and the late date (ca. This cannot be, however, because there are late MB IIB, MB IIC (Kenyon 1993: 680; Bienkowski 1989: 172-74) and LB I (Wood 1990) phases of the Bronze Age city as attested by the pottery. Moreover, Gaza was not under the control of the Egyptians in David's day, but rather the Philistines and later the Israelites (2 Sm 8:1). 1995b A Test of Time, vol. Then, in 1995, this scholarly skepticism over the historicity of the Bible was suddenly challenged when Egyptologist and historian, David Rohl, burst onto the scene with a new theory. It date and finds fit very well with Moabite king Eglon's palace (Judges 3:12-25). Rohl claims that his revised chronology will solve the "problem" of the Conquest (306-17). Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 93:3-12. NEW Coherent CHRONOLOGY of Ancient History Based on David Rohl's thesis and other independent experts. Rohl dates the next phase of occupation at Jericho following the Middle Building to the LB IIB period (314). Bradford: Loid Publishing. Rohl refuses the commonly accepted identification of the only Pharaoh called by name in the Bible, Sisac or Shishak, with the historical Sheshonq. by thebiblicaltimeline As I noted in an earlier post, I recently became aware of the alternative, or “new”, chronology advocated popularly by author and egyptologist David Rohl. And for good reason - they utterly destroy his reconstruction. A Test of Time proposes a down-dating (bringing closer to the present), by several centuries, of the Egyptian New Kingdom, thus requiring a major revision of the conventional chronology of ancient Egypt. By David Rohl & Peter James SIS Workshop, vol. Rohl asserts tha… Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. It contradicts mainstream Egyptology by proposing a major revision of the established Egyptian chronology, in particular by re-dating Egyptian kings of the Nineteenth through Twenty-fifthDynasties, bringing forward conventional dating by up to 350 years. New Chronology is an alternative chronology of the ancient Near East developed by English Egyptologist David Rohl and other researchers[1][2] beginning with A Test of Time: The Bible - from Myth to History in 1995. This article was first published in the Summer 2001 issue of Bible and Spade. Pp. Lowering the Egyptian dates also dramatically affects the dating of dependent chronologies, such as that currently used for the Greek Heroic Age of the Late Bronze Age, removing the Greek Dark Ages, and lowering the dates of the Trojan War to within two generations of a ninth-century-BC Homer and his most famous composition: the Iliad. 1941b The Story of Jericho: Further Light on the Biblical Narrative. His work has been covered in a series of television programmes, some years ago. It also makes Rohl's idiosyncratic interpretation of the Amarna Letters dealing with Canaan untenable, since the letters were written centuries before Saul and David lived. In 1995 the book A Test of Time: The Bible From Myth to Historyby an agnostic new generation egyptologist David Rohl was published. Rohl finds the names of the Biblical figures Jesse, David, Joab, Ishbaal, and Baanah in Amarna Letter 256 (222, 228-29). Bury and the C.A.H. David Rohl and his “New Chronology” McCall in his article endorses a view of chronology held by Rohl. The New Chronology is a theory first proposed in 1978 at the Glasgow Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies by a group of scholars and historians, principally those involved with the study of ancient Egypt. Pp. [18] Other leading scholars who have studied the campaign relief point out that it is indeed a unique list of subjected towns and not a copy of an earlier campaign by a more celebrated pharaoh. For the skeptics, please keep an open mind and breath as you continue reading. The New Chronology affects the historical disciplines of Old Testament studies, Levantine archaeology, Aegean and Anatolian archaeology and Classical studies, and raises major issues concerning Mesopotamian chronology and its links with Egypt and Anatolia. David Merling. 1200-1000 B.C., is squeezed into a mere 30 years between 820 and 790 B.C. London: Century. 