While these species are native to Asia and Eastern Australia, many new types of Alocasia hybrids have been created all over the world and kept as decorative houseplants. Also called the Winterbourn, the cultivar grows in dense clumps. Add a bit of diluted fertilizer monthly during the growing season to keep your plant growing in top shape. However, many houseplant varieties have heart-shaped leaves that are much smaller. This plant is considered a mini alocasia; it only grows to about one foot in height. This indoor plant is an excellent specimen evergreen leafy plant. Philodendron Brasil is a variegated type of Philodendron which is a cultivar of the heartleaf Philodendron. Shape of the Leaves. But if you live in a temperate or dryer climate, you can still keep these beautiful houseplants in your home. This Alocasia variety usually offers more stems and, therefore, a fuller-looking foliage compared to others in the genus. Some types of vining plants in the Philodendron family are the variegated Philodendron Brasil, pink princess and the green heartleaf Philodendron. You can also put a cutting in potting soil. The leaves of this variety range between 4 and 6 inches, while the height of the plant ranges from 40 to 80 inches. It also has a distinctive slender tiphaving a similar look to a beetroot plant. Fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots, either in rings or in a central cluster. Hopefully, some of the Alocasia types I discussed have piqued your interest and youll find them in your local garden center. Other species of Philodendron need brighter light but protected from direct sunlight. Stick the stem in a glass of water, making sure the node is submerged. Philodendron is a completely different genus from Pothos (which is the common name for plants in the Epipremnum genus), and really mostly refers to Epipremnum aureum. Coming from the subtropical regions of Asia and eastern Australia, these types of Alocasia can be demanding due to their high humidity requirements, probability of spider mites, and the need for regular Alocasia repotting. How to care for philodendron plants: Grow Philodendron plants in well-draining soil, a bright indoor location, and water whenever the top 1 (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. Its a tall-growing variety (4-6.5 feet) that needs filtered or bright, indirect light. . The leaf patterns on this Alocasia are eerily similar to that of the Dragon Scale, however, the Silver Dragon has silvery green leaves with green primary veins. 20 percent peat moss; 20 percent orchid bark with charcoal; 10 percent shredded sphagnum moss and a handful of perlite. A pothos (top photo) has leaves with a thicker, waxy feel and slightly raised/bumpy texture to the leaves. They also bloom anthurium-like flowers of no more than three at a time. While some of these plants are too large to be kept indoors, there are many that . The most important care requirement is to protect them from direct sunlight. The heart shaped leaves of philodendron Micans have a velvety feel. Alocasia Dragon Scale is undoubtedly my favorite Alocasia, and one of my most treasured houseplants. The main difference is caladium is grown from a tuber and On the other hand, Syngonium is grown from adventitious roots and is more tolerable to their surroundings. Be sure to keep a wet pebble tray close by or group plants close together next to a humidifier. In the picture: Philodendron erubescens Red Emerald which has red stems. Alocasia leaves are more upright. But, you can put your plant anywhere you want. While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. If you do choose a less-humid space, make sure to mist the leaves around twice a week or put the plant on a pebble tray. Another difference between these two philodendrons is their leaf color. The erect spadix is covered in small white flowers, enclosed in a spathe shaped like a boat, similar to lily plants. . This post is about the different types of Alocasia plants, how to identify them including photos of the Alocasia varieties and some basic care tips. Although the Philodendron Brasil can tolerate low to medium light, bright light helps keep its foliage vibrant. Philodendron Imperial Green Care: A Complete Guide for Beginners, Philodendron Birkin light Requirements Everything you need to know. 15 - 25cm Philodendron Scandens Pothos 12cm Pot House Plant. This color combination gives the plant a stunning appearance with large pointed leaves of different shades growing together. With almost 100 varieties of Alocasias, choosing your perfect match can be overwhelming. The Polly Plant is probably the most common variety of Alocasia. With too little light, the plant can grow lopsided or even leggy. These plants grow from tubers instead of seeds and are best known for their large heart, arrow or ear-shaped leaves that have been known to grow up to three feet long. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. Luckily, however, they can also be grown inside the home with some extra care. You can hang the vining plants in a basket from the ceiling or place on a high shelf for the beautiful long stems to create an attractive vertical accent. 