Big blessings should be answered with big praise, gifts, surrender, etc. Question: What do you say when someone says, bless you or have a blessed day? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I simply say "thanks". Wigington, Patti. It was a test of faith for them to go without any evidence of healing. Brian Kaplan, MD Whole Person Medicine and Reverse Psychology It all depends on the sincerity of the question . Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, Notice the exchange that happens: Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named . 10:12-13). Thanks? Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, We should respond to Gods blessings by glorifying Him at Jesus feet from thankful hearts. They never returned to Jesus to receive salvation of their souls. For me, "have a blessed day" is the same as "have a great day". They are being friendly in their own language. Thank you for being there for me, through thick and thin. This is a good response to use when asked the question by someone you're dating or in a relationship with. translation, interview, author | 7.2K views, 15K likes, 7.1K loves, 109K comments, 26K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Agyemang Elvis: ALPHA HOUR. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. A fellow evangelical will respond in kind, but if you're flummoxed or just say "have a good day" you have "outted" yourself as a non-evangelical. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, if you view a blessing as an award for how good of a person you are (and I hope it does) then wouldnt you feel a bit guilty for implying that your life is better than others? In this, their situation was similar to that of Naaman the Syrian, whom Elisha told to go and bathe in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10-15). If she isnt just ignore her. and that is said what works for one human may not work for another and to critize that is inmoral to me! Luke seems to put this here to show the increasing rejection of Jesus by the nation Israel, whereas this foreigner receives not only healing, but also salvation. They are being friendly in their own language. Live a life of appropriate praise! I sometimes tailor my response depending upon the situation we have evangelicals in my extended family that I don't really want to argue with. They werent claiming, Were lepers, but were pretty good lepers. 3. Oct 15, 2019. The problem with thinking God has your back is that its actually kind of disgusting. But, if this is a phrase rooted in the sacred, should it be used in a more casual context? At least where I live (CA) blessings often have no religious connotation at all. The Pagan community tends to be divided on this; some people use it on a regular basis, others feel uncomfortable saying it because it's just not part of their liturgical vocabulary. Such as in the song Jimmy by M.I.A look at aaja in the dictionary My indian boyfriend told me is meaning come to me, 6 Answers I have never had or heard of that particular brand, but have had several here in Canada, plus a number in the Caribbean and Asia, and there all the same, small cut hot dogs in a can, no need q now please.. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas:? - Marcus Aurelius. Thank you is definitely a more appropriate reply. Like many other phrases in the Pagan lexicon, there is no universal rule that you must use Blessed Be as a greeting or in a ritual context, or even at all. A story is told of a man who was lost in the woods. We should respond to God's blessings by glorifying Him at Jesus' feet from thankful hearts. It was a time when many people were dying from a plague and they thought the sickness started with a sneeze. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. I just say "uh, thanks' and go on about my business. You could also connect with the Humanist Community of Central Ohio on Facebook. by Derrick | May 9, 2018 | Humanist Living | 12 comments. I get this a lot! Theres nothing to compare your life outcome with. The choice to use "Blessed Be," or to not use it at all, is entirely up to you. The thankful leper represents the full fruit of saving faith, namely, lips that give joyful thanks to His name. I'm living a wonderful life and it's truly a blessing to be alive and be in the position that I am in. ", I just don't acknowledge it. Posterior Thigh _____ 4. "I am blessed to have so many great things in my life; family, friends and God. I completely misunderstood you. The best ways to respond include "I'm so lucky to have you too," "I appreciate you saying that," and "that means a lot to me." These are great ways to respond because they show you care about the other person. It may be the origin of the term blessed be, a well-known Neopagans greeting, also used as a general expression of blessing during ritual. Not good! To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. 