Or is there a possibility that simply believing Jesus is who he says he is isn’t enough? Yes, I did just write a double negative and I meant it that way. We all agree that is our faith (which we have because of God) that saves us. Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. I’m sorry, but like Martin Luther, I’ve realized over time that I can’t live out a life that will assure me of salvation. The new man,born again, will do what you might say are required.The mark of a real faith is born in a man by God. Thanks, Kimberly! Man cannot understand the things of God. As for the thief on the cross, he never had a chance to change his life one way or the other, but Jesus knew his heart and knew that it was truly changed. They went and told! “If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. A common religious doctrine is salvation by "faith only" or "faith alone." We naturally good good works as a result. You tackle another great topic with much thought and research and I admire all the prayer, time, and questioning that you are putting into this journey…May it continue to bring forth much fruit and faith. It is the first step. I have been saved by grace Eph. This change leads me to do good works (be charitable to others), and all of it is caused by God’s Grace. As a cradle Catholic, I have always wondered what some Protestants believe: Can an ax murderer automatically go to heaven – no matter what he has done – by just “accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior”? Faith cannot save a person, if he/she will not fulfill God’s commandments. . NOT for salvation, but bc it’s the mark of a real faith. I have pondered it based on my knowledge of the stories of the Gospels/Acts/etc rather than just this or that passage but there are a few passages which come to mind and actually have been noted in previous comments on this thread. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions!! Get off your ass and fight; faith alone is just not enough. The concept is there, even though these two words are not strung together. But to maintain that salvation we will grow in our faith in Him and in doing so be led to do wonderful things in His name. Undefined cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I have no idea how, but simply believing alone can’t possibly be enough. Examples: murder, adultery, robbery. Picture a man chained up in a burning house unable to free himself. One scripture you did not mention is when Christ talks about many who will say unto him Lord, Lord, and he will know them not. Thank you for continuing this series – looking forward to upcoming posts! This is not a points system. I have always believed once saved always saved unless you deny Christ as the savior. These and many more passages show Jesus came to save His people from there sins,not just make a opening now you maintain it or you will lose it.This would show that your salvation depends on You and how you lived. Obviously the answer to this question is YES for most of us. A real faith is one that naturally produces good works. (Not in order to earn our salvation — we cant — but because once we are Christians, that should be our natural response), https://equippinggodlywomen.com/faith/are-you-a-christian-are-you-sure/ If Our sins are removed,cleansed,forgiven then we are secure in Christ. Enthusiastic Faith Alone Is Not Enough. I wonder if I could find the same thing in book form? 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. It doesn’t matter for our salvation if we produce one or one hundred (or even zero) good works over the course of our lifetime, as long as we have the kind of faith that is growing and bearing fruit in our lives. What now begins is the ongoing process of SANCTIFICATION. I found too many verses where Jesus told the people to go DO something to think it can just be something that is done to us. Mary Jo Sharp explains that there are two assumptions people make when they say that they don’t need any evidence for their faith. Doing good? on 22 Nov. 2014 The works themselves don’t save you, but they do show what kind of faith you have. Hope you got something out of it . ( 1Corth .2:14) He has made me alive in Christ. Please see our website disclosure policy for additional information.*. Just to reiterate, this grace comes to us not because of our merits, but those of Christ. We need to keep working out our salvation every day. Just that surely we must be responsible for playing some part. That good works would naturally arise from a living faith seems to make sense in that context for me. Collect too many of these with no desire or attempt to change, and you may have a problem. But yes, I believe that a thief, murderer etc can still be saved (before & after crime). more about this series and a list of all of posts here, My Journey Through Protestant and Catholic Beliefs, Surprised by Truth: 11 Converts Give Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic, https://frontierruminations.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/how-francis-chan-helped-me-become-catholic/, https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/tiptoe-through-tulip-1163, https://equippinggodlywomen.com/faith/are-you-a-christian-are-you-sure/, https://equippinggodlywomen.com/faith/faith-alone-enough/, Putting God First: How to Make God the #1 Priority in Every Area of Your Life. But sometimes it’s easier to lump issues into groups a little bit just for ease of reference. Paul wrote primarily against the Judaizers who preached you had to be circumcised before you could believe. We can know we are saved ,scriptures say the Spirit will testify to this.We can see a Love for God and a hatred for sin. A faith without works is useless (James 2:20) and dead (James 2:17); in other words, it is not true faith at all. We are JUSTIFIED – made completely right with God – the moment of our Baptism (see my previous post about Baptism by Blood/Desire). It has to be an active, living faith