You'll just have to try and kill them back. After you shoot the lock off the door and head outside, you'll have to continue sprinting for a bit before you can jump to the far side of the chasm and leave the statue in the dust. Your goal is, again, to just blast away at it when it pops up out of the ground until it keels over. This will indicate the end of your battle; you can feel free to roam about the village, looting like a madman. You'll then be able to fire it at the gate, opening the way to the next zone. When we played, we usually found that we stockpiled grenades and rarely used them, so those were a good source of extra cash. Thus, a flash grenade will automatically kill any tentacle creatures within radius of the blast. Be careful! Just find some way to comfortably hold the controller without sacrificing your ability to quickly hit the buttons, and you should do all right. get 20 five-star ratings), you'll unlock the Handcannon in the single-player game. When the two levers are pulled, access down the hallway is restored. In GameSpot's guide to Resident Evil 4, you'll find some general strategies to help you out, as well as a complete walkthrough for the game, complete with video coverage of all of the major boss fights. When they get close to her, they'll pick her up in a fireman's carry and will start walking towards the nearest zone exit; if they get there with her, it's game over for you. Del Lago has a few means of dealing damage to you. As soon as you enter the house here, in fact, you'll have to dodge one of his attacks; this seems to be locked to B+A, but be sure to hit whatever comes up immediately, or Chief will kill you automatically. If you're going for the Exclusive upgrades, though, the Riot Gun's is a bit better. The main problem here is that few of the defenders will actually choose to pursue you, especially the crossbowmen, who are more or less locked into place, so you'll be forced to periodically return to the bridge and pick off anyone who yells at you. After you flip the switch and hop down, you'll have to shoot your way through a bunch of Krauzer's mechanical henchmen; these guys aren't too difficult to deal with, as they explode with a single shot, but they can deal damage to you either with guns or with their death explosions, so be careful. Try to stow Ashley in one corner of the room during all this; the knights won't attack her. Buy New Cases: Well, duh. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Resident Evil 4 HD for PlayStation 3 (PS3). If possible, it's best to go up the ladder to the second story and kill the upper chainsaw dude first; this will prevent you from having to deal with both of them simultaneously. In order to dodge these attacks, you'll just have to stay away from the beast. This will reveal another switch; hit it to raise the red gate and give you a free path to the far door. In the main science area, there are some herbs behind glass, rifle ammo in a wheel-opened safe, and an Emerald in the four vertical storage areas; smash the latter with your knife to take it. Yeah, like that baby's not coming alive at some point here…. If he gets you in a headlock, shake out of it, then use your L+R buttons to bust him to the ground before he can slice you a new windpipe. The Blacktail is the last pistol that'll be available to you; like the Red9, you'll have to buy it if you want to use it. In the first room, push the knight statues onto two of the pressure plates, then trigger the other two with Ashley (on wait mode) and Leon. Meet Big Bad Enemy Guy. It's easy to get overwhelmed here, but if you can back yourself up to this point, you should be able to shotgun everyone you see before they get too close. From there, you can relatively easily pick off the first four parasites in the Regenerator's body; the fifth one will be more difficult to hit, but if you shoot off a leg, you'll have a few seconds to aim. Climb the ladder nearby to reach the interior of the facility. 'Can we borrow a cup of sugar? When Krauzer busts out his flash grenade, you can finally use the lift to contact your chopper. If you head into the hallway nearby, you'll find a few enemies, as well as a closed door leading to the operating room; before you head in there, though, find the doorway that leads back to the room that Ashley was being held in and check it for ammo and supplies; there are five rounds of magnum ammo in the control room here, so rock on. Tell Ashley to stay where she is, then walk around to the right and take out the enemies as they attempt to come down. Luckily for you, the tables act as a perfect obstacle with which to block his attacks; if you can keep him on the far side of one, you'll have plenty of time to wait for him to start slowly walking before shooting him in the back. Your best bet for survival here is to equip your shotgun, take an immediate left or right, and try to circle around the edge of the room with Ashley until you reach the stairs leading down, using your shotgun to blast anyone in your way. Its attacks during this portion of the fight are similar to its attacks in the storage crates; it'll attempt to slash at you with its wings if it gets really close, or it'll burrow underground and perform dodgeable attacks from underneath your feet. In addition to shooting out his eyes, though, you do have four one-shot attempts at causing Saddler's defenses to drop. If the three targets clump together, try and get a headshot on one of them, then run up and use your Kick command (tap A while you don't have your gun aimed) to knock them all down. Lather, rinse, repeat until dead. This will lead you to some kind of office, which contains a host of baddies; the door here is a natural chokepoint, so lure them back and start shotgunning anyone who