6. But. Thank You. Those who have experienced Jesus cleansing power should glorify Him. Consider this: God has offered you a ton of blessings in your life and youre grateful for that. If you are you could return by saying "blessed be". I have been researching humanism for school and would like to have a conversation with a seasoned humanist, if you would like to chat about humanism please email me. You can include a link to this post in your posts and comments by including the text. You will stay in the place of blessing when you live obediently. Have a beautiful Sunday! *At Jesus feetWhereas before the man had to keep his distance from Jesus because of his disease, now he comes up near to Him and falls on his face at Jesus feet. They're simply wishing you well. He blesses us with numerous benefits. They were all outcasts, separated from the common worship and separated from their own people, seemingly under Gods curse. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to play "I'M BLESSED" by Charlie Wilson Ft. T.I. (easy piano Sharing a common approach to life, humanists face some common situations. Pronouncing the Word Blessed - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation We must spend much time at His feet. Its basically whenever you feel fortunate. Wesley discovered that the man had only one coat and that nothing had passed his lips that day, except a drink of water, and yet his heart was full of gratitude to God. Your email address will not be published. I believe it's a mistake if you pray for something for 10 years and then only thank Him for 10 minutes. He wasnt claiming, Jesus did His part, but I did my part. He knew that he had been healed totally because of Jesus mercy, and so he readily fell on his face at Jesus feet. Pan's blessings to you too. This money is used to help meet our operational costs. By using this response, you are making clear that you are already blessed and do not want anything else given to you. Put it this way: If you were the only person in the world, the idea of feeling blessed would be kind of meaningless. Have a blessed Sunday! Thanks Griffin, Im happy to talk. Give Him glory! It's those people who should inject the latter part to descibe how the actually feel. If it is an everyday person I just take it to mean they are wishing me well, and I wish them well back. 2 Chronicles 32:2426 Hey I have been researching humanism for school and I have some questions about humanism I would like to have a talk would a seasoned humanist, so just give me an email if you feel like chatting. We must put Him in His proper place as Lord and Master when we come to Him. God blesses us then we take the blessing and run after some verbal thanks. #CaliforniaForward. As Ill argue in a moment, I believe that only the man who returned to give thanks to Jesus was saved spiritually. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. Truly, we serve a generous and compassionate God! If you always feel gratitude, then is it intellectually inconsistent to single-out a certain circumstance as a moment to be grateful? Were glad these pages could be a valuable resource. Spurgeon points out that while ten men prayed, only one praised. If the nine were Jews, their common tragedy had broken down the traditional separation between the Jews and the half-breed Samaritans, who were considered as Gentiles. Obey Him as a sacrifice of praise. The bigger the blessing the longer we should praise Him. I would love to join in too , Thank you . You hope for them to be blessed too. Saying youre blessed doesnt clearly describe the context of what youre feeling. BaalOfWax follows a NeoWiccan tradition, and he says. Indeed, who needs a Savior, if youre a basically good person? God won the impossible victory against the large Assyrian army and vicious king Sennacherib through the prayers of Isaiah and Hezekiah. The good news is that God delights to show mercy to those who cry out for it! Luke is the only gospel to use this word in addressing Jesus, and every other time it is used by the disciples. It also can imply that your circumstances happened to you on purpose, and you're appreciative of them. I just accept it, usually it is just someone being friendly. Thanks Griffin, Ive gone ahead and emailed you. I doubt if he understood the deity of Jesus, but nonetheless, he took the proper place of worship at Jesus feet. 02 "I can't wait to see you again.". By crying out for mercy, these men were acknowledging that they did not deserve healing. Why confront someone whos just trying to be friendly even if you dont agree with theyre religous beliefs. Her invocation ended with: You may decide that you'd like to use "Blessed be" outside of ritual, but only with other Pagans and that's okay too. When Jesus healed the leper in Luke 5:13, He first healed him and then instructed him to go and show himself to the priest. I say thanks. They mean well. We are not blessed by all that we do, but in where we fall short. While prayer will last for this life only, praise will continue throughout eternity. More generally?Reason be with you.My common sense is tingling.Live long and prosper.May the force be with you.Eat, Drink and be merry.May the odds be ever in your favour.We are Groot. 48.) Well I hope you never lose that blessing. "Blessed and Highly Favored" Verse Meaning & Promise Explained Situation 1: A:I am going out of town for training next week. 3. Psalm11:3. I was thinking exactly this. Enter the the Ksp expression forC2D3 in terms of the molar solubility x.? I can use all the well-wishers I can get! Do not leave out the venue. The phrases origins are a bit more murky. Can you reply "you too" to wishes such as "Good luck"? Any suggestions? 5 ways to Respond Appropriately to God's blessings to the empployees was very informative. 