that naturally results in good works”…. A child stealing a cookie cannot possibly be the same amount of wrong as a serial killer intentionally murdering several people. I think these five solas can be preciously illuminating, both for the crux of the Reformation and for the essence of the Christian gospel itself, which of course was central to the dispute. ( John 6:44:65 When Christ died he made a propitiation for His elect. Not to a burden on man that he has to “do” to make God happy or pleased. Let’s read it again: Anyhow, thank you again for thinking “out loud” on this one. But then as I kept reading, I started to find more and more verses where some type of work or good deed was an integral part of the equation. I have been baught with a price.The new man will walk in a new way because he has been saved. Jesus’ purpose was to show this man how sinful he really was. It is ‘based’ on Scripture. For you, the argument is the person was never saved to begin with. You made this comment at the end of your article: “Works don’t save us–faith does–but that doesn’t mean that works don’t matter. One is love, the other is highly distorted love. NOT that they are what saves us–we already are–but that we hold up our end of the responsibility as well, if that makes sense. ( Rom 8:7)(1Corth 2:14). I believe that we are saved by God’s grace ( a free GIFT) but after the initial belief in Christ we must maintain our salvation. Which of all the Protestants denominations is the correct church? January 14, 2021. 3 You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you. For example, someone who grew up in Africa who never, ever heard about Jesus but lived an upright life and did their very best and *would have* believed if given the opportunity, they could still get in. In marriage we are in a contract with our spouse. He makes a very clear list of those that “will not inherit the Kingdom of God”, after they have fallen into sin. The purpose of this series is only to share what I’ve learned on my journey in order to inspire you to begin a journey of your own. How’s the old saying go, “We share 90 percent of the same beliefs, but it’s the 10 percent that divides us”? That is, he must recognize the lost condition of his soul (Romans 3:10-23). Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum. Growing up, I would have said that it depends. And no one is saying that someone sins can’t be forgiven and still go to Heaven. However, there are at least 166 New Testament passages that say we’re saved by faith. Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord.” From my experience, many Protestants believe that sin doesn’t separate us from God – that him dying on the cross was a one time deal and now we’re free to live our lives as we want. Fixed! Of course, we have to also take into account possibilities of mental illness, etc., so it is difficult to truly know the heart of another in this life, but suffice it to say that Protestants in denominations like the ones I attend believe that our salvation depends on Christ’s work and cannot be cancelled by our sin, but that if we are truly Christian, the work of Christ in us will produce good works. I do realize many will come to different conclusions at the end of the day. 3.The real faith is caused by God and kept by Him. Is Faith Alone Enough? I do believe that if someone (we can call him John Doe) is in Christ, no sin can then cancel his salvation, as his salvation depends on the work of Christ, not his own. In their scheme, however, there is a second stage. You “believe” in Him if you actually do as He commands. A person has 5 minutes left to live. What Do Catholics Really Believe About Mary, Saints and Statues? (that’s the start of true faith) We need to be the new man and the old one gone. I mean, I know we are all guilty of not doing all of the good works we should. My faith imputed by God will produce works.This is because it is a living faith.You say we must have works also but grace alone is not enough which makes your faith +works =salvation. Rather, in all four of them, Jesus teaches that our good works play an indispensable role in our salvation, so faith alone is not enough. Pls help me is there any benefits perform by the unsaved people are of any good towards God??? Sounds like we all agree? In other words, God will never stop loving us, no matter what we do, which is true. Where the line is — I don’t know. Faith is enough to receive salvation from Jesus, but there is more that God wants to show us after receiving salvation. Does that mean I could lose my salvation daily if I am not keeping up my end of the deal?He promises to never leave us,never snatched from His hand,as far as the East is from the West our sins are forgiven. I think we’re close to agreeing, which I’m not surprised about. The important thing that I really appreciate you stressing is that Catholics do NOT believe good works earn you heaven. I now understand your point much better. But where is the commitment? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. With our new natures we will live for His good pleasure.This is not to maintain what He started. Do we commit small sins everyday? If such concept intents to establish that concepts out of scripture are not valid… then it ends up ruling itself out. Christian Web Hosting, man is justified by faith apart from works, to the one who does not work, but believes in Him. For Christians, the Temple is Christ’s body. We need to do the same today (well, both). How much is God? He warns that those who refuse to bear good fruit are thrown out and burned. BUT then we have a responsibility to behave like it after the fact. I mean, first of all, there’s the fact that we have to choose to accept it. The other one in Protestantism is Calvinism. But we can always examine ourselves and try to do our best! Why do i have to pass through this? Again, parallels…Circumcision made someone Jewish, but Temple worship kept you Jewish. A Biblical Look at