAGES OF CAST IN SITU CONCRETE PILE1. concrete frame in the Large Building Test Facility at Cardington and testing the performance of the completed frame. In situ concrete construction is slow as gaining of strength requires time. VII. The Plant Manager shall ensure that all necessary equipment at the batching plant for cooling the aggregates or chilling water is maintained in good condition and back up plants are similarly maintained. The formwork itself must be constructed to be leak proof, to prevent any possible grout loss. a. 5. Subcontractor/Suppliers Chief Surveyor With support from the DETR and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the seven-storey in-situ flat slab concrete frame was completed in 1998. In construction: Concrete …building site; this is so-called in situ concrete. In the case of vertical cracks work shall start from the bottom of crack and work upward. a. 8. Precast concrete does not offer a monolithic architectural character. c. check all openings and provisions for coordination with all trades in the Contract as Therefore, the insitu reinforcement concrete frame construction is more suitable and is recommended in this project. On the other side, cast-in-situ concrete is the conventional method for concreting, it is very and largely used for construction, and any local contractor can adopt this method. Formwork release agent shall be applied on the internal face of formworks. The contractor will prepare the cutting and bending of reinforcement which shall be in accordance with BS 8666 and be done without application of heat. e. Proper curing by means of wet Hessian cloth covered by polythene sheet for at least 2 days or used approved applicable curing materials (water pounding is not recommended). Diaphragm walls. Erected a minimum of 25 mm from the underside of the plate. c. Flanking Sides: The lapped joint shall be indicated on the Drawings and/or in accordance with the requirements of BS 8110. c. If crack depth is beyond 25mm, follow procedure outline below for injection method treatment. Attention to full and proper preparation of the substrate is essential for complete   repair adhesion. 5. V.7 Curing The Thermal Control Plan shall include the following: VI. Immediately after moulding and finishing, the specimens shall be stored for a period up to 48 h in a temperature range from 20 to 26 °C and in an environment preventing moisture loss from the specimens. 10. 9. Assist in constructing and later disassembling reinforcement braces, concrete forms, scaffolds and temporary structures. 11. It involves pouring liquid concrete into removable forms and then dismantling the forms once the concrete has hardened to leave a solid wall behind. 1. Concerning equipment, please refer to Section II – Resources, Sec 1. Depending upon the situation assembling of reinforcement cages shall be done on site. The plan should be approved by the engineer before the start of work. Quality Assurance Requirements Table Cast-in-place concrete dates back to early experiments by Thomas Edison. 3. Samples shall be taken at the average rate of one sample every 30 m³ of concrete or fractions thereof for the first 90 m³, then one sample every 100 m³ of concrete or fraction thereof when continuous concrete production reaches up to 2000 m3 and later of one sample every 200 m³ of concrete or fraction thereof when concrete production exceeds 2000 m³. 10. Concrete to be protected, immediately after placing for 28 days from contamination by sea or brackish water, oil, fuel and other deleterious materials. Water infiltration through external wall, base slab structure Vertical faces of strip footings, bases and slabs may be cast against the faces of excavation provided: Joint sealant shall be applied between the minimum and maximum drying times of the primer recommended by the manufacturer. 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