2. I'm wishing for them to have happiness during their holiday - it makes no difference whether I celebrate the same holiday or not. The idea of being blessed is very much like the idea of being lucky. Privacy Policy. 21 Best Replies To "God Bless You" (For All Situations) - Grammarhow PLEASE HELP!!! And may Oden lead your battle. If you're not wiccan, say thank you. I Am So Blessed To Have You In My Life Quotes I sometimes wish people blessings, meaning I hope good things come their way. Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. I'm So Lucky To Have You Too "I'm so lucky to have you too" is a simple response. William Barclay (The Daily Study Bible: Matthew [Westminster Press], 1:295) describes the hideous progression of the worse form of this disease: It might begin with little nodules which go on to ulcerate. This leper wasnt maintaining his dignity and self-esteem. "Thank you". Jimmy aaja, jimmy aaja. Do you render again according to the benefit done unto you? They grumble about having to eat the same old cereal, forgetting that many would gladly exchange places with them and eat anything for breakfast. Please do not remove any watermarks, crop, or edit any of my images without first obtaining written permission. Hezekiah was a good king. How do I respond to people who say "have a blessed day" or something Sometimes it takes a bit of effort. they are not going to look down on you if your not on their band wagon as i know some christans do! in rituals and ceremonies. Blessed be? Parent. To most, saying "Merry Christmas" or "Have a happy Christmas" becomes so commonplace, it is very similar to saying "Have a good day." Most people say it out of obligation or common courtesy. A quick google search will enlighten you to how egotistical the word actually is. Usually if I know them well, I cant help but think about the fact that theyll say this despite the recent inconveniences and sometimes hardships theyve faced prior to that statement. Leprosy rendered a man ceremonially defiled, so that if he was healed, he still had to go to the priest and carry out an extensive ritual of cleansing before he could be accepted back into the religious community and worship (Lev. In fact, Jesus calls him a foreigner (only occurrence of this word in the NT), a word that was on the signs prohibiting foreigners from passing the inner barrier of the temple (Josephus, Antiquities 15.11.5, 417; Jewish War 5.5.2. We apologize for the change in plans this close to the date. He restores and heals our souls. - Unknown. And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Every day we should be filled with gratitude for all that the Savior did for us when we were spiritual lepers before Him. The proper response is to determine immediately if the pagan girl saying it is hot. So, be nice as well. "I don't need to be blessed" if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, "have a blessed day," you could say, "you have a good day too." You could also say . I just say "thanks." I pray that the content on this site has been a blessing to you! in an extremely matter-of-fact tone. Ive gone ahead and emailed you. Others may have been embarrassed by his exuberance, but he didnt care! Do you value reason, science, and compassion? God wants us all to see that our hearts are deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. All of the devastating effects of this terrible disease were erased. Genesis 14:17 -24 "After his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley). 50 Thank You for Being Part of My Life Messages and Quotes Because really if someone said that to me, I wouldnt be sure what they were meaning. 30+ Blessed Quotes to Help You Count Your Blessings Your response matters to the Lord. The average course of that kind of leprosy is nine years, and it ends in mental decay, coma and ultimately death. This is a GREAT reminder! Required fields are marked *. His presence is here, worship with us at Summer Ramp now! | summer Wesley said, You thank God when you have nothing to wear, nothing to eat, and no bed to lie upon. When blessed is used as a verb, it is pronounced with one syllable (blest). Wed still like to hear from you. 5 Answers There is no word like addressal. May God hear all your prayers and grant them all! I don't take it to mean they're pushing their religion on me. Leprosy might begin with the loss of all sensation in some part of the body; the nerve trunks are affected; the muscles waste away; the tendons contract until the hands are like claws. According to the Law, they keep their distance but they recognize Jesus and cry out to Him for mercy. Im used to hearing it. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas? :o). For more information, please see our Thank God with your life not just your words. You can respond with Blessed Be back or by saying Brightest Blessingstheir both appropriate when speaking to someone that is Wiccan. It's not worth causing a stir over. God blesses obedience. The Masai tribe in West Africa has an unusual way of saying thank you: They bow, put their forehead on the ground, and say, My head is in the dirt. Another African tribe expresses gratitude by sitting for a long time in front of the hut of the person who did the favor and saying, literally, I sit on the ground before you. (In Leadership Journal [Winter, 1993], p. Some think "God bless you" was said because a person's heart stopped or skipped a beat when they sneezed. Think Twice Before Saying, "I'm Blessed" - Michelle DeRusha nore christanity. When people say"you are blessed", how can I reply? 