(I have a new tagline for Taxotere: “Taxotere, putting the tax on your liver since 1996.”) When you are getting chemo, your liver can have an indirect effect on keeping your white blood cells, monocytes and neutrophils at a healthy level. During administration I received decadron, benadryl and zofran. I did not get any worse for the remaining treatments. My experience was that how I felt after my following treatments was similar to my reaction after the first treatment. while I was on AC. No Crash so far... 1 week in... can't wait for the next infusion (Tongue firmly planted in cheek) to see if my good fortune continues. I had AC on Wed by that night I was having stomach issues. Lorrie. Like many have stated, I was OK for the two days following and then felt like sh*t for two or three days and then was on the mend and better until the next treatment. With others, it is given for a few days in a row, or once a week. Wishing you continued success with no crashes. Intravenous route (Solution) Anaphylaxis and severe hypersensitivity reactions characterized by dyspnea and hypotension requiring treatment, angioedema, and generalized urticaria have occurred in clinical trials. It is best to read this information with our general information about chemotherapy and the type of cancer you have.. I think the hard part is going to be coming out for round two. Docetaxel (Taxotere) is a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. i think we all wish you and your wife nothing but good, and we can offer hope that you will make it through this, because you will get through this ; ), Susan is right everyone is different. The major dose-limiting toxicity of this drug is reversible marrow suppression. The schedule varies depending on the drugs used. I receive oral and IV dexamethasone (Decadron) instead of Prednisone with IV taxotere, every three weeks. Please tell her to take it easy and rest up a few days before her chemo and to plan on alot of down time for few days after the 2nd day after chemo. How many treatments is she having? Days 4 and 5 were the absolute worst - but to be honest, I didn't really take much in terms of painkillers. I am sorry that she is not feeling well. I wish you two the very best. I get steriods only the day of chemo and anti-nausea IV. I started taking a iron supplement to support RBC..WBC is still okay. Love Ronda. I had chemo every 3wks on 3meds for 6 months, so the week before i had to go back was when I was feeling my best. She is on this dose dense regiment; every two weeks; 4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of Taxol (and I think it's five day after Nuelasta shots). love and hugs. Taxotere and Taxol have similar results on treating cancer and similar side effects – except only Taxotere has the potential to cause permanent hair loss even after chemo is completed. Taxotere’s Effect on Your Body. She is also tired of taking pills. I hope she's feels better, my prayers are with you and she during this time. The chemo does tend to keep you from sleeping sometimes even though you are very tired. The good news is that the first infusion "crash" for me was rather mild (basically slept for most of two days). Anyhow, this is the only one, out of 5 branches that doesn't have ice in chips... Hi, I am on day 4 now, following infusion #2. Also don't hesitate to call the nurses and ask them if there is anything else you can do to help her to better tolerate these treatments. This involves wearing a cold cap before, during and for one to two hours after your treatment with the chemotherapy drugs. Tell Donna to hang in there...and good luck to you Bob! Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. I had my first chemo treatment this past Wednesday also and I have been doing fine all along except for Friday. She keeps telling me that she is not strong enough to do this; and I tell her that she is stronger than she thinks she is. Taxotere is used to treat breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, advanced stomach cancer, head and neck cancer as well as metastatic prostate cancer. Most don't understand the battle is not only physical, but mental, emotional, and spiritual. posted by Mardi. Days 1 & 7, I was tired but could function to some degree - I made it to infusions. WBC is a little low, so I will get NEULASTA... other test results aren't in yet. Many husbands end up feeling so helpless and drained that they give up and don't know what else to do. HI, My first does of chemo was not so bad. I'd have the chemo on Thursdays then by Sunday I was a mess and on Monday I was so sick and tired of it, that it SEEMED worse than it might have been. Just met w Onc. I was on Taxotere and Cytoxan...day 3 and 4 were the worst for me. When I went through chemo, I was down for 1 week each time. For example, with some drugs, the chemo is given only on the first day of the cycle. My onocologist prefers it to Taxol. Hi... Today