The main difference between the sumo and the conventional deadlift is the position of the feet and hands. Method the bar in order that the bar intersects the center of the toes. Plus, experts share deadlift form tips, what muscles deadlifts work, and how you can optimize your workout with these moves. Nonetheless, training both the styles, at least at the start of a long training cycle, has proven to be beneficial. Competition Deadlift 5 x 3; B. Sumo Deficit Deadlift 4 x 6; C. Stiff Legged Deadlift 3 x 10; Since switching to sumo in 2010, I've put 125 pounds on my competition deadlift PR. How To Do The Sumo Deadlift Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and your toes pointing out at a 45° angle, rather than straight ahead. Sumo deadlift – The Sumo deadlift is a variation where one will approach the bar with the feet wider than shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with a close grip inside of one's legs and proceed with correct form. If you are a squatter whose squat stance is not ultra-wide but wider than a close stance, the hybrid sumo stance might also be for you. Once you have your hands on the barbell, drop down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. The sumo deadlift, usually performed by powerlifters, is a type of deadlift exercise that helps in increasing strength and adding muscle mass to your posterior chain. This position puts more of the load on the shoulders and less on the back. In terms of biomechanical efficiency, the wide stance (sumo) deadlift is superior to the close stance (conventional) deadlift. Put your ego in the drawer and get all you can out of your pull. When your feet are at the proper width, turn your toes out at an angle of about 30 degrees instead of keeping them pointed straight forward as in the conventional deadlift. The sumo deadlift is essentially a standard deadlift done with a wide-stance and a narrow grip. The deadlift is a strength-training exercise that affects multiple major muscle groups at once. The training footage in the video is Robert pulling raw hybrid sumo. As you approach the bar, position yourself so that your feet are about hip-distance apart, your toes are pointed forward, and your shins are very close to the bar. Not every lifter can do two full training sessions, one sumo and one conventional. Wide feet and a narrow grip result in a shorter vertical range of motion for the lift and less movement around the hip and knee joints. As she is a little bit of a prude, she tries things until she finds the item that is “just right.” We use this fairy tale for all kinds of other things. The first step in mastering the conventional deadlift is assuming the proper stance. To illustrate this, we put together some footage of one of our hybrid sumo raw lifters, Robert Bain. Similar to a sumo deadlift, the arms and grip should be placed in between the legs to create a feeling of straddling the barbell. It IS true that sumo deadlifts allow for a shorter range of motion. It can at least be something for you to try on for size. The form is called “sumo” because you need to assume a stance wider than your shoulder-width similar to the fighting stance of a sumo … As Stoppani says, the deadlift is considered the ultimate test of overall body strength—a combination of both a push, with the legs doing the pushing, and a pull, with the upper body doing the pulling. Throughout lift, keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight, and knees pointed out same direction as feet. By using a wider stance, you may be able to get your thighs to or below parallel, which will enable your back to be a bit more upright than it can during a standard deadlift. The sumo deadlift is immensely technical, but at the same time there's a ton of variation in how people pull based off of body structure. You can use the staggered grip, with one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip, or you can use two overhand grips. While it may seem like a simple exercise in which you merely lift a barbell off the floor, done improperly, you can end up not only exercising the wrong muscles, but exposing yourself to injury. It places an emphasis on quadriceps, upper back and glutes. This alters the biomechanics of the lift by placing more of the tension on the hips and quadriceps as opposed to the posterior chain. They are two very different stances. Those training the squat with a moderate stance will help the hybrid sumo and training the hybrid sumo will help the moderate stance squatter. 6 2 1 126. Deadlift grip width can play a major role in successful pulls at maximal loads. Step up close to the bar with a wide foot placement. ", "How To Bulk Up Fast: Without Getting Fat! To perform this exercise, you must assume a much wider stance than the Conventional Deadlift, which will decrease the distance the bar has to travel, and keep you in a much more upright posture. His squat stance and hybrid deadlift stance are almost identical, so there is a big transfer and he is getting twice the training bang for his buck. Let's start by looking at the conventional deadlift, then compare it to the sumo deadlift. We cleaned up his diet and slowly got him to a tight 220 pounds. Bend at the hips to lower and grab the bar. The ft. has to be set very huge, close to the collars. How to do Sumo Deadlift: Step 1: Load a barbell and place on the ground so that it is against your shins. The hybrid (anything derived from heterogeneous sources, or composed of elements of different or incongruous kinds) is just that: it is like the sumo pull in that the hands are inside of the legs, but has traits like the conventional in that the feet are far closer together and the forearms and calves when starting the pull are much, much closer together than the traditional wide stance sumo. A sumo deadlift is any deadlift in which the feet are set wider than the conventional deadlift, allowing a narrow grip, hands placed inside of the legs and feet. Here's my first 600+ pound competition deadlift. SUMO DEADLIFT VS CONVENTIONAL. The sumo deadlift is another