comes through. We preferred to deal with the cultists first, and there are a number of ways to do so: you can hide beneath the little doorway they come out of and shoot them as they arrive, if you have plenty of ammo; you can run around and hope that one of the flamethrowers kills them as they follow you; or you can hide near where the two remaining flamethrower's paths overlap, then get headshots and attempt to kick them into a place where they'll be roasted. Just deal enough damage to force it up into the rafters and attempt to get the heck out of this deathtrap before you, well, die. As you enter this zone, you'll notice a large number of birds on the ground in front of you. There are more baddies waiting for you by the exit from the area. After you upgrade or buy new weaponry, you might want to save over your last game, because as you make your way to the exit from this little area (check around for crates first, naturally), you'll spot a dozen or so baddies wandering the bridges beyond. While these fellows will take a bit more ammo to kill than normal, there are some tips you can use to help you deal with them. The cultists were apparently too good to work in the mines, so the cattle have been sent down for the heavy lifting. These are a bit easier to dodge, although the timing is still pretty tricky, especially if you're moving along the platform and don't have him in your field of vision; you can get some warning from sound cues, but it's still a dicey affair on the whole. There's a rocket launcher goon waiting for you as you attempt to scale the cliffside path, as well as at least three crossbowmen and sundry other soldiers. The best way to do this is to chuck down a flash grenade, should you have one; this should blind pretty much all of them, letting you follow up with a grenade and/or an RPG round, or just with strafed rounds from the TPAS. If you get the attention of the ganados, then shoot the barrels with your shotgun, they'll catch alight and should destroy a couple of your enemies, leaving you with mere cleanup duty. At low numbers, the benefit isn't all that great, but when you start bypassing 20 successive kills, it can start to be many thousands of points. If you're particularly devious, you might even want to try crossing the courtyard at the same time they do; they might get caught in one of the catapult blasts if you time it right. As we mentioned, there is another boss fight coming up at the end of this chapter, so don't use up all your ammo here; it's actually a wiser idea to unload an entire clip, but save one bullet in the chamber, then switch over to the shotgun or TMP. When the tower's shot out by the helicopter, you can climb up and use the switch inside the ruins there to open the nearby door. If you miss even a single dodge prompt, then you're dead; don't pass go, don't collect 200 dollars, don't make pithy references to Monopoly. It's exceedingly easy to avoid his fire when you're right next to him, due to the slow speed at which he rotates. Try to avoid using shotgun ammo here, as you're going to need it soon. This is going to be a mighty tricky place to get past if you don't have sufficient shotgun ammo, as there are a bunch of cultists in a very small space waiting for you. The red-robed leader at the bottom of the steps appears to be bugged, and will refuse to move or fight you, so get your headshots in and kill him before taking the Gold Sword from upstairs and placing each sword in its correct receptacle (gold downstairs, platinum up). Sell: 2000 PTAS Velvet Blue 1. Exclusive: Enables the Shotgun to deal extra damage against distant foes. Each kind of a type of weapon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, but in general, the best weapons aren't going to be available until later in the game. Rifles come with built-in scopes of limited power; with them, you can zoom in and out with the C-stick (the little yellow one). Of course, it wouldn't be a Capcom game if there weren't some unlockable features after you beat it, and indeed there are. This way, you'll be able to buy a capacity upgrade for it at the upcoming merchant and get 9 or 11 free bullets. Very, very gently. Use the path in front of you for a choke point, then finish off any remainders with your pistol before opening the door to the secret path that'll lead you to the Cemetary. He also has a boatload of dodgeable attacks, most of which will be linked to your L+R buttons. With your help, she'll be able to climb over and open the way. Now, the small collection of houses to the east will pose a formidable challenge to you, mostly due to the fact that the inhabitants apparently enjoy chucking dynamite at anyone who comes nearby. We found it best to shoot two targets, blast the rodents with your shotgun, then immediately get the other two targets before more beasts appear. Secondly, each platform has a small raised area with a switch at the end of it. Blast or cut away at El Gigante's tentacle to finally deal the killing blow. After you initiate the wait command, Ashley will stay at the spot you use it at until you call for her again. There are perhaps a dozen villagers all told, with a few of the glowy-eyed freaks that morph into tentacle heads, so proceed with caution, and keep an eye out for traps on the paths; they're tough to see due to the lack of light. Actually, that's not entirely true; if it attempts to use a grapple attack and you dodge it, it'll generally jump up straightaway, but otherwise, you'll want to have your shotgun close at hand and try to fire off rounds at its abdomen or head to get it to recoil. If you can get one of these Gigantes to sit still atop the large central trapdoor, you can kill them by flipping the switch elsewhere in the room. This is where most of the