1990 Of Myths and Methods. New Chronology is an alternative chronology of the ancient Near East developed by English Egyptologist David Rohl and other researchers beginning with A Test of Time: The Bible - from Myth to History in 1995. His work has focused mostly on the Middle and Late Kingdoms. van der Land, editor of the journal, Rohl's time-line resolves some archaeological anomalies surrounding ancient Egypt, but creates conflicts with other areas that make it untenable. David Rohl's chronology uses Assyrian King Ashurbanipal's sacking of Thebes in 664 BC as a fixed date and is a starting point of his chronology. New Chronology is an alternative chronology of the ancient Near East developed by English Egyptologist David Rohl and other researchers beginning with A Test of Time: The Bible - from Myth to History in 1995. David Rohl’s Revised Egyptian Chronology: A View From Palestine. and therefore would not have had time to develop the technology of chariot warfare (171). We call this time line the conventional chronology. Wilson writes about Shoshenq's inscription, "Contrary to previous studies, which have interpreted the relief as a celebration of his Palestine campaign, neither the triumphal relief nor any of its elements can be utilized as a source for historical data about that campaign. The Khirbet el-Maqatir Ram’s Head: Evidence of the Israelite Destruction of Ai? This has thousands of storerooms and the reason for its building can be determined under David Rohl’s new chronology. [46] His arguments were then countered by Peter van der Veen and Robert Porter. He managed to extricate himself from the predicament by bribing his captors. Rohl offers inscriptions that list three non-royal genealogies which, when one attributes 20 to 23 years to a generation, show, according to Rohl, that Ramesses II flourished in the 10th century BC as Rohl advocates. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1:244-46. So we are left with a situation where Saul and David are fighting an enemy who does not appear in the historical or archaeological record until 300 years later! Rohl tries to make the earlier Middle Bronze destruction fit the later Philistine destruction of the site. One is tempted to dismiss Rohl as simply another crackpot and get on with more important issues. This is a highly unlikely scenario. We have the privilege and honour to welcome him into the Den to discuss controversial, and groundbreaking, work on discovering and establishing a new chronology for Egyptian history. Rohl's New Chronology. When it opened in 1937, the District's new gleaming white Post Office at the southeast corner of the Ave and 43rd Street featured Works Progress Administration murals in the lobby. The history of this challenge to mainstream consensus outside of academic debate originates with the 1991 Centuries of Darkness by Peter James, together with Rohl, co-founder of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. That was my first David Rohl’s book. Holladay, J.S., Jr. 1990 Red Slip, Burnish, and the Solomonic Gateway at Gezer. In either case, there was no occupation in the LB IIA period to match Rohl's dating of Saul to this time frame. Arriving en mass during the reign of Ramesses III, at the beginning of the Iron Age, they were major enemies of the first two kings of Israelite monarchy, Saul and David. as recorded in the Merneptah Stela (Yurco 1986). Given that the Ashuruballit I synchronism with Akhenaten has become the crucial link between Egyptian and Mesopotamian history in recent years, this issue is a key area of focus and dispute.[25]. A copy of this article in RTF format, suitable for reading in MS Word, WordPad or other word processors, may be downloaded here. David Rohl's chronology uses Assyrian King Ashurbanipal's sacking of Thebes in 664 BC as a fixed date and is a starting point of his chronology. Oxford, England: Oxbow Books. Several scholars have critiqued the Egyptological aspects of his ideas (Bennett 1996; Brissaud 1996; Kitchen 1996: xlii-xlvi; van Haarlem 1997), but no one has evaluated the impact of his theory on Palestinian archaeology and the resulting correlations, or lack thereof, with Biblical history. … the triumphal relief can unfortunately play no role in the reconstruction of Shoshenq’s campaign. Rohl claims that this solves many of the problems associated with the historicity issue of the biblical narratives. David Rohl is a respected archaeologist, who is taking the Biblical Texts seriously, and proposing a new Chronology, authentic and scientifically based, which gives a basis for the timing of Joseph in Egypt, and the Exodus, to name but two. This is a serious defect in his reconstruction of a new chronology of the Egyptian pharaohs. David Rohl’s Pharaohs and Kings is a whirlwind tour of biblical history through the lens of a revised chronology. Dr. Rohl, Having studied Egyptian and biblical history for over 50 years, and having been a Velikovsky fan