9 Best Replies to "I'm So Lucky to Have You" - Grammarhow When People Say, "Have a Merry Christmas," How Should You Respond? Praise God and Praise Jesus Christ our Savior. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del presente de subjuntivo de los verbos entre parntesis.? Thank them. How To Respond To God's Blessings - Sermon Central Lesson 79: How to Respond to God's Blessings (Luke 17:11-19) When you say that youre blessed, it implies that your circumstances happened to you on purpose. If they had lost fingers and toes, they were restored. Clearly, Jesus was pleased with his expression of thanks and grieved at the absence of the other nine (17:17-18). Press J to jump to the feed. summer | 4.2K views, 92 likes, 102 loves, 53 comments, 67 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Ramp: His presence is here, worship with us at Summer Ramp now!Welcome to Summer Ramp What Is The Unpardonable Sin In The Bible? But, in spite of that, the cleansing of these lepers pictures what God does to the souls of those who call out to Him for salvation. Attribution for excerpts should include a clearly visible link to I just say thank you, I hope you have a great day. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist Anytime I go to answer with even "I'm excellent" or "I'm doing great" I'll get a weird look in response. what to answer after "bless you" - WordReference Forums Take every opportunity to mention God's name in a positive way. Me molesta que mis padres no ______ (cuidar) su alimentacin.. 3. to the Lord. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 1999, All Rights Reserved. Only one of the ten responded properly. Some think "God bless you" started when Pope Gregory said it to those who sneezed. Sometimes, even those who have been healed of life threatening situations use their new life to focus on self instead of the one Who extended their lives. The proud refusal to acknowledge our true condition as spiritual lepers is one of the main reasons people do not receive Gods salvation in Jesus Christ. Your Reports Help Protect the Agnostic CommunityReport Content, I think this violates the community guidelines. I don't get offended. If my life is not marked by frequent praise to God for His many blessings, I am not being obedient. Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button. Subject: Changing my RSVP Dear Jane, Due to some unplanned circumstances, Sophia and I will be unable to make it to your party on the 15th. Although it appears in some Pagan paths, its typically more likely to be used in a NeoWiccan context. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Both start with either a white or pink discoloration of a patch of skin. You could also add a "thanks" in front or behind this, e.g. Deltoid muscle _____ 2. If you are you could return by saying "blessed be". Either of those would work. Your email address will not be published. How Are You? "I'm Blessed". "I'm blessed." "I'm fine." "I'm good Now, heres the kicker: The Bible wants all of us to see ourselves in our natural state before Christ as spiritual lepers in His sight. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So do we! What was his response? These people assume we are believers and should not be saying this shit IMO. All topics related to atheism, agnosticism and secular living are welcome here. My favorite and oft-heard response to my answer is,Well, god/the lord/Jesus bless you anyway. To which I always respond, And may the tooth fairy and Paul Bunyan bless you!. Jonsblond ( 7802) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . 4 Answers aaja Come. Before Isaiah had left the building, the Lord tells him to go back to the king and say that his prayer was heard. I just say thank you and keep it moving, it really doesn't bother me at all. To be oblivious to the fact that God is blessing you or, even worse, to take credit for His blessings as if you earned them by your own efforts, would be to slight God. That depends on why they say/said that. You're the one I turn to with the best news, and you're the one who comforts me in the worst of times. Thank you for your comments, Gary. If before his voice had been hampered by leprosy, it was freed up now and he exercised it with full force! Even so, if we who have known Jesus healing power in our souls will live each day to glorify Him with thankful hearts, others will be drawn to the Savior to find mercy for their souls. This is a great option for when you don't want to over complicate things. while making the Vulcan hand sign. When you say that you are blessed, I presume that you imply your life situation must have been orchestrated by God. On the other hand, some people use it as part of regular, non-ritual conversation. Oswald Chambers observed, The great difficulty spiritually is to concentrate on God, and it is His blessings that make it difficult. but any sort of kind statement after will work, marry meet something like that I forgot I dont study wicca anylonger! Luke again picks up the journey motif, of Jesus proceeding toward Jerusalem where He will meet with His appointed destiny. by Merrill Tenney [Zondervan], 2:138-139). The fact that this man was a Samaritan shows that the way of salvation is open to all who will call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. They complain about their lack of money, forgetting that they spend more on entertainment each month than many around the world earn as their total income. This means that if you buy a book from our resources page or a book review blog post, we will earn a small percentage. I love it when you share! - Muriel Rukeyser. The blessing is in the seed.". We have many other blog posts where you could share experiences and thoughtful advice. 