Sea-run cutthroat trout smolt from Tenmile Creek, Oregon coast. The NMFS expects to announce its conclusions regarding these Pacific salmon and trout species in the near future. Christian E. Zimmerman (Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-3803 and U.S. Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Lab, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331; 503/750-7314). these streams to a point where the only habitat remaining is in residual pools. Oullette Creek, a second-order coastal stream, is located on the Sechelt Peninsula approximately 20 km from Vancouver, BC. Comparable declines are not apparent in the resident cutthroat populations in these two basins. Thus, hybridization could lead to the further decline of coastal cutthroat populations. In terms of their shape, sea-run brown trout are identical to brown trout, but a sea trout … This paper will consider these questions. Thanks also goes to CBSI, Funk & Associates, and Sheldon-Turnbull, Printers who were all very generous with their contributions to the poster project. Corvallis, OR 97331; 503/750-7385). Fly-fishing for sea-run cutthroat trout on the Alsea River, 8-31-18. populations will be compared to those described for other species of Oncorhynchus. Unfortunately, reliable time series of sea-run cutthroat abundance are not available for rigorous comparisons with environmental factors. Status of anadromous cutthroat trout in British Columbia. The role of land management: Past, present, and future. The agency response to decline was to develop hatchery programs for the trout, a nationwide pattern at the time. To test the utility of fin clip data, we analyzed an existing data set for coastal cutthroat (Elk River, Oregon) in two ways. Color Photos; 8.5x11 inches, 100 pgs Finally, in July 1994, the program began to take shape as individuals working with sea-runs began accepting the invitation to speak at the symposium. The review focused on two key questions: Do Umpqua River sea-run cutthroat trout represent a species as defined by the ESA? The results of a two-stage questionnaire completed by fisheries staff were examined for patterns and correlates to success rate. However, program design should meet environmental standards by employing practices that do not jeopardize the aquatic community. Fishing Yachats and Central Oregon Coast The Yachats area offers a multitude of ocean and freshwater fishing. small separate streams flowing directly into the sea, where headwater populations may inhabit isolated pools with oxygen levels dropping at times below 2 mg×L-1. Migratory patterns of mature cutthroat trout from Auke Lake and Eva Lake. The Chetco River fishery, typical of Pacific coastal systems, is dominated by salmon and trout. The average emigration of wild stock cutthroat from Auke Lake near Juneau was only 215 fish from 1980-1994 with a record high count of 422 in 1994. Phillip W. Schneider (8755 SW Woodside Road, Portland, OR 97225; 503/292-2759). Sea-run cutthroat adults show a preference for small streams, low gradient systems, and the lower gradient downstream reaches of large river systems, although in some populations adults migrate considerable distances upstream. During Management strategies have generally not incorporated extensive releases of hatchery fish, with the possible exception of current harvest augmentation programs in the lower Columbia River and Gray’s Harbor. The NMFS, and other Federal agencies in the region, are working cooperatively with For the Sake of the Salmon, a regional entity created to support and coordinate efforts to protect, restore, and sustain coastal salmon. Sea-run Cutthroat Trout Life One thing I have learned as a result of working on this project is that the group of people who are interested in sea-run cutthroat trout are collectively the most pleasant and helpful group I have ever worked with. Low-risk tissues for characterization of allozymes in coastal cutthroat trout. They are the ones that got be into sea run fishing. Cataloguing of fish habitat improvement projects conducted in British Columbia has only recently occurred despite over two decades of attempts. Populations of resident cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) were sampled in nine basalt and seven sandstone headwater streams of the central Coast Range of Oregon. Gordon Reeves, U.S. Forest Service. General patterns, differences, and similarities among populations will be discussed within the broad context of the range of the subspecies. 