while seeing his obvious weaknesses, I admire the scholarship behind your thesis. Dolmens and Megalithic Standing Stones in the Biblical World. New York: Crown. The men of David fought the men of Ish-Bosheth, son of Saul, at the pool of Gibeon (2 Sm 2:12-17). Snodgrass, A. This indicates that the Israelites were not a settled people at this time, but were pastoralists living in tents (Hoffmeier 1997:29-30). David Rohl is a respected archaeologist, who is taking the Biblical Texts seriously, and proposing a new Chronology, authentic and scientifically based, which gives a basis for the timing of Joseph in Egypt, and the Exodus, to name but two. Furthermore, Rohl shifts the Israelite Sojourn, Exodus and Conquest from the end of the Late Bronze Age to the latter part of the Middle Bronze Age (from the Nineteenth Dynasty to the Thirteenth/Hyksos period). "[17] T. Ishida. Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society & Carta. Rohl asserts that this would permit scholars to identify some of th… by Rohl's reckoning. Amenemhat’s pyramid in which he was buried at Hawara stands beside the ruins of one of the most impressive buildings of the ancient world – the Egyptian Labyrinth – built during his reign. Routledge History of the Ancient World series I. London & New York. The New Chronology, one of several proposed radical revisions of the conventional chronology, has not been accepted in academic Egyptology, where the conventional chronology or small variations of it remains standard. The interrelated chronologies of ancient Egypt, Israel, and Mesopotamia are based on a single "essential synchronism" (1) established over 165 years ago. [citation needed]. Digging for Truth Episode 106: The Old Testament Text- Preservation or Chaos? "[38] Academic debate on the New Chronology, however, has largely not taken place in Egyptological or archaeological journals. [27][28] Most importantly, the heavily fortified city of Jericho was destroyed and abandoned at this time. Ben-Tor, A. Hughes, the head of the University of Washington Drama Department also ran a series of foreign films at the District's Egyptian Theater during the Depression. Pp. There was evidence of wealth (expensive imported pottery), and administrative activities (an inscribed clay tablet). A Typical Israelite Community in the OT Period, Secrets of the Bible: The Fall of Jericho with Dr. Bryant Wood, 2014 Excavations at Kh. The hub for the dating of other cultures is Egypt, so much of the work of both groups focuses on Egyptian evidence. Digging For Truth Episode 90: Once More-Jericho Unearthed, A Monumental Fortification Tower & Militaria: Late Hellenistic & Early Roman Military Architecture & Equipment Discovered at Kirbet el-Maqatir, Israel, Who's Who in Biblical Archaeology: James Breasted, Is the Bible Syncretistic Literature? as it suits his purposes. Introduction David Rohl is the first archaeologist in years to seriously question the Conventional Chronology (CC) of ancient Egypt. Rohl says evidence for Solomon’s wealth and power during the tenth century BC is sparse. and the Amarna letters were written between 1015 and 990, i.e. Archaeological evidence for the destruction of Shiloh indicates a well-fortified city was destroyed around the time of the conquest. The New Revised Egyptian Chronology – David Rohl The documentary did a good job of explaining the different views and opinions that scholars have on the biblical Exodus. It contradicts mainstream Egyptology by proposing a major revision of the conventional chronology of ancient Egypt, in particular by redating Egyptian … The Bible records no such thing for Saul. by conventional chronology) are to the Hebrews, something is wrong with conventional chronology since the Israelites did not arrive in the land until the late 13th century! In the conventional chronology, this Ashuruballit is identified with Ashur-uballit I of the early Middle Assyrian Empire, but the New Chronology has proposed the addition of an otherwise unknown King Ashuruballit "II" during the Middle Assyrian "dark age" as the author of the Amarna letters. Because Jerusalem has been continuously occupied and rebuilt since the time of Solomon, no architecture from Solomon's time has been found here, let alone gold and jewels. The Bible does not tell us what, if anything, was at Jericho in David's day. 1210 B.C. Appendix 1: Problems with Egyptian Chronology. King David and Solomon: Men or Myths? The MB IIB period is generally thought to extend from the mid-13th Dynasty (cf. The Merneptah Stela (sometimes called the Israel Stela) is a 7 ft 6 in (228 cm) inscribed stone slab found in his tomb, honoring Pharoah Merneptah. Rohl's chronology makes Labayu, king of Shechem during the Amarna period, one and the same as Saul of Gibeah, Israel's first king. Thus 7th-century Sysq may have been a mistaken later reading of 10th-century Sysw. [3] Amélie Kuhrt, head of Ancient Near Eastern History at University College London, in one of the standard reference works of the discipline, notes, .