2 Chronicles 32:20-22 Furthermore, the Lord magnified Hezekiah in the sight of the people, protected him from his enemies and enriched him financially. Required fields are marked *. Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members. Context is all the information surrounding the language that is being discussed. If you're that person who likes to stay in the space of gratitude, saying, "I'm blessed," will showcase your appreciative nature. Wigington, Patti. Im not wiccan myself, but my sister is. In fact, the King James Bible includes the verse, Blessed be the name of the Lord.. This phrase has become more prominent among evangelicals over the past 10 yrs or so. Because of that, it has never bothered me. ". They just have a way of putting smiles on our faces when we're not in a good mood, of providing when we're in need, of showing up when we need help, of doing beautiful things for us. Youre not stupid, you chose the word blessed rather than grateful for a reason. Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways,Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar,Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be,Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty,Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names of the gods. . this is also mentioned by @JonLarby in the comments. Responding to " bless you ," you could say, "I don't need to be blessed" if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, "have a blessed day," you could say, "you have a good day too." You could also say, "I don't believe in any religion, so I'm just going to say thank you." If someone says, "I'll pray for you, I might say Well, Im curious, would you still be grateful without the blessings? They received the temporal benefit of healed bodies, but it is only to the one thankful leper who returned that our Lord proclaimed, Your faith has saved you [literal, 17:19]. If these lepers had thought, We may be sick, but were not all that bad, they wouldnt have cried out to Jesus for mercy. 111 Quotes about Blessings and Being Blessed | Inspirationfeed r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Still, Id like to pose the following questions. Praise God often for His blessings in your life. Some people mean it as a generic good wish for the season, many mean it as a good wish for the festival they celebrate in honor of their particular version of Jesus Christ and assume you do, too, and some people use it as a dog whistle. That is kind of them. Not like they are trying to convert you. It is to exalt Him, to let others know how great He is. To top off this miracle, God turned back the time on the sundial of Ahaz as a sign of promise to the King! Next. In the Bible leprosy can refer to a number of skin diseases, but in its worst form, it was what we know as Hansens disease (R. K. Harrison, The New Testament Dictionary of New Testament Theology, ed. How to Thank God for Every Blessing He Has Given Us - wikiHow However, there were consequences to his family and country because of his time spent in pride. But that didnt stop them from raising their voices and crying, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! The gracious Lord Jesus will never turn a deaf ear to a cry like that! Most of the time the intentions are good. I'm also perfectly happy to say "Merry Christmas" to someone who celebrates the holiday. During that rite, the High Priest or High Priest delivers what it known as the Five Fold Kiss, and recites. I can't say that I am. But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem. Romantic Messages: #1 Having you by my side has added unimaginable happiness and stability to my life, honey. I'm Blessed - YouTube I don't get offended. Thus he is showing that the way of salvation is open to all who call upon the Lord, but that many who have received temporal benefits from the Lord are in danger of missing that which they most need, namely, salvation of their souls. They hear the birds chirping and see beautiful flowers and trees, but they dont give it a moments thought that God has given those blessings and given them the senses to enjoy them. "Thanks, you have a good day, too." The difference between being blessed and being lucky is not so different. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. How can they say their well-off when theyre not actually well-off, even by their own standards? #2 Thank you for being the one-of-a-kind special someone in my life. *Glorify GodTwice it is mentioned that the man glorified God (17:15, 18). 5. 4. If you have a response to our question above please feel free to leave it in the comments section below.
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