3.) Studies on other subspecies of cutthroat trout suggest a positive response to catch-and-release-only (no harvest) and various size regulations (with no bait); however, depressed populations generally do not respond to reduced creel limits alone. Special thanks goes to Cindy Kenagy for creating her water color Winchester Creek Blueback specifically for the symposium poster. We examined the feasibility of using fin clip tissue, which can be sampled without killing the fish. We Are The Smith River Fly Fishing Experts, Call Us For Updates & Reports. Ron A. Ptolemy (British Columbia Ministry of the Environment, Fisheries Branch, 780 Blanshard Street, Victoria, B.C. Dave Schorsch (Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout Coalition, 18108 53rd St. Court E., Sumner, WA 98390; 206/863-3717) Most coastal stream and estuarine habitats of coastal cutthroat trout, particularly those on private land, have been moderately degraded by siltation and loss of cover and pool habitat from logging, failing roads, agricultural development, and channelization for flood control. Elk River populations showed high levels of genetic variation among the populations sampled (Fst=0.089), suggesting that there is some degree of isolation in Rules: 1. Seasonal and diel response to habitat complexity by an allopatric population of coastal cutthroat trout. Trout were collected from six areas of the watershed representing tributaries, significant portions of the mainstem, and a lake. Joseph Jauquet (South Sound Flyfishers, 1121 Jackson Ave. NW, Olympia, WA 98502; 360/754-8108). The Department’s mission statement directs fisheries biologists to protect and enhance numerous species for the use and enjoyment by present and future generations. Status of sea-run cutthroat trout in Oregon. (Black/Blue; size 2) “Black and Blue” steelhead flies work well in the winter on Oregon’s … Average performance to date has been near 50% success, with highest failure rates associated with boulder, boulder group, or debris catchers. Check the regulations for potential spots. Smolts stocked at approximately 200 mm in May reached an average of 360 mm when trapped on McDonald Creek in February, providing exciting fishing in October, November, and December. Four sites contained only resident phenotypes, the lower mainstem contained both resident and migratory phenotypes, and Chambers Lake contained only migratory phenotypes, based on size, appearance, and otolith growth patterns. Doug Jones and Cheryl Seifert (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, P.O. On both the Hurdygurdy Creek and the South Fork reaches, “small” cutthroat remained more numerous than “large” cutthroat throughout the study. Washington’s unique geological history has provided a diversity of environmental and ecological contexts for the evolution of anadromous coastal cutthroat trout stocks. In 1987 HSU Fisheries staff developed a coastal cutthroat broodstock to convert from steelhead to coastal cutthroat stocking. Notes on Juvenile Cutthroat 10:15 – 10:40 Status of the sea-run cutthroat trout in Washington The protection and restoration of coastal salmon stocks is a regional problem to which the region is responding. We are all indebted to them. Furthermore, hybrids were generally intermediate in morphology and performance. After World War II, populations began to decline, at least partly owing to increased logging that affected habitat in streams favored by the cutthroat. Natural factors include: the species’ presence near the southern limit of its range; Oregon’s relative paucity of estuarine and protected coastal habitat; and recent climatic alterations that include nearly a decade of drought conditions, weak coastal upwelling, increases in sea-surface temperatures, and resultant declines in ocean productivity. Although cutthroat trout are commonly observed in the salt and brackish waters of northern California coastal estuaries and lagoons, little is known regarding their use of ocean waters or their migratory habits. These anadromous cutthroat trout are NOT present in Oregon coastal rivers. To date this subspecies has been observed in 163 streams with at least 700 miles of suitable habitat and four coastal lagoons with 3,700 acres of occupied habitat. Our knowledge of the marine life of anadromous coastal cutthroat trout is limited. Major themes of the work of angling groups are wild fish management, close relationships with resource managers, regulatory The abundance of the North Umpqua sea-run cutthroat population has been documented since 1946. Smolts were stocked into (ODFW They spawn in small tributaries from late winter to late spring depending on the locality. David Schorsh and Joe Jauquet, Sea-run Cutthroat Coalition, Washington, 4:00 – 4:30 General questions and discussion, 4:30 – 5:00 Summary and closing comments Three varieties of Cutthroat trout are available to Washington and Oregon anglers. cutthroat Using a variety of structures, I enhanced the complexity of six of twelve pools that initially contained no large substrate elements and few microhabitats that provided cover for fish. Hybridization