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, Many scholars feel sympathetic to the critique of weaknesses in the existing chronological framework [...], but most archaeologists and ancient historians are not at present convinced that the radical redatings proposed stand up to close examination.[4]. BSpade 14:3 (Summer 2001) p. 73. David Rohl's "New Chronology". Biblical chronology, on the other hand, remains unchanged since it is derived from synchronisms with Assyria in the Divided Kingdom period and then calculated backwards using the internal chronological data of the Bible. 1994 Gezer and the Bible. The name Israel is written with the determinative for people, distinctive from the other names in the inscription that are written with the determinative for territory. Egypt’s ancient culture is one of the most popular and well-preserved in the world, and it is one of the most visited tourist destinations due to the pyramids and the wealth of historical antiquities found there. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 23: 189-215. Rohl never produces a quote from me to that effect. Before the 1995 publication of A Test of Time, Thomas L. Thompson, a theologian associated with Biblical Minimalism, had insisted that any attempt to write history based on a direct integration of biblical and extra-biblical sources was "not only dubious but wholly ludicrous". 'Did the Philistines settle in Canaan around 1200 BC? In fact, the Bible itself indicates that the Israelites had chariots by the time of Merneptah's campaign. Rohl uses a late date for the Conquest when discussing the Amarna Letters (200). The attempt to redate this material has been soundly refuted by Bill Dever (1986: 24-30; 1990), John Holladay (1990), and others (for a summary, see Merling and Younker 1994). A Book Review, Book Review: The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament, Book Review: Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, Book Review: From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology: Part II, Book Review: From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology: Part I, Evolution and the American Abortion Mentality, Canaanite Child Sacrifice, Abortion, and the Bible, The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: Commentary. A NECESSARY REVISION OF THE CONVENTIONAL CHRONOLOGY. Rohl's New Chronology David Rohl's published works A Test of Time (1995), Legend (1998), The Lost Testament (2002), and The Lords of Avaris (2007) set forth Rohl's theories for redating the major civilisations of the ancient world. 1986 Late Bronze Age and Solomonic Defenses at Gezer: New Evidence. and the Amarna letters were written between 1015 and 990, i.e. I enjoyed in particular, the discussion on the Amarna letters, which support the re-dating of the Egyptian chronology of about 250 years. Bible and Spade 13: 66-71. The sacking of Thebes by Ashurbanipal in 664 B.C. Such a situation is contrary to the Bible and Rohl's own statement. Warminster, England: Aris & Phillips. ", The New Chronology places Solomon at the end of the wealthy Late Bronze Age rather than in the relatively impoverished Early Iron Age. But this has to be done with an open mind. This wealth, of course, was stored at Jerusalem. David Rohl is recognized as the UK’s highest profile Egyptologist and one of the world’s best-known historians. Is It Time to Throw Away Your Bible? 1007-9 in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. One of the Sea People groups who came to Canaan's coast from the west, the Philistines were identified by their distinctive headbands and 'feathered' (maybe horsehair?) In some respects he is successful, in other respects he is not. In particular Kitchen challenges the validity of the chronological anomalies raised by Rohl, questioning whether they are true anomalies and offering his own explanations for the apparent problems raised by Rohl. Labayu was an Egyptian vassal. Since Rohl knew what the weaknesses of Egyptian Chronology were, he felt safer with option (a). The "new king who did not know Joseph" in Exodus 1:8 is identified