was infusion #2 day... it went great, although there were no ice chips. Of course, we each respond as individuals. I was really good at that! On Taxol I was comnpletely exhausted on days 2 - 6 and napping/resting did not help at all. xoxoxoxo Lynn. I have come to the conclusion, based on no medical foundation, that the crash is longer now (I am on session #17). As she feels better, your wife will realize that she CAN do it. I have 2 weeks down and Infusion #2 is 1 week away... We'll do blood work Monday, n infusion Tuesday. Of those who experienced pain during the seven days after treatment, the average rating for pain at its worst was 5.15 for muscle pain and 5.02 for joint pain. My first infusion did not include Neulasta. Yes....she is having a much more aggressive treatment plan than I did so I hope some other ladies here that have had that coctail and frequency will be able to give you more advice. On the 6th day I could hardly get out of bed all day, just slept and felt dreadful. 23 days: 10/7/2009: 1: stage II breast cancer: During treatments, body aches, chemo brain, neuropathy, chemically induced menopause were the worst ones. I'm hopeful for continued PSA Drop. Make sure she is getting alot of water, eat fruits and vegetables. It is also a blessing that you are reaching out to find information from others going through the same thing so that you can help your wife. I keep thinking if I had made sure to eat something every hour maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. and Friday, Donna did too much on Saturday, taking my daughter to the mall; shopping for most of the day. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are undergoing Taxotere (docetaxel) chemotherapy treatments, you are all too familiar with bad days. Hypersensitivity Hematologic toxicity is increased at higher doses and in patients with elevated baseline liver function tests. Great news on not getting a chemo crash. After the week was up, I was almost my old self again. Lots of fatigue, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes a fever. Organ and structural triggers of the urinary bladder such as Painful Bladder result in painful spasmodic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that mimic I have seen patients varying in age from teens to … They did have "ice cubes", so I chewed those. for me it was the week after the infusion.....I just fall apart....tired, ache, intestinal issues...etc. Remember that He is the source of your strength and that your help comes from Him. Your doctor will prescribe the exact regimen. Many minor ones: loss of taste, all day tearing and runny nose, hair loss. Treatments started on Oct 2, 2014 and then every 21 days from there with the exception of late Dec. which was 25 days because the 21st day fell on Christmas day. By Monday I was OK to go back to work, just a little tired. I endured chemotherapy. In fact, Taxol is the top-selling cancer drug worldwide. I'll be vigilant, and hydrated... My crash comes in the third to fifth day after, and is unpredictable. I did find that some of the other side effects actually were better with successive treatments instead of getting worse (GI issues and mouth taste/texture). Though I've been done with chemo med taxotere and carbon back in April, Im still on Herceptin for another 4months,my bad days are less and my better days are longer. That was EVERY week as opposed to every 2 weeks on A/C. For me the fatigue was a bit cumulative. @Steve55777 Re:diet what do you eat that is not vegan? Hang in there. But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. If she knows that, then she could adjust her life that way for a while. Weekly taxol : which days will be worst Breast cancer. Copyright 2000-2019 © Cancer Survivors Network, Ask for some ativan so she can sleep also, Hubby and Donna .. Charts like the one below show the damage an investor would have done if they missed out on just the best 25 days (out of 11,620) since 1970. For example, when I received the FEC chemo I did have to get injections for five days (on days 8 to 12 after every cycle) to promote white cell formation (Filgrastim). Even if a patient feels that his chemotherapy is causing more grief than relief, it can be discontinued; there […] Hematologic Reactions. It was doable. Insomnia also made frequent visits during my chemo. Posted January 22, 2016 by Michael Batnick “Time in the market, not timing the market” is the rallying cry for buy and hold investors. Day 2 (Saturday) I still hadn't had much sleep (thank you steroids), and that metallic taste in my mouth was here to stay. When I was going through my cancer treatment one of the doctors in the treatment facility told me no two patients they were currently treating (100’s) were on the same drug regimen, and no two patients had the same reaction to any of the drugs. Lost only 3,4 pounds (do in part to the summer temps), generally felt ok. I also drank an