2. The Amazonica reaches a height and spread of about two feet. The Philodendron will grow in low-light environments, but the vibrancy of its leaves may fade. Dark alocasia leaves often have light or white . With careful watering, some hybrids can be grown successfully in potting soil by treating them similarly to philodendrons, letting the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Under certain conditions, the leaves can be a grayish-blue color, which is stunning in your garden of green. Upright Philodendron plants usually have large, split leaves. There are also many different types of Alocasia, which can making picking one a bit tough! This Philodendron cultivar is an upright, non-climbing, plant that can reach an upright height of 2 ft. (60 cm). Some of the leaves infected with the Dasheen Mosaic Virus can even be distorted. They are a deep green leaves with complementing silver veins. Philodendron minima: this plant is a bit tricky. This species of Philodendron is related to the heartleaf plant and has leaves of a similar shape. Alocasia also boasts prominent veins on their leaves, ranging from green, black-green, white, and even shades of pink. In fall I cut back the foliage to 6", wrestle the one gallon container out of the ground or big pot (not always easy), hose off the one gallon containers and I have shelving . Proper site preparation ensures years of growth and once established they will not require weed control. Colocasia tubers are also known as taro and are used for food in Hawaii. Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. The Alocasia is a plant species native to the subtropics of Asia and eastern Australia. The ideal temperature range for Tiger Alocasia is between 64F and 82F (18C - 28C). You will rarely find it in wild. There are two types of Philodendrons: vining philodendrons such as the heartleaf Philodendron which will climb up a supporting structure; and non-climbing philodendrons such as the lacy tree Philodendron or birds nest Philodendron which form huge displays of upright plants that grow wider than they are tall. At Home With Hues is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Water the plant well until the soil is moist, but not soggy and make sure that you have a well-draining pot. Alocasia Amazonica. The plants I have originated from two places. The leaves are heart-shaped with meaty white veins running over them, making for an outstanding contrast between the colors. One of the easiest ways to tell pothos and philodendrons apart is by their leaves. Whilst both have similar requirements, an Alocasia will struggle in a draughty or cold house, and many Philodendron varieties will suffer if not able to climb. On the left side of the photo above is a Pothos leaf and the right side is a Heart Leaf Philodendron leaf. The plant is rare, but gardeners find it to be relatively low maintenance, as long as your zone is right. This plant blooms all year round, but more commonly in the summertime. Water any type of Philodendron when the top layer of soil has dried out. In this article, gardening and houseplant expert Madison Moulton goes through everything you need to know to successfully plant, grow and care for the Philodendron gloriosum. Some rare types of Philodendron Brasil have yellow, green, and creamy-white variegation. The following differences are the key to telling Anthuriums and Alocasia apart: Alocasias have arrow-shaped foliage, whereas Anthuriums can have oval, heart-shaped, or spatula-shaped leaves. Keep the soil evenly moist, but allow it to dry out between waterings. The difference between philodendron and alocasia. The Amazonica reaches a height and spread of about two feet. Unlike the Alocasia Cuprea, this species grows fast but wont reach over 2,5 feet in height. If the hanging Philodendron plant doesnt get enough light, you may notice that the trailing vines become leggy with sparse foliage growth. It's the perfect plant for small spaces! Another difference between the plants is one that is below the ground. Place the Xanadu plant in a location with medium to bright light. 1. The mission of the International Aroid Society is to provide information, assist in . The main difference is in the sinus - macrorrhiza has a very clean sinus while odora has leaf "webbing" in the sinus. This rule only works to distinguish these two groups; it won't hold up for other Alocasia types as there are non-macrorrhizos types with no leaf tissue between the "ears". Alocasias are prone to pests, specifically spider mites. Monsteras are smoother and flatter, while Thaumatophyllum Bipinnatifidum tends to look ruffled. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens): This well-known philodendron has 2- to 4-inch dark green, heart-shaped leaves. If you are already registered, please log in. This plant reminds you of the Calathea varieties with its dark green foliage and contrasting bright reddish-purple underside. The leaves resemble elongated maple leaves, with their pointed and scooped edges. If the Black Velvet Alocasia seems too dark for your taste, the Frydek can be an excellent alternative. Alocasia Amazonica. Alocasia's cataphylls stay on the stem, while a Giant Philodendron's cataphylls dry and fall off. The Congo Rojo only grows in tropical and subtropical climates outdoors. Grown outside of its natural habitat, the Alocasia odora performs best in greenhouses, but also in shade gardens, where the climate allows growing this