by Rohl with, Lupakku ("Man of Pakku"), Aramean army commander in the Amarna Letters, with Shobach ("He of Pakku", This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 19:27. Rohl’s New Chronology may not be completely correct, but the weaknesses he documents in the CC show that the conventional wisdom regarding the ancient Egyptian timeline merits re-examination. Conclusive evidence against Rohl's proposed New Chronology: An Assyrian chancellor's archive", The Revision of Ancient History - A Perspective,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. New From The Post 217 Feared Dead in EgyptAir Crash . A reply to BGA'. Without exact chronology there can be no exact history". Top. The Exodus from Egypt, An Appraisal of the 2010 Drews and Han Wind Setdown Models of the Exodus 14 Sea Crossing, The Name Yahweh in Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Amenhotep II and the Historicity of the Exodus Pharaoh, Recent Research on the Date and Setting of the Exodus, The Geography and Military Strategy of King Uzziah: An Expansionist Policy That Led to His Destruction, The Prophets' Knowledge of Contemporary Idolatry, Evidence for Inerrancy from an Unexpected Source: OT Chronology, Digging for Truth Audio Series: Top Ten Discoveries of 2016, Digging for Truth Audio Series: Archaeological Evidence for Daniel, Digging for Truth Audio Series: Archaeological Evidence for King David, Digging for Truth Audio Series: Archaeological Evidence for Moses and the Exodus, Jerusalem: The Bible and the Book of Mormon, Most Recent Articles Written by Gary Byers, Most Recent Articles Written by Stephen Caesar, Most Recent Articles Written by Brian Janeway, Most Recent Articles Written by Rick Lanser, Most Recent Articles Written by Scott Lanser. 1: The Bible - From Myth to History. Dated to the fifth year of his reign, it celebrated Merneptah’s victory over the Libyans. Standard chronology would place the text in the middle of the Judges period. First, no LB IIA pottery has been found in the destruction level to suggest it could be dated to that time period (Finkelstein 1993: 1367). Rohl laments the fact that "no fine artifacts adorned with semi-precious stones and inlays, no gold, silver or ivory" (174) from Solomon's time have been found. The sacking of Thebes by Ashurbanipal in 664 B.C. 1993 Jericho. Pp. (ed.) This is accomplished in the new chart book featured here. So-called Conventional Egyptian chronology, which places the beginning of the Old Kingdom in the 27th century BC, the beginning of the Middle Kingdom in the 21st century BC and the beginning of the New Kingdom in the mid-16th century BC. In his book Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest (1995a; it was first published in England as A Test of Time: The Bible—From Myth to History [1995b].]. Labayu eventually died at the hands of his fellow vassals (Campbell 1965: 198-200), whereas Saul died on Mt. and the first half of the reign of David (1011-971 B.C. The first two kings of the United Monarchy, Saul and David, were very much involved with fighting against the Philistines. (2) In 1822, Jean Francois Champollion deciphered the Hieroglyphic Code using the Rosetta Stone, and inaugurated the field of … Pp. Sherratt, A. and Sherrat, S. 1992 Urnfield Reflections. 269-306 in Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays, ed. Here he mentions defeating Israel, written with the determinative for people not territory. He accomplished this by shortening the 20th Dynasty and overlapping the 21st and 22nd Dynasties (144, 384). [39], Chris Bennett (1996),[3] while saying "I am quite certain that Rohl’s views are wrong" notes that besides academic debate on problems with the conventional chronology, such as those associated with the Thera eruption, a "far deeper challenge ... has been mounted in the public arena." 1993 Shiloh: Renewed Excavations. 2, ed. [13] He also points out that Ramesses did campaign against Israel and that he had a short form of his formal name which was in use in Palestine. His revised chronology el-Maqatir Ram ’ s victory over the Libyans the Judges 3 account according to Biblical.. From kings of Canaanite cities, such as Gezer, Ashkelon and Shechem the! Where Solomon 's reign and shown it to be escorted to Egypt his. Which Came first, the Valley of Elah in the letters ( mid-14th century B.C david rohl new egyptian chronology Egyptian! Hazor and associated with the “ early Exodus ” perspective not alone in his reconstruction and tries to make earlier! 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