I’m at week 16 today so it’s hard to say how my case can help you understand your son’s. Anonymous replied on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 12:43am Permalink. Although some people may feel that distracting the adult from taking her anger out on the child seems to condone such behavior, it's only an attempt to ease the turbulence of the moment. I was a careless 21 year old and now it has changed my future. Thanks for posting and best wishes to you both. Temporal Lobe, particularly Superior Temporal region changes,can affect the personality dramatically and the victims can be left without personality,or with extreme irrational anger outbursts,or unable to correctly read and interpret situations and therefor over reacting with much anger etc inappropriate to the situation. I hope you get the news you are hoping for at your next appointment in January. Sorry to hear that so many of us are having the same issues... Our oncologist was very nice and agreed to see us yesterday to go through our concerns as we weren't really happy to have to wait until after the PET and MRI scans for our next appointment on 18th November and felt there were too many unanswered questions. Oh, i shake now too. That word just adds to the stigma. Breast Cyst (Breast Glands) Breast Cyst (Milk Ducts) Breast Glands. When my adult son started having changes in his mental status we started the convoluted journey of mental illness meds. Anonymous replied on Wed, 01/08/2020 - 5:12pm Permalink. PIN IT FOR LATER! My family always looks for what’s different and I know what things still give me additional stress or fatigue. I also believe my husband's case will have an initial review by the liver team today (prior to the scans) and so he may have a very early indication of what they want to do next when we see him tomorrow. It was all fascinating to learn. I can't retain computer programs or where to go to find what. Faith. We used All Clear insurance you could try them. Pl do advise. It is so hard isn't it. In this busy life, distraction is normal. The probable cause of pain on the right frontal lobe is simply a migraine headache. They are prone to injury because they sit just inside the front of the skull and near rough bony ridges. Mr Similar replied on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 5:28am Permalink. From his perspective his whole entire world and the lens he sees it through have changed. Anonymous replied on Wed, 01/29/2014 - 7:45am Permalink. It wasn’t until I was referred to a speech therapist that it became apparent that I also had a tbi. I understand your situation completely. This is just so hard to believe! Posted on BrainLine August 21, 2012. She is suffering in an unbearably unjust situation, … He did have Adhd. Photo Credit: AP . What a wonderful site and great service to the community. It definitely helped me in my school brain project, Jamie Chastain replied on Tue, 08/21/2018 - 8:14pm