Sola Scriptura, A Brief Look at the History of Christianity, What All Christians Should Know About Priests, the Pope and Confession. We have no idea. Hosted by There would be no salvation had Christ not died for us, that’s true. Yet the reality, as we both know and agree, is that doesn’t happen. “I come at it from a strictly biblical view, not one of man-made theologies or tradition like most protestant and Catholics do”. yay!! But we still have to continue in Christ in order to, “work out (our) own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Phil 2:12). But faith alone can overturn the universe. Great passage. If it wasn’t for God, we wouldn’t be able to have any faith or works or anything in the first place. I gave someone else this analogy–if you give me a plant as a gift, it’s a free gift. 1. What are we told about Abraham? This is only because of salvation.. Not perfection but a new life filled with fruits and good works BECAUSE of salvation not to earn salvation. He see’s His Son as perfection covering us or not covering us. Leave me a note (or a book ) in the comments section below! The goats had faith to produce miracles (signs) and prophesy in the Name of Jesus, but they were condemned, while those that did the Works of Mercy went to Heaven (Matthew 25:31-46). Sorry, Sara, there were so many responses I fell behind! Jesus knew that this rich young ruler would never be saved by trying to keep the law. Which is where we need the mercy and grace of gos to actually save us, as we cannot save ourselves. Not so much lately as more and more I’m learning (after a couple of years of hard apologetic studies) that what REALLY, really matters… is love. There is a real faith and a dead faith. I think that would still count as us relying on our own effort though – if we were the ones responsible for maintaining. His sacrifice was enough. I know that this passage is extremely easy to get confused about. But this man has done nothing wrong.” He recognizes in that moment that his works were evil, but he doesn’t have a chance to change that. I may also need you to pull the cord, because I’m a little preoccupied holding you. But it is not enough to be baptized and then go about our life thinking we can do whatever we want. (They also denounce the idea that people can be saved by faith alone, apart from works.). The Bible says that you can tell a person’s heart by their fruits. (Rom 8;29) Praise God for His grace. Thanks for your feedback . That faith IS what saves us, but not just any kind of faith. ( 1 Corth.2:14)The Son chooses whom He will reveal Himself. Based on the view of once saved/always saved, we could not have confidence that the first person will gain spiritual life, because he or she apparently didn’t have it in the first place despite temporary outward profession, has rejected the only path to life, and is on the path of death. Like in the marriage analogy, a sincere devotion to my husband will lead me to love him, serve him, be faithful in my marriage, spend time with him… If I were to discontinue doing these things, I would still be married to him, but our relationship would deteriorate. I also agree and firmly believe, that if we do have this faith, we cannot NOT act/do works/whatever you want to call it. If I want my life to be a reflection of God, I have to continually choose Him in all my actions. There are still a number of things you could do which might prevent me from getting to you safely, and it may be too late by the time I’m there for a chute to properly deploy and slow our descent enough. The best way I’ve heard it explained is simply that we are saved by faith, but that it’s an active faith – a faith that naturally produces good works. Hope by bringing this extreme example helps in creating a better understanding of faith and love (good works). It’s Enough. Apostle Peter asked a very important question. What many people do not realize or understand about the text in Ephesians 2 is that Paul was NOT saying that NO works are necessary for salvation, but that you can’t earn your salvation yourself by being a “good person.”, “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” –Ephesians 2:4-5. One of the most disputed issues separating Catholics and Protestants involves our understanding of salvation. Here is a link to TULIP (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints) Everything rises and falls on leadership. The Sola Scriptura approach is broken open when we learn things like “Luther just added the word *alone* on his own”. Notice, Jesus is talking to those who ALREADY abide in Him. Just as I mentioned about the metaphysical change that took place with the Incorruptibles in the previous Eucharist talk, who don’t decay after death, this is solely accomplished by God’s Grace. We agree that our old ways will continue to tempt us, and we also agree we are now capable because of the grace we receive from Christ to choose Him over ourselves. Watch at 39 min. Faith and works are mutually tied together. One passage in scripture that proves the fallacy of amazing faith, but no works is in the final judgment of the goats and the sheep, where the exact opposite takes place. Romans 5:12-21, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:24, Romans 10:9-13 Before Jesus was crucified salvation was through works, but after his death it is THROUGH FAITH ALONE that you can be saved. But it doesn’t guarantee automatical salvation to anyone who believes. “What shall we say then? It is a feeling of intense awe. These are some things I have been blessed by, Thanks. I have not yet watched the video but will this evening. God bless you. Having been raised in a Baptist/Presbyterian environment, I grew up believing (and still believe) in the principle of once saved/always saved–a principle Brittany accurately describes so far as I can tell. It takes a good amount of learning (some years) to get the jest of the meaning. Of all of the issues I’ve been researching during My Journey