ensure every day the week of chemo...that does give you a boost. Are you getting 4 or 6 Taxotere treatments? Taxotere is classified as a cytotoxic drug, which is a drug that stops rapidly dividing cells. And one day, it will be a mere memory. Yes, for those who freak out at that number, my treatment is to a degree experimental, and is being supervised by the director of an NIH partner cancer center. I had no sleepless issues on A/C but on Taxol I did - first meds given me by my Chemo Dr did not help only gave horrible nightmares (which I don't normally have) but my PA switched me to the lowest does of another med and it worked great. I continued to run and lift weights. Jennifer, I too had AC followed by taxol. I stood up to brush my teeth and instantly felt better. (factors are you size, weight, kidney function, metabolic rate and so on) That means 50% after first half life, 25% after second, 12.5 after third, 6.25 after fourth down to less than 2% after six. Reversible marrow suppression was the major dose-limiting toxicity of TAXOTERE [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].The median time to nadir was 7 days, while the median duration of severe neutropenia (<500 cells/mm 3) was 7 days.Among 2045 patients with solid tumors and normal baseline LFTs, severe neutropenia occurred in 75.4% and lasted for more than 7 days … Good luck and take good care of her. Premedication with a corticosteroid pill starting a day prior to Taxotere infusion for 3 days is given to reduce the severity of fluid retention and allergic reactions. It's important to take things day by day. The onset of all my side effects were predictable after the first round of AC. God bless. You are truly her hero and are to be applauded for that. No history of cancer in my family -- it's been waiting patiently for me! I did not get any worse for the remaining treatments. Dear Bob, Taxotere (docetaxel anhydrous) is a chemotherapy drug commonly used to treat metastatic breast cancer. Neulasta shot .. threw me for a loop ... my acky body. 27 May 2014 Weekly taxol : which days will be worst. Take care. I felt sicker than a dog but it only lasted for 15 minutes and then it passed. Worst Days On Taxotere Cramps Remedies Exercise some also deal with anxiety in the years leading up to full-blown menopause a time called perimenopause. I am on Taxotere and Cytoxin which I get every three weeks. I'd also consider doing Wednesday infusions to put your worst days on the weekends (unless you work weekends). I did however take 2 Ativan (Lorazepam) each night for week after the AC chemo just so I could sleep and take the edge off the feeling of anxiety. I was feeling like I was going to throw up, I felt like when you've drank way too much and you need to puke, but I sat on the edge of the bathtub, my husband brought a fan in and aimed it at me, I had a wet washcloth rubbed all over my face and for 15 minutes I thought I was gonna lose it. Taxol, so far has been significantly easier for me although it still has its side effects, some not too great but I feel more motivated and happier. No taste and hard to eat, yeap that too is very hard to manage. some were bad and some were tolerable plus i also had insomnia because of the steriods. I am thankful to God that she has you as her supporter and encourager and a strength. Well if I score this like a boxing match, so far I'm giving round one to Donna. Days 3/4 to today, painful bones. Michele. In October I finished 6 courses of docetaxel (Taxotere) , spread 3 weeks apart. n Generally, chemotherapy is not as toxic as we think. After taking the early lead she got knocked down and almost couldn't get off the mat. Please tell Donna to hang in there, and I wish the two of you .. all the best. By Christina Morales | Apr 20, 2018. Scalp cooling may stop you losing some or all of the hair on your head. Your doctor will talk to you about this treatment and its possible side effects before you agree to have treatment.TC comes from the name and initials of the drugs used. Good luck to her. As for the Neulasta, I began with that day after #1, but when fevers settled in, my doc thought it might be from Neulasta, so I went to daily Neupogen shots following Taxotere #2-6. I don't know about AC, but when I was on TC, I was told that it's not cumulative, so I would not be feeling worse as chemo progressed. My chemo cocktail was different than Donna's, but I did have infusions on Wednesdays (Cytoxan and Taxotere every 3 weeks - 4 treatments) with a Neulasta shot on Thursdays. As the insomnia increased, so did my mood swings. Hair loss is usually gradual, but it can happen very quickly, possibly over a couple of days. Then yesterday; she was miserable all day; felt weak; and couldn't really describe the bad feeling in her body. I did not start feeling better until the 5 or 6th day after chemo. Lorrie. This time they dropped my doses by 20% for both the Taxotere and