plant outdoors. Better known as the Alocasia Polly, this type of Alocasia features dark green, V-shaped leaves with thick, protruding primary veins that are light green. AKA macrorrhiza has a very clean "v" between the lobes and odora is more of a soft "u". Another name for this Philodendron is sweetheart plant, and it is also botanically known as Philodendron scandens. The Alocasia is a plant species native to the subtropics of Asia and eastern Australia. Philodendron Birkin is a relatively fast-growing houseplant with upward growth. Keep reading this article to find out the 51 most beautiful philodendron varieties in the world today. Alocasia leaves are very glossy or waxy in appearance with prominent veins. Contents hide While most people dont even have a house big enough to keep them inside, they work wonderfully in the garden as a focal point or to bring more greenery to a tropical-themed garden. Plus chic renter friendly DIYs inspo. The Purple Umbrella plant is not purple but does have a grayish underside that some may think looks purple in the sunlight. Although this large-leafed exotic looking type of Philodendron is a vining plant, regular pruning can give it a bushy appearance. Because of its growth pattern, regular fertilizing with a weak solution will help the plant put out impressive foliage. Its used as a topical medicine in some cultures, and in Laos and Thailand, the plant was often present in Buddhist temples, hence the nickname. Both of these plants would make fantastic additions to any houseplant collection, and all indoor gardeners should consider both, but which one you choose will ultimately depend on if you can support the plants needs. Rugosum Philodendron has huge heart shaped leaves. Bacterial leaf spots and blights can occur at the same time as fungal leaf spots and differentiation can sometimes be difficult between the two. 4. It usually reaches a height of 3 feet and a width between 3-5 feet. Their stems develop a somewhat old look, with aerial roots hanging downward . The long trailing stems with large eye-catching leaves help to add height and greenery to any kind of room. However, it is small compared with other Alocasia varieties, so dont expect it to grow more than two feet in height. Difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica. This deep watering technique allows the roots to stay constantly moist without becoming waterlogged. Philodendron Birkin is variegated philodendron with delicate creamy-white pinstripes. The Alocasia purple sword hates the cold and loves warmer climates. Jewel Alocasia is one of the most popular varieties of Alocasia because it is super easy to take care of and not very difficult to find. The Xanadu cultivar is an upright non-climbing philodendron type with split leaves. It can also be grown in a terrarium as it thrives in high humidity. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. The Dasheen Mosaiv Virus is a virus transmitted by aphids according to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. What is the difference between Socks and Proxy? To propagate Alocasia, a tuber is separated from the main growth and . In contrast to what the "Amazonica" epithet suggests, the plant does not originate from the Amazon jungle or region, as Alocasia is strictly an Asian genus . Like nearly all of the most popular houseplants in the UK both of these species are members of the Araceae family of tropical plants. Therefore, while the Selloum has gone for size, the Philodendron Xanadu has gone for beauty. It forms folds and crests on its sides. It has large, drooping leaves in the shape of a rounded arrow, making them a dramatic addition to your home or yard. The Alocasia cuprea has the most intricate and unusual color scheme of all the Alocasia varieties. This variety needs a little less light and can survive in lower light conditions. Alocasia plants are varied with interesting features and relatively easy-to-meet care requirements. The lacy tree Philodendron also has deeply lobed leaves that are large, shiny, and waxy. This is a water water-loving plant species and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. As a native to Thailand and Laos, the plant enjoys warmth and humidity. The plant is resilient and will put up with less than ideal conditions for a while before its health declines. Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. Alocasia Yucatan Princess . Place this mixture in a pots, beds or garden and plant your alocasia. Alocasia doesnt have aerial roots, while Giant Philodendron does. If you love unique and rare plants, include this silver plant on your must-have list. Has slightly taller leaves than that of the alocasia Polly. Vastly different from other Alocasias arrow-shaped foliage, the purple sword Alocasia gets its name from the long slender leaves that point towards the sky. A rich burgundy petiole or stem supports the leaves. Luckily, Alocasias can be grown indoors and there are several varieties that you can find in nurseries should you decide to pick one up. While these two are very similar, there is a key difference between them. However, because Anthuriums grow in the moss and leaf litter of tree branches in their native environments, they prefer something more akin to an orchid mix.
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