deadlift variation that can increase overall pulling strength and muscle mass (similar to the conventional deadlift and trap bar deadlift). Bend on the hips to grip the bar. As you pull up the bar, don't try to lift straight up. The wide-stance deadlift may not be for everyone, particularly if you have hip problems. Get a natural curve in your spine by sticking out your butt, keeping your chest high, and placing your weight back on your heels. If you were just to look at the lifter from the waist down who used a moderately wide squat stance and also looked at a hybrid sumo deadlift from the waist down, the stance for both lifts would look the same. With your hands closer together on the bar and your feet in a wider stance, your torso can assume a more upright position. Note in the video the following: Not an exclusive thing to hybrid sumo but an overall aspect of the deadlift to keep in mind while training is the downward movement. In the standard sumo deadlift, the lifter stands in a wide stance on the barbell with their feet almost touching the edges of the plate.However, In the semi sumo deadlift, the lifter will take a noticeably narrower stance on the barbell. The reality is, the controlled down helps build the ability to pull big off of the floor. Said another way, if you can hear the deadlift hit the floor, you are leaving power on the platform. Here are three ways to find your perfect conventional and sumo deadlift grip width. I say that because of the stance of the feet. Free Shipping with a $49.95 qualifying order, TAGS: deadlift technique, Hybrid Deadlift, conventional deadlift, sumo stance, Eric Maroscher. With a doctorate in physiology, post-doctoral research at Yale, and an encyclopedia of muscle and strength to his name, Jim Stoppani, Ph.D., is someone to pay attention to when you want to learn how to do an exercise correctly. How to Do Sumo Deadlift. Sumo Deadlift position: Hands inside the knees, about a foot apart. In powerlifting, specifically the deadlift, the “just right” or the Goldilocks Zone, might not be pulling conventional, nor sumo, nor even Old English Style (we rarely hear about that one anymore). Some people like to have a wider than shoulder width grip while the others like to keep their hands close to each other. 1) Sumo Deadlift – warm up sets, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90% 2) Tempo Close Grip Bench Press – 4 x 5 (3 counts down, pause 3 counts at bottom, fast back up – hands 12″ apart) – AHAP. Be sure to keep your back flat by maximizing the arch in your lumbar spine. Tables of snatch grip deadlift strength standards for men and women. Buy Three, Get One Free - Just add four to your cart. How wide apart they are depends on your height, but they will be much farther apart than shoulder width. [Sumo Deadlift Tip: Keep Your Hips Close to the Bar] The main advantage of sumo deadlifts is you get to keep your hips closer to the bar than a conventional deadlift, which shortens the range of motion. "7 Supplements To Help You Thrive On The Keto Diet", "Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes When Keto-Adapting", "Is Your "Food Personality" Secretly Sabotaging Your Fat Loss? Unlike when you're squatting, your thighs don't need to be completely parallel—just above parallel is fine. The emphasis here is on the glutes, hamstrings and lower back. Sit back to keep your center of gravity close to your body as you raise and lower the weight. This (sumo and conventional training both in one session) is a training method we borrowed from the great Ernie Frantz. Here are the most popular different types of deadlifts—including the conventional deadlift, Romanian deadlift, sumo deadlift, single-leg deadlift, and hex-bar deadlift. Robert Southey wrote the famed fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." That said, we put the two styles on different days, with a lot of days in between. Also I can only do these numbers on a Texas deadlift bar, an Olympic bar which is slightly thicker I can't grip it for weights as heavy. Ernie told me the story of he and Ed training pulling sumo (as they were training for the famed Hawaii meet). WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift As a matter of fact, many forward-thinking therapists use the sumo deadlift and variations to rehab their patients from a back injury. WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters. Step 1 Position your feet about twice shoulder-width apart, your toes pointed out at an angle, and a barbell at your feet rolled up against your shins. Instead of being about hip-width apart, with sumo the feet are positioned wider than your hands. As with the conventional deadlift, use a staggered or overhand grip; it's up to you. With 90% of the sport now raw, not all of that 90% is going to go conventional, and a wide sumo like you would see from the traditional geared lifter might not be the best stance for the raw puller when it comes to pure leverage and lack of support material in the hip and groin regions. Visit for more great fitness content, workouts, training tips, and articles on nutrition and supplementation. So bar thickness gets me due to small hands EMG readings also reveal that the trapezius muscles of the back are more engaged in the sumo version. The hand placement while performing the sumo deadlifts can be tricky. As the name implies, the sumo deadlift forces lifters to assume a wide stance bringing them closer to the ground and allowing them to keep their torso up taller. You can change your foot positioning to a wider stance -- a sumo deadlift -- to take the focus away from your back. Sumo Deadlift Form Mega Thread. They would pull sumo, then after the other lifters left the gym, Ernie shared that he and Ed then went back to the platform and then did some conventional training. Check it out! When you lift, you will essentially drag the weight up your shins, keeping the barbell close to your body the whole way up. However, the difference in range of motion doesn’t really matter.

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