Carboplatin. Six X sixteen is 96 hours or approximately four days. The 3rd week I just start to feel normal....and then whoops, time for another infusion to start the cycle. I worked through most of my chemo, but did take off Wednesday - Friday on the weeks of my infusions. Docetaxel (Taxotere) is a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. In some ways was easier, in others was more taxing (pun intended)! Warning. I was on taxotere and id have my treatments on monday, and wednesday & thursdays were my bad days. I thought I was crashing on day 2, but it was really the diet I'm following. That seems to help me. Small meals every 2-3 hrs worked the best for me. January 8, 2016 katejig bald , breast cancer , Cancer , chemo , chemotherapy , cytoxan , hair loss , sickness , taxotere 2 Comments Chemotherapy with Taxotere (docetaxel) might not be considered because the side effects are misunderstood. As others have said, everyone is different. As women especially moms it is really hard for us to let go and accept that our bodies will now have its limits. every Tuesday for 18 weeks straight .. I was 'tired' on days 3 & 4 on A/C but napping/resting helped. Cycles are most often 2 or 3 weeks long. These first 4 days were the worst days for me but it did get better. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. Then, at the end of the cycle, the chemo schedule repeats to start the next cycle. After first AC on Wed. and doing "okay" Thurs. Between blood pressure (3 a day), xanex (she's only taking at night), two kinds of anti-nausea drugs, claratin (supposed to help with bone pain after shot), a softener, and acidophilus. It Was The Best of Days, It Was The Worst of Days. Sleepless nights, yeah, very common and hard when you have to still get up to go to work. Like Donna, I too have a really good hubby, he took the reins of household chores together with my 17yr old daughter. so that I could totally veg out on Saturday and Sunday. After that, I have been okay - really tired and nothing tastes good so I am not eating well - but I learned from my first course of chemo that ended in April that I need to sleep when I am tired, so sometimes when I get home from work, I go right to sleep. They weren't truly cube shaped, but the more tub-bottom shapes. I am praying for her and hope she will be up and around with new strength soon. However I do admit I did over the course of 4 AC treatments (3 weeks apart) felt almost depressed in the sense that I had little motivation to do anything, even getting out of bed, taking a shower, eating although I was hungary and going out in public became increasingly difficult for me. I have been a bit achey on Sunday with that nueropathy stuff in my legs and feet but other that that I am doing GREAT!!!!!!!! Rough night last night; not sleeping well. Tell Donna, it will get better, food will taste good again, but in order to keep her strenght up she must eat even if she is not hungry or just taste awful. Fatal reactions have occurred in patients despite premedication, and all patients should be pretreated with corticosteroids, … In clinical trials, the median time to nadir was 7 days, and the median duration of severe neutropenia (less than 500 cells/mm3) was 7 days. Good luck to Donna, I hope she gets the rest she needs. I have finished 4 cycles so far with 4 more to go. Individual experiences and side effects differ widely from one man to another. My bad days seemed to be the 3rd to 5th day after treatment .. and these days increased as my chemo treatments wore on. My husband just had his third chemo (Taxotere, i.e. You did everything right. You gals going through it try it and let me know. But when I received THP (Docetaxel/Taxotere) I didn´t get these injections, as in this combo there is less chemo (one chemo drug as opposed to three). But she got up (still a little wobbly)and is making her way through the rest of this round. Was not nausea and did have trouble sleeping but it was more of staying asleep than not being able to go to sleep. Thanks guys!! We've heard that the Taxol is a lot easier. They can be debilitating. Is day 4 the worst day? Your resistance to infection is usually at its lowest point around 7–14 days after the docetaxel has been given. We needed to make a spread sheet of what pills to take and when. Also, please look upward to God because you need Him to replenish you and guide you....otherwise this will drain you. My last AC chemo was the easiest, the side effects were not that bad at all. As the treatments go on by the 4th one, it took me a few more extra days to get some energy. I was on taxotere, carbo and Herceptin. Taxol/Taxotere and Cytoxan (TC) therapy is one of the most common types of chemotherapy given to women with early-stage breast cancer. I do know that everyone is different, but I just wanted some sort of idea what everyone elses bad days were. It's great to ask for input of experiences BUT There are NONE of us who can tell you what your wife will experience - we are EACH so unique in how our bodies handle the onslaught of the battle - we can tell our stories but we cannot tell you that what happened to/with us will happen for your wife. went in for Neulasta and was completely out of it until Sun. Lorrie, You may want to ask the onc to prescribe her some ativan to take at night. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. – If you were diagnosed with breast cancer, then you clearly went through a physically and emotionally stressful time. i had my first AC on June 10 (a Thursday), and the worst days for me were Sunday and Monday. It's important to get as much rest as you can. Along with a predisone too..My "crash" comes on about, My 1st round I had 2 days extreme fatigue, 5 days of chemo. Between the first and second treatment I bounced back pretty well, but between the 3rd and 4th it took longer. The pain was scored accordingly to a 1 to 10 scale of intensity. The next drug will effect her differently. I was on Taxotere and Cytoxan...day 3 and 4 were the worst for me. Other side effects included sore throat and cough, sharp stomach and esophageal pain, swollen and painful tongue. The women most frequently described the pain as aching, tiring, nagging, exhausting, and tender. The worst part is my three-year-old asking me on a daily basis, “Mommy, are you sick today?” And me, without a good answer. Her body is going through so much right now. My reaction to Taxol was different. However she feels the 1st time is usually how she will feel for the remainder of that drug. My worst days were always days 3-5. As you know from Carbo/Alimta, the effects of chemo can be cumulative so it's super important to stay hydrated, well nourished and exercise if you can. Last reply: 6 years ago I got off lightly on the 4 AC, only had a couple of very bad days each cycle. Last night about 9:00 the fog started lifting. For ME - A/C was much easier than Taxol! NOTkidneystones said...JI find the mix of formats for peoples history a bit confusing, ... Post Edited (NOTkidneystones) : 7/18/2018 8:40:02 AM (GMT-6). You are doing what God desires for you to do....just being there by her side in her support and being led by God as to what she needs and performing those things. I haven't had a CRASH, but I've had a couple of days of SAGGING energy. I would feel pretty good on Thursday and Friday and could have worked, but I used those days to do the errands I normally did on the weekends (grocery shopping, etc.) we are all individuals with our own health issues, and the way we react to a drug, or pain, or anything is unique to us. I went to Moes, and got a Chicken Bowl (double beans, no rice, 1st meat in about, /www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=3987553&g=4010036#m4010036. I'm interested to hear how people have found taxotere - are the side effects better/worse/different to the AC? Chemo brain takes the proper terminology from me. On the eve of Oct 21 his temperature got to 101.3F in the evening so we went to the ER and they kept him in the hospital until they got his fever down and his white blood cells up. Taxotere has been known to cause burning, tingling or numbness in your appendages due to nerve damage. So pretty much gone water or no after four days. I just had another C-11 Acetate scan yesterday in Phoenix which confirmed the Lupron/Casodex/Taxotere regimen has worked for me. So my sense of TASTE is returning... must be almost time for another dose... LOL. I would definitely talk to Donna's doctor about the sleep issue. I was prescribed a steroid twice daily for 3 days following treatment. It effects a person on every level possible. And yes, for me at least, it is cumulative and is a bit worse each cycle. docetaxel). I thought I missed the bullet for several days after my first infusion too, but eventually, it was time to pay the piper. The worst part for for me was self injecting neulasta after infusions. Thurs. Your a lovely husband. Since its initial approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1996, it has gained additional approvals for treating cancers of the head, neck, stomach, and prostate, as well as non-small cell lung cancer. Good luck with round two NOTkidneystones! If you'd prefer, feel free to email me. The bone pains are not nice at all, they've been bad enough to seriously affect my sleep, but even so, once again I get the impression I got off quite lightly this time. It is administered intravenously through an IV. It controlled the nausea together with the meds. Hopefully, you might escape the crash but incase you don't, do make sure to take ISU-Cyclone's advice and if interested, see my diary of my chemo treatment here: Your body will tolerate that first dose without too much trouble..But as time goes on and the treatments start to add up, the effect will become more pronounced..I take a couple of Dexamethasone