Through Protestant and Catholic Beliefs, I think the issue of Faith vs. Works or Sola Fide is the one I’ve had to grapple with the most. Also it was Jesus Himself who made it abundantly clear not only in John 3:16, but also John 5:24 that we are just saved by faith. We both agree we will never be perfect and have anything to lay at our Lord’s feet saying . And no, you don’t sound like a “know it all” — that’s just one of those little details I haven’t learned yet. Which are you? Faith alone isn’t enough to see God’s power manifested in our daily walk with Him. Christ knew that would happen, but he still has forgiven them. 2 Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. BUT with SO many verses where Jesus tells people that they need to go do something in order to see Heaven–I just can’t see that it doesn’t play some sort of role somehow. Finally, I want to recommend you listen to the Nov. 9, 2014 UMD Newman Catholic Campus Ministry podcast titled, “The Kingdom: The Temple.” Fr. i would like to know who out there believes this?? God calls us to reason with him.” — Mary Jo Sharp, Director of Confident Christianity. (I never knew! “and cannot be cancelled by our sin” God wants us to love and serve him more than all, and obey his commandments. Part 3. If he was a Christian, but then he walked away and became an ax murderer, he probably would not. That’s the same thing I originally said in RCIA too. Some will ask whether the expression “faith alone” is biblical since there is no exact biblical expression. I would have to research those verses in 1 John more to give a good answer, but a quick scan of commentary suggests that some Protestants interpret “a sin that leads to death” as referring to complete and total rejection of Christ and His Gospel. I come at it from a strictly biblical view, not one of man-made theologies or tradition like most protestant and Catholics do. But that doesn’t mean we don’t need to live up to our calling after the fact. Does the Bible suggest anything having to do with works? Salvation must be dependent on more than just faith alone! Not to single out Baptists from other Protestant religions but my husband and I are great friends with a Baptist couple. And I think we also agree that repentance is something that should continue in a Christian’s life–every time he or she sins. Would you agree that it’s objectively good for me to help an elderly woman bring in her groceries? And the misnomer of working your way to Heaven is broken open when we look at the heart of all things that are authentically married to each other – faith and works being no different. If you say you are “saved” but your life doesn’t change at all and you’re still living however you want… maybe you aren’t saved after all. Depending on the type of jump and the equipment we’re using, I may have to tell you when to actually pull the cord. Or all the demons would be Christians and go to Heaven too–and that doesn’t make any sense at all! We need to have passed through darkness into the light. It takes time. Brittany, ( 22,23)I am not a big fan of following systems of what man has come up with but what God has revealed in His Word.. According to our beliefs, the source of our justification is God’s grace through Christ’s work, the vehicle is the faith that Christ awakens in us, and the evidence is the fruit that such faith produces. Salvation is by faith alone, but that faith will never be alone. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Mortal sins are those of a serious nature (like murder) which do cause us to be completely separated from God’s grace. Can that faith save him?… So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead… You believe that God is one; you do well. It matters the direction you’re headed in. I like your parachute analogy, except for a couple of things. This is very, very similar to my belief and what many Protestant churches I’ve attended teach as well. Which is Correct? p.s. James says, Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? Adding works to the gospel spoils the whole gospel. great article again. Salvation through faith alone upends that notion. I agree that good works will come naturally as a result of living faith. Brittany, I also believe God is the sole reason why I have faith and am a Christian.Now that I have this faith I am a new man the old one is gone.I once was the natural man who did not and could not receive the things of God. I agree heartily that by faith alone are we saved. Or someone who is saved. I am another one who believes we are saved by faith alone, but that faith should produce good works in your life. For this is an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, which fades not away, reserved in the heavens, when all other inheritances are corruptible, defiled, fading and perishing. That’s quite a sentence! If God saves us then it’s not partial it is total.. Join us! =] have a good one! It doesn’t rest on us. What do you say to 1 John 5:16-17, then, which says that some sins lead to death while others do not? This is not true. I am a retired pastor and chaplain and I found your blog interesting. I don’t think either of us would consider that person a Christian. If that’s all it takes? Read also Matthew 25:31-46. The once saved/always saved view is one that does teach security for a Christian in regard to his or her salvation, but it should never be used to imply that a Christian need not be concerned about sin. I think we are all in agreement on this. It is the foot in the door. We are saved through God’s love, mercy and grace. I see you denying the power of Christ converting the soul and providing what one needs for growth. That said, the Bible is clear that Christians are known by their fruits. Not asking you to check out the rest of the verses I shared the. Any verses that indicate otherwise functionalities and security features of the world works that he has us... 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