hurt here is going to come from, but luckily, he's not a very fast boss, meaning that you should be able to outrun him most of the time. You won't be able to use the shotgun, obviously, but you should have plenty of ammo for your pistol, so if you can maneuver them to a chokepoint, such as in the house in the southwestern corner of the village, you should be able to kill enough to finish off the encounter. After you get them both, you can expect more enemies to spawn in, so be ready for them. These will suit your purposes in most instances, but if you care to buy a more powerful scope and equip it to your rifle, then you'll be able to fire from much farther away and with greater accuracy at medium range. When you come across a cutscene, the best course of action is usually to just find a good hiding spot, cover the entrance with your shotgun, and wait for your helicopter friend to yell "Take cover!" It's much easier to shoot them, so try to stay in the rear car, which will let you look forward as you travel. You'll be coming back later, so grab the red herb from the hallway and proceed to the next area. This is going to hurt me more than it'll hurt you….figuratively speaking. She'll begin a round with her Punisher pistol (fully upgraded to punch through up to five enemies), a TMP, and a Rifle (Semi-Auto) (with the Exclusive upgrade to fire at the 0.4 second rate), as well as incendiary grenades. This is the correct combination for the color puzzle in the church. When you pass through the door here, you'll finally learn that Ashley is seemingly healthy, and being well cared for. Remember our note regarding the Broken Butterfly at the beginning of this chapter? In order to damage him, you'll have to damage this eye. Know it, love it. There are three for each cultists, and you'll need to land three hits to finish them off, leaving you with no real margin for error. There's nothing you can do for Ashley at the moment, so leave her behind and head through the door to the north. Well, Old Yeller will return here, if you helped him out; he'll kindly help distract El Gigante, allowing you to shoot away with impunity for a dozen seconds or so. You'll know you've killed it when you flip over to a real cutscene death. As you head down the corridor here, you'll come to a door on the left, which apparently leads to the butler's chambers; there's nothing you can do here yet, but you should be able to pick up some gems and some handgun ammo by rooting around in the cabinets and furniture. The next room is the security station. Just be careful not to get surrounded by enemies while you're walking on the exterior walkways, as they will completely own you if they manage to do so. The fact that you can easily skip the opening intro scenes makes it easy to get back here if you die, so this fight and the upcoming fight against three more dudes should act as something of a trial-by-fire for you; if you die, just start a new game and try again. Luckily, you won't need much in the way of ammo, so if you're running low, then you should be able to spare the rod and still spoil the child, and we can certainly all agree that Saddler has been a bad boy indeed. One or two of them will turn into fly tentacles after you shoot their heads off, so be careful to mind their spit and their after-death detachment. Since he relies on hearing to track you, if you shoot one of the bells and make it ring, the garrador will run headlong into it and stick his claw into the wall, giving you a free shot at his back. This entire ending segment is a straight line, so there's little chance of getting lost; you will have to dodge a few barriers while riding out of the cave, but the obstacles appear in the same place every time, so at the very least you'll be able to replay them a few times before you can get through the little mini-game. Shoot these wooden blocks out of the gears to get them moving again. You'll have to deal with two shield-bearers before you can reach the southwestern room here; these guys are fairly similar to the riot guards in a Metal Gear Solid game, but you can thankfully bust right through their shields with a shotgun blast at close range. Sell: 2500 PTAS Emerald 1. In order to move on, you'll need to flip two switches: there's one by the door on the western side of the room and one hidden beneath a vase in the southern hallway. After killing them, collect their eyes and the rest of the goodies in the water before heading through the door nearby to reach the castle dungeon. You won't be able to prevent Ashley from driving into a brick wall, though. You don't get locked into it initially, but one of the soldiers here will indeed hit the switch; when you try to flip it to unlock the far door, a gaggle of enemies will run in and rush you, so be sure to have your TMP fully loaded before doing so. He'll appear after you walk a short way, and you won't have a huge amount of room to manuever in. During this time, you'll notice a lot of soldiers coming towards you, but if you're quick, you should be able to kill the chaingunner before any of them are able to climb the ladder, then use it as a chokepoint, shooting or grenading them to death as they mill about its bottom. You can try to shoot higher up, but if you hit Ashley, she'll likely die right away, and that's an automatic end to your mission, so…yeah, not a good outcome. He also has his normal suite of attacks that he'll use on you. You won't be able to use the radio yet, but if you head up that way, you can find some shotgun shells. After El Garradoro is dead, grab his cash and flip the switch next to his previous domicile. After you've hit both buttons, a door will be melted, leading to a little hallway full of smashers. 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