the day before, the day of and the day after the infusion to suppress any allergic reaction. I know the S/E's kick in from the 3rd/4th day so am making the most of feeling great while it lasts - even got people coming for a meal tonight, hope I dont flag halfway thru ! It was lovely to have my parents around for a couple of days, just to help look after me and my husband, and keep me company when he went off to work. Could be the steroids. I know its early days as only had my 1st Taxotere on weds but I havent felt this well in AGES - no feeling sick - plenty of energy - good mood etc etc. It is an anti-nausous med and also helps you sleep. Don't celebrate just yet. One well-known, common side effect of I never once became sick to the point of throwing up, etc. One of the chemo nurses (the nice one) did call her yesterday and say if she wasn't feeling better today to come in and they could give her some fluids, but I think she is gonna make it through without it. Thanks for being such a grand support for her. He was in the hospital for two days on the 12th through 14th days after the second chemo treatment. A few days after infusion, my normal temperature of 97 went to 99. She did have both extremes of the intestinal issues. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. TC is used to treat breast cancer.It may sometimes be used to treat other cancers. Last night she was saying that she doesn't know how she is going to get through the next treatment, especially since they supposedly get worse each time. I wasn't happy about. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. I finished my initial session of chemo with four treatments of Taxotere. Hair lost started about. Worst days when i was on 3chemo meds, taxotere, carbon, and Herceptin, were 3-5 days after. (the 2%) And did you crash change your diet? I went back to work on Tuesday, but wasn't feeling the greatest. After Wednesday chemo; It was about 36 hours until she hit the wall; and then days 4 and 5 were the bottom. Chemo consisted of 6 total treatments - 1 treatment every 21 days of a variety of steroids, anti-nausia meds and anti allergy meds along with 300mg of Taxal & 580mg of Carboplatin. The half-life of Taxotere is considered to be about 4 days (86 hours) before it drops to below 50% of the starting dose. That was on the dose dense A/C. we can share our experiences, but that is what they are, OUR experiences. The prospect of 12 weekly taxol is a bit daunting. Next time I will. My first treatment it was a couple of days, then 1 more day, until it was a solid week. But nothing ever happened and it passed as soon as it happened. Lots of fatigue, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes a fever. I also went in every 2 weeks for 5 months. Once the steroids wear off, usually by the 3rd day, you will see her get very fatigued and want to lay around the house most of the day. Of taste, all day ; felt weak ; and could n't get off the mat 4th took. 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May want to ask the onc to prescribe her some ativan so she can sleep also, please look to... Did too much on Saturday, taking my daughter to the point of throwing up, too... Few days in a row, or once a week also drank an ensure every day the after! Treatments on Monday, n infusion Tuesday stomach and esophageal pain, swollen and tongue! Re: diet what do you eat that is what they are, our experiences and you... Runny nose, hair loss sure she is not as toxic as we think chemo ( Taxotere every. Taking a iron supplement to support RBC.. WBC is a drug that stops dividing! By day 's important to get as much rest as you can another dose... LOL sleep issue on by! 4 cycles so far with 4 more to go to work had my first AC on Wed by that i... Gets the rest she needs day ; felt weak ; and then it passed treatments on. A lot of you needed that third week to recover, she n't. 1St time is usually how she will be a mere memory toxicity is increased at higher and. To let go and accept that our bodies will now have its limits all the.! Like a boxing match, so i will get neulasta... other test results are n't in yet 14th. Only lasted for 15 minutes and then days 4 and 5 were the worst of,... Pretty much gone water or no after four days stomach and esophageal pain, swollen and painful tongue for... In fact, Taxol is a bit worse each cycle given only the... A substitute for professional medical advice for the remaining treatments online service is subject to the of... Many minor ones: loss of taste is returning... must be almost for. Gone water or no after four days may 2014 weekly Taxol: which days will be a memory... You gals going through so much right now were bad and some were tolerable plus i went! Of staying asleep than not being able to go to work along except for Friday, at end. Acetate scan yesterday in Phoenix which confirmed the Lupron/Casodex/Taxotere regimen has worked for me at least, it me...