is another form of interspecific interaction that has played an important role in the decline of many western trout species. Angling surveys conducted on the Smith River during the early 1980’s produced annual catch estimates of about 2,000 cutthroat trout. Declines of anadromous salmonids appear to be greater in the southern latitudes than in the northern portions of the range. Information on Searun Cutthroat Trout Cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki) are commonly referred to as Blueback because the color on their back is often a beautiful deep iridescent blue. No relevant genetic or tagging data were available to directly address these issues, but the preponderance of indirect information suggested that all life history forms of the species should be grouped into the same ESU, and that, as a group, O. clarki in the Umpqua River satisfy the ESU criterion of substantial reproductive isolation from other conspecific populations. Auke Lake and Eva Lake However, lack of inventory data generally precludes quantitative assessment of the status of most sea-run and resident cutthroat trout populations along the Oregon coast. good fortune. Coastal cutthroat trout abundance is low in most waters, particularly where juvenile This pattern suggests that there is some exchange among populations above and below the barrier on Anvil Creek and that there is little exchange among the Anvil Creek populations and other Elk River populations. We are evaluating our database, using 25 citations to refine key words, abstracts, and citation format. Trends of tributary and mainstem population abundances and diver observations suggested at least three different life history strategies being utilized by South Fork Basin cutthroat trout, including resident, potamodromous stream dwelling, and anadromous. Biomass of age 1+ or older cutthroat trout was higher in streams with less shading by conifers, with more large woody debris (LWD) in the stream channel, and with basalt substrate. However, the literature is scattered within private, public, state, and federal libraries, making it difficult for biologists and managers to access. Fisheries and habitat managers in British Columbia and elsewhere do not have a sound manual of engineering practice that would include environmental variables to consider in locating or designing sustainable fish habitat. Umpqua sea-run cutthroat trout: Review of natural and human-caused factors of decline. Public and private initiatives to rebuild stocks exist throughout the region. Willa Nehlsen, Pacific Rivers Council, 3:00 – 3:20 General questions and discussion, Session 4: Contributed Papers Moreover, this river is famous for its hatchery fishes, which arrives every year in early winter while some other wild fishes arrive here later in the season. Although habitat enhancement projects are at best a short term solution, they can be a useful tool, if properly used, for helping to maintain life history variation in areas where the population size is depressed due to poor habitat conditions. Lake Eva near Sitka had an average emigration of 1,337 cutthroat from 1962-1964, while 2,556 cutthroat emigrated in 1995. Box 59, Portland, OR 97207 503/229-5410). Age 1+ and older cutthroat trout were more often found Rejecting the use of cultured fish when ecosystems will not support self-sustaining populations may lead to loss of angling opportunities. The NMFS is presently reviewing the coastwide status of steelhead, pink, chum, sockeye, and chinook salmon, and cutthroat trout. Blueback return to Oregon's coastal rivers during the series of spring tides that occur from the last half of July through August and in declining numbers through September into Oct. Letter to NMFS summarizing   We are producing an annotated bibliography on disk files and maintaining a computer and hard copy literature library. The only of the 13 strains that migrates out to saltwater to feed before making the long journey back upstream to spawn, they are a unique and treasured fish along the coast. Coastal cutthroat trout are currently the least studied and least understood salmonid in terms of life history strategies in the Smith River system. Eight downstream snorkel surveys were made between May and September 1995, counting adult cutthroat trout in two size classes (“small” = <30 cm, “large” = >30 cm) within discrete pool and fast water habitat units along both reaches. One included 41 loci obtained by screening muscle, heart, eye, and liver. Anadromous cutthroat trout are believed to be present in all Oregon coastal and lower Columbia River streams that do not have upstream passage barriers in their lower reaches. The answer to the paper’s title is a qualified yes. Anecdotal reports suggest that runs may have been significantly higher prior to this period. Fish were caught in purse seines off Oregon and Washington from May through August. Sea-run cutthroat trout historically occurred in both the South and North Umpqua Rivers, as well as Smith River. Catches of anadromous cutthroat in the 1990’s are less than 10% of catches in the late 1960’s in both the Alsea and Siuslaw basins. Biennial report on the status of wild fish in Oregon. this watershed. by now) to serve on the planning committee, to make key contacts in the fisheries community, and to compile the data for the current status review of sea-run stocks in Oregon. Jim Lynch (National Marine Fisheries Service, Environmental and Technical Services Division, 525 NE Oregon St. – Suite 500, Portland, Oregon 97232; 503/230-5422). Fish passing through the weir were defined as sea-run, and 2,562 sea-run cutthroat trout exited the system, with 90% of the run between May 2 and June 25, and 50% of the run completed on May 19. ArToday, Reedsport Bureau of Land Management California Trout CBSI, Reedsport City of Reedsport Clark-Skamania Fly Fishers, Vancouver, WA Federation of Fly Fishers Funk & Associates, Eugene, OR Humboldt Chapter, American Fisheries Society Humboldt State University International Paper Company Lower Columbia Fly Fishers, Longview, WA McKenzie Flyfishers, Eugene, OR National Marine Fisheries Service North Coast Fly Fishers, Arcata, CA Northwest Power Planning Council Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society Oregon Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers Oregon Trout PacifiCorp Rainland Flycasters, Astoria, OR Redwood National Park Reedsport School District Reedsport/Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce Santiam Flycasters, Inc., Salem, OR Sea-Run Cutthroat Coalition, Sumner, WA Shelton-Turnbull, Printers, Eugene, OR South Sound Fly Fishers, Olympia, WA Southern Oregon Fly Fishers, Grants Pass, OR The Pacific Rivers Council The Steamboaters U.S. These water quality problems highlight significant restoration concerns that are often neglected. Tim L. Slaney (Aquatic Resources Limited, 9010 Oak St., Vancouver, B.C., V6P 4B9; 604/266-1113). Umpqua River. 2) What do you think should be done to improve the lot of cutthroat? Special angling regulations include creel (number) limits, size limits, and terminal gear specifications that are used, either singly or in combination, to maintain or rebuild naturally reproducing populations of fish by preventing or restricting harvest. Potential threats to anadromous salmonid stocks were identified, although it was not possible to assign causes for many of the stocks at risk. Though the steelhead runs are very depleted, the area is still SRC paradise. and cutthroat trout juveniles from an Oregon coastal stream. From a fisheries point of view, the significance of the minor, postglacial differentiation of populations concerns life history and ecological adaptations, not any unique quantifiable genetic differences. Initially, volunteers influenced management agencies and planning councils to recognize the SRC as a unique species needing a separate management and restoration plan. Little is known concerning the interaction (i.e., migration, gene flow) among populations of coastal cutthroat trout and the resulting population structure of the subspecies across its range. As a group, sea-run cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) stand out among salmonids as one of the most susceptible to capture by angling and, therefore, are among the most vulnerable to overharvest. Status of sea-run cutthroat stocks in Alaska. V8V 1X5 604/387-9582). The biomass of young-of-year was directly related to stream gradient and inversely related to the biomass of age 1+ or older cutthroat trout. Where possible, the use of fin clips should be evaluated against a more extensive baseline. A run of fin-clipped coho races to the hatchery with the first couple of fall rains but fades quickly. Anadromous salmonids are declining throughout their range, but the trends are not homogeneous along the coast. Similar data in the late 1980’s estimate the annual catch as low as 500 fish. During winter, approximately 2.5X more fish were observed at night than in the day. Coastal morphology is more complex north of Puget Sound because of numerous bays and islands, which favor anadromous salmonid production. Fly-fishers know him as the sea-run cutthroat, a muscular slab of spotted silver that can grow to several pounds. Fish when ecosystems will not support self-sustaining populations may lead to loss of opportunities! Purse seines off Oregon and Washington from may through August abundant within the shadow obscurity! Similar data in the body tissues were resolved in the Umpqua River sympatric with other salmonids and increased areas pools... 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