Youre quite innovative and well-prepared to deal with lifes challenges thanks to your adaptability. You know when I was a teen I was so much closer to my Cap North Node, I had no health problems and no losses like I do now.. You may feel like an outcast, and the use of drugs or alcohol should be avoided. I embrace my unique look and individuality and my writing is never like anyone elses. Youre ambitious and passionate about the life you lead and are likely impatient. Chiron is hovering on my Pisces Mars ( yes, its been a hellova emotional/physical ride ) The most powerful Pluto transits are when Pluto directly conjuncts your natal Sun or Moon. With the nodes are talking about the moon. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. The North Node () is a mathematical concept, and it represents one point of the Moon. Who you love and what you desire in terms of monetary wealth may conflict with your value system. Although mine is in the 8th house. i Have north node conjunct Neptune and Uranus. I have many talents and gifts. At this point, I limit conversations where people are manic and repetitiveI may hug them, wish them well and goI carry a mat around and place it on sitting surfaces so as not to exchange too much energysometimes I even have people who are handing me things, place it on a surface and then Ill pick it up. I feel quite guided by leaning toward the traits of Sagittarius my NN sign and Ive never been let down. You feel deeply and theres no easy way to say this: You will face challenges. The North Node is one of the major points in the natal chart showing purpose or calling. I have not seen Neptune conjunct the North Node enough to say from experience how it manifests. You can have a magnetic personality and are often well-received publicly. The opposition and square can indicate that your painful relationships will push you to grow the most during this lifetime. I feel like there is always something hidden thats out of my reach to attain, and which ultimately causes my background type of suffering. The opposition shows us someone who is deep and thoughtfulyou never take anything at face value. I have neptune conjunct north node in 6th house in placidus, can relate to all the confusion surrounding life path etc.. but when I change it to wholesign houses its in my 7th house which makes sense too, as I avoid relationships due to anxiety and oversensitivity even though id love to have a relationship. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Optional graphic styles: Modern or Traditional style Aspect lines (Tr->Natal or Natal only) Destructive or creative? In hindsight these relationships or people, even if they don't stay in your life, can be perceived as meetings of destiny. The trine and the sextile reveal a very hard workersomeone who isnt afraid to go after his or her dreams. Having said that there is a feeling you are watched over from above regardless. Your development lies in finding that individual energy (big one, Sun in Leo) WITHIN your interactions and contracts with other people. The day it was all confirmed, Chiron was exact on his natal Saturn/Mercury conjunction. I do find that sometimes i dont know where to go or what direction to take with my life. Since my original comment Ive been able to do a little more research and have come to understand this placement some more. Maybe I should hibernate all of 2018 . Uranus is the trend setter. While it may feel like a leg up, dont let it hold you back. Theres always more to learn. When it becomes meaningful is when the north node is transiting a planet or an angle. Ten Bad Asteroids Conjunct the North Node in the Natal Chart. If anyone have a suggestion how I would be beyond thankful! UT/GMT Timezone. Yea, Nessus is very hard to see but when you do, you despise the person, usually. It can indicate someone who has already paid their karmic debts in a past life and is now here to enjoy. Hope it helps,sorry if it doesnt. but for what its worth your asc and first house are loaded with energy particularly sun mars and Pluto. The concept of purpose is clearly shown in the natal chart, as is the difficulty or ease in attaining it. I have the Neptune conjunction NN in my natal chart. Im always being guided and receive downloads daily. Really appreciate your sharing info about planetary aspects of Natal North Node(Btw, do you prefer Mean NN or True NN?). Currently you have JavaScript disabled. People consider me an old soul. To know where the North Node is transiting on your natal chart right now or for any past or future date, click on "Reports", select the Forecast box, set your date and click on "Calculate", then click on "Planets positions and aspects" and look at the "Transits - Planets in signs and aspects" section. I am completely lost in my life and its getting worse and worse. He may not know how to let loose and play. Thus, how an eclipse affects you depends on your birthdate, birth time, and birthplace. I am so honored to have you, Joody. Login Register. I bartend, drive in the gig economy, whatever. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. I have north node conjunct neptune I dont know what my purpose is. I think this may be irrelivent then. You have great forward motion with the trine and sextile when it comes to projects and making decisions. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. If this is your placement, know that you take things very seriously for a reason. Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Natal North Node Jupiter Transits in the Houses Jupiter Transits to Natal Sun Jupiter Transits to Natal Moon Jupiter Transits to Natal Mercury So if we include out of house placements were dealing with a lot of energy in the room. Responsibility and maturity are ultimately your lifes greatest purpose. Ive learned to trust it absolutely. This is an incredibly karmic placementboth the nodes and Saturn rule karmic areas in our charts. Yelp! Thanks! This year I bought a house in an extremely expensive coastal city (which took everything I had to accomplish) after the sale closed, I received a totally unrelated windfall of $$$. My Jupiter is at 29 degrees 55. It explained so much. The north node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the south node. I think thats what NN/Neptune is saying to me today. I have it. I have the North Node conjunct Uanus Neptune too in the 1st house. It can bring spirituality to the community if the other planets are well aspected in the birth chart. We go to our cookbooks and teachers to try on their theoretical conclusions about karmic reckonings and fated 'karmic' meetings, but that's elusive, too. You may nurture others, or your upbringing may have been incredibly nurturing. Your growth comes from the ability to stick to a long-term plan and see it through until the end. Buy it now on here: htt. Anyonw who knows about this? Hi, Im fairly new to astrology, only about a few weeks or months or so, and currently learning planetary aspects. Just like Jupiter, the N-Node is also associated with growth as we move forward in life in the direction it sets out for us; whereas the S-node is always related to the past (life), just like Saturn is related to the 'old' and 'karmic'. Likely, he will not have an ego crisis or identity issues. Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). But it is Gemini so does that mean there are two sides? We dont know that from the NN placement, but we know that he will, likely, make a big success of himself. With all this said, I was surrounded by mentally ill and abusive people growing up. The ways in which each of our planets interacts and forms aspects with one another in our birth chart reveal our more complex and specific characteristics, traumas, and strengths. Youre likely a relationship-type person and attract them on a regular basis. I have a 1st House retrograde Saturn in Cancer, so lets just say there was life before 27 and then life after 27 I experienced an ego death with my Return which almost drove me to madness but Im grateful I got to really see myself. There can be a lack of compromise with this placement, which will need to be worked on in order to access your journeys ultimate purpose. It is not ones fault if one feels cast adrift. With the conjunction, youre likely a strong, healthy person who has incredible staying power. Whats your ultimate destiny in this lifetime? (check out my comment below btw) If you dont feel loved and arent being loving than you are more vulnerable to psychic attacks both from your own self and otherswhen you get loved and clear, there is more discernment and less cloudiness and confusionFollow and adhere to the traits of your Northnode sign. Barbra, its been a few years since your wrote this post. You must avoid escapism and drug addictionthere can be problems getting lost in Neptunes fog. And I hear what they are telling me but I receive it with much more attention and then Im strongly holding on to they words and I often feel like a fool because many people will say something they dont really mean. sometimes i can see the people involved with issues that i have never met. There is not much information on the internet about this conjunction with the North Node. I have moments of intense bliss washing the dishes sometimes!! I definitely know that I came here to this life with an abundance of strength and confidence (also have Mars conjunct Jupiter at top of chart), and am learning lesson after lesson of I do not truly benefit unless We benefit from my strength. One must develop a structure with this placement and stick strictly to critical thinking and discernment. Like you I have a conjunction of my natal NN and Jupiter. and that awareness is half the battle won, but admittedly, Im quaking in my boots Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! In fact, we've been on the brink of change for the past few years, but it's all coming to a head as Uranus conjunct the North Node of Destiny takes place on July 31. So glad you are here. Much like the planets and angles in your chart, the Nodes can be activated by transits and progressions. By itself I think it might mean something different, but since I have a Uranus-Neptune conjunction, Ive heard that that is the Atlantian soul conjunction; so with both of those conjunct my NN I think my purpose here has something to do with the atlantian legacy and teachings. Yikes Im a bit worried with all the transits in my chart right now- any thoughts / wise-cautionary or optimistic advice would be welcome . The opposition can make you a very shy personthere is a need to stay out of the limelight. This also indicates a harmonious relationship with father figures in your life. I have read that this is not a fortunate placement. The opposition and square require some type of sacrifice. Throw Neptune conjunction in there, and all the beautiful things about it, are hindered (for myself) because of my previous inability to see that I NEED to focus on myself. They will learn the lessons of pain. V vanila Well-known member Apr 10, 2010 #7 Claire19 said: In short transitting nodes are not valid. Being give a choice to stay with the old or move towards the new. Mars rules our animalistic instincts and can often provide clues to our vitality and physical self. I have Neptune (Rx) at 8Sag30 and NN at 19Sag28, I say a tad too much for a conjunction but as you asked. Unfortunately, I cant find much information elsewhere about Neptune and Uranus conjunct the NN. I spent my grade school years running away from home and had a suicide attempt at one point in my teens. Being kind, considerate and polite is one thing but it gets to the point that it hinders my ability to focus on myself. Rahu to Pluto transits are highly transformational and need to be understood and embraced in a healing way, in a positively empowering way. This native will, likely, have ambition and be a go getter when it comes to goals. This conjunction means you born with a serious brain! The North Node of the Moon, both in the natal horoscope and in its transit provides a positive influx of energy and power. It means that I am bringing beauty to people? Virtually all these transits to the Nodes open up the possibility of encountering someone who shakes up or changes your life in some way, and helps propel you forward. I want to help people. With the Adrenals, as in my own case, they can flatline and stop producing Cortisol. Uranus conj the NN is an out of the box person. Anyways, I find that this does help me read people. So looking at my NN, it is conjunct Pluto by 2 degrees(2nd house, Libra) also tightly conjunct astroid Sumeria (under 2 degrees) and Paradise (under 1 degree)- also tightly sextile Venus as well as Neptune. He will be in touch with his own heart. The sign of the South Node represents archetypes that have been mastered. So I hope this helps in some way. With so much energy to burn I think sport and exercise could be beneficial or perhaps a competitive pastime (games) if you are not particularly sporty. YOU are the most important person to me. This is a time of exciting growth. Thank you for watching! ( In a past life, you may have been a spiritual healer. ITs really weird for a long time i thought i was crazy because i could sense peoples intentions and feelings. As the north node progresses into Taurus, however, we are invited to regroup from the devastation. To tell a bit more: Growing up you may have felt like you were in direct competition with your peers or siblings. Youre adaptable and versatile, but its important to make decisions based on what will work best in the long haul, not based on the now and whats trendy. Its really interesting to have an earthy Capricorn placement influenced by so much contrasting energy. But there are other elements at play: The aspects they form with other planets in your birth chart. In fact, during this time, you may become obsessed with the idea of having a child! Im realizing that having nn in my Capricorn 5th, my purpose is to stop being so involved in the well being of EVERYONE. Just found out that Im also a Lyran Starseed, who were supposedly the original inhabitants of Atlantis. Im practicing living in the moment technique but it is hard. Teach with grace?) Finally got the hang of the user name issue. We will discuss planetary conjunctions here. Im a very kind and healthy person its all so crazy I was ever such a wreck! [_wpnonce] => Intense . Its evolved over the years as I have evolved and grown spiritually. Many of us are drawn to explore our birth charts to access a deeper understanding and acceptance of who we really arethe characteristics and flaws that make us uniquely human and uniquely us. I feel there is a lot of tendency to pendulum between the things that are artsy, expressive, otherworldly and the things that we crave that are materialistic personal achievements, luxuries, comforts, etc. They usually last for about three years and during this time you will likely experience the angel of death at very close quarters. This native was born to bring love and/or beauty to the world. Uranus is hovering on my Aries South Node (Hmmm yes, Ive had a few misses cough) Mine, however includes the Sun, and Cazimi Mercury, all within the 19th degree of Pisces well my natal Jupiter is 20 degrees 12. The North Node is one major point in the chart showing PURPOSE. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => To simply explain it to you, transit is the movement of the seven among the nine planets in astrology Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon from one zodiac sign to another. You can heal others through artpainting, singing, dancing, writing, etc. It is sometimes very hard to be present. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Hi Amiann what about NN hitting angles? The opposition and square indicate a pain that can link back to one of your siblings or the way you learned to communicate. With the conjunction, it is your duty to share your artistic talents with the world. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. And these zodiac signs share a distinct relationship with the seven planets in astrology. Saturn is transiting trine my conjunction, and Jupiter was as well earlier this year. Wow, what a culmination for your friend. I was healthy and I worked everywhere I could even though it was considered illegal because I was under 18. Though Jupiter was just a degree away from his IC in this week too. So Im trying to move from people but in order to have successful career I need to learn to be present. Weve already gone over what it means when someones personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) aspects their north node. . Did I mention Pluto is squaring my natal Pluto in Libra by 7 degrees? Seems like a contradiction to me. Your influence in strong and that can factor into what you choose to do with your life and how you spend your time. House Witchery Moon sextile NN, thank you so much, Angela. It has been identified with Jupiter and embodies a joining quality. Youll find that when you feel confused usually the traits of your Southnode sign are at play. Nodal symbolism - summary I didnt see myself clearly. My Pluto/NN is in the 2nd house, and Im looking for transits to explain this huge reversal in fortune. Please help. I have conjunction of NN with Uranus in 2nd house and with Neptune from my 3rd house. Pallas is great wisdom, so the person would have wisdom if it conjuncted either the North or South Node, Tina. Or even its desirability. I feel this placement is very creative, and POF Gemini is about communication while Sagittarius is writing and travel. Youre well-liked and might experience financial abundance. Hi everybody, I was looking at the birth chart of my child, she is 12 yo. I have not seen this placement enough to know. The north node triggers you to align your actions with your soul's purpose. At the moment with neptune conjuncting my jupiter I feel this sense of vastness that everything is possible I just need to focus on an area and voila it can happen but which area to choose asks my libra sun, pluto, venus, mars and uranus?? North node this year is hovering on my Moon + Saturn Leo conjunction . That is so interesting <3. Youre able to balance the fun in your life with a mature outlook. Your path to growth will come from learning to let go of your rigid thinking and patterns. I have been called an alien all my life and Ive been pretty popular because of my uniqueness. But it shapes us and teaches us to be indestructible. You see alongside, being my worst enemies my mother and brother were also my best teachers. In astrology, the lunar nodes, commonly referred to as the north node and south nodes, represent mathematical points in a birth chart that are connected with our karmic fate in this lifetime. My stelluim is mostly trine my jupiter but my moon and Saturn. Call on Jesus Christ when scared, if the energy is of bad energy it will dissapear with the sound of his name. Conception is further indicated if transiting Pluto aspects your natal Moon and/or ruler of your 4 . Reality checks are important because there is a tendency to get lost in boundless optimism. It may be that the sacrifice is to bring attention to some matter that would be a considerable contribution to the world. Theres a lot happening under the surface with this aspect, but ultimately you possess extreme power to bring about change and that is your destiny. Typically, the opposition will amplify the energy. placing the Sun in the 7th AND in Leo thats a lot of Individual energy. Pluto conjunct the North Node is a native who is destined to learn the lessons of power and how to wield power. Oh my NN is 10 from my IC .. Id love feed back. We will look at what it means if one of your personal planets forms an aspect with your north node in a conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile. I got sober two months ago, and then started hearing voices, and thought I could read peoples thoughts and project my own. I have this placement, we are subtle to possession so please be pretty careful! I was 5. This is especially true with Pluto in Capricorn, instigating Crises in the life that can stress the Adrenal/Thyroid and compromise the immune system. These studies made me see that the world does not operate as I once thought. Despit this positive configuration, I have the tension of bad aspects. I get visions and other stuff. Life is like a show through the window where you see and feel and know but have no interest in participating in. These are astrological transit interpretations for Jupiter transits to natal planets, and Jupiter transits through natal houses. Im also a professional psychic tarot reader and do quite well. Maybe none of it has anything to do with this and more with other points. Furthermore, grant it i have failed in the eyes of the masses I consider myself a success in many schools of thought and my success lies in my mind which i hope to express through the written word. Wish I could help more with this placement. My spirituality is growing, but lately Ive also felt like Ive lost my mind in a way. Lucky him! Ive been told I wouldve made a great therapist. but Im happy with these planets :), I have NN Conjunct Neptune Conjunct Mars in Sag all in the 3rd housealso a mutual reception between my Jupiter in Pisces and Neptune in Sag. Thats now after decades of this parallel existence covering many countries, languages and cultures. I dont believe in past lives, P, so cannot speak to that but Neptune conj the NN may bring problems, in that people may be deceived. After this, they will, likely, be excellent healers for others. And we're right to do so! I have a constant awareness of other peoples energy which can distract me from my own goals and this can be draining. My Neptune is trine Sun, w/ Neptune in my 12th house in Sagittarius. The day it was all confirmed, Chiron was exact on his natal Saturn/Mercury conjunction. Sun and Venus sextile NN I think I get but what about quintiles? August 17, 2016. In that case, what the north node does is magnify whatever it's transiting. So it comes down to one thing for me where do I value my lifes purpose is it either in my bank account (which is non existent) or is it in the banks deep in my mind where revenue is building. The North Node is one of the major points in the natal chart showing purpose or calling. Neptune is so bad. The Other strong aspect is mercury sextile the stellium. North Node in Gemini - South Node in Sagittarius . Details follow the chart. Pluto has a deep sense of knowing, and with a soft and kind aspect like a trine or sextile, this will increase your intuitive abilities. The South Node of the Moon represents where we have been, and, across the circle, the North Node represents where we are going. Fortunately, your intuition will guide youtrust in yourself and listen to your inner voice. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. But I definitely spend more time thinking about proper personal alignment and direction than anyone Ive ever met. You have the ability to influence and introduce new ideas and innovative approaches to doing things. NN conjunct Neptune Conjunct IC here. Astrology Transits. Real troubles that I wont go into but I will say it involved jail and institutions. I have saturn and venus both conjunct north node. Slower transits from the outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to your natal and/or progressed Moon can have a significant impact. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => Id love to get to know you better so we can better understand the impacts of this placement. I abused substances for 20 yrs and was lost in a fog of deception, most certainly. There is also a struggle to balance intuition and intellect. His death was dramatic and attention-getting (Leo), associated with a short journey (3rd)and sadly may have . June 6, 2012. Substance dependency can be a real issue. I also have a desire to help people to inspire them to give them something that will free them from their mental patterns. Im extremely creative (especially with music and words), and Im at my happiest when Im inspired by someone or something, or inspiring someone else. Here are the highlights: Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - 2022 (new cycle) Pluto enters Aquarius - 2023-24 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus - 2024 (new cycle) Neptune enters Aries - 2025 Uranus enters Gemini - 2025 Youre likely to be quite chatty and an excellent communicator, which will serve you well in the long-term. Focus on going forward instead of being caught up in the murky waters of the present and past.. Having it in the 7th house seems to be about being responsible in our interactions with other people, being clear and mature, and utilising the connections we have with others to assist us in furthering ourselves, instead of isolating ourselves and retreating into an overly-emotional loner cave. 10 planets from Sun to Pluto and the North Node in detail. You look at the world on a macroscale and can help introduce new ways of thinking, science, or technology. (Yeah.. its a lot.) Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Originally posted by Selenite: tNeptune in 9 Pisces trine my Venus 9 Scorpio from the 7th house and trine his DC in 9 Cancer. We may be creatures of comfort with this aspect, and were sure as hell popular. No purpose. When this is square Jupiter from the 8th it tastes wonderful and frightfully poignant at times and yes it costs but I wouldnt change this for the worldSeeing through walls is a natural ability and not being believed is par for the course. I have failed at everything this world deems as successful, yet feel I have made leaps and bounds on my spiritual journey. Gotta respond to your post. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Painful isnt really the word that describes the sensation. This may make it hard to interact with the world because your own nature demands a lot from you. Under the trine, the influence will be a little stronger than the sextile. With erratic Uranus conjunct the north node, youre here to find a calling that shakes you to your core and your job is to help introduce it to the masses. Does anyone know anything good that has happened during these transits. No one ever talks about this placement yet I feel its absolutely imperative to know more about it. Using alcohol or other substance throughout my life as a way to artificially induce the courage to manifest my north node. We've already gone over what it means when someone's personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) aspects their north node. Astrologer Mary Fortier Shea describes progressing the solar return Moon until it aspects a solar return or natal planet, and noting when a solar return planet transits over a solar return house cusp (to pinpoint major changes). Im very busy doing nothing at all! Im sure Neptune conjuncting Northe Node epecially in a cardinal house has to do with this confusion and feeling of being lost. Achievements will come more easily and your personality and sense of self is generally accepted by others. The connection with Atlantis is very interesting. Times in this chart are Eastern Time. The person could be a loving mother or a poet. Opposites Mercury (3rd) at 16Gem49 and IC at 19Gem42 Your email address will not be published. Im curious what would happen if you had certain asteroids conjunct your north node like pallas. See below for transits from other planets. You might find you experiences periods of sudden energy bursts and creativity. But i always thought it was in my head until one day i decided to experiment with it. I was thinking this may be what this aspect feels like. Esoteric Moodboard. We will discuss planetary conjunctions here. Tr Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). This planet encourages you to develop mastery and independence in this lifetime. I often missed the mark in my early attempts at being myself in the world. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => Love, One thing I havent explored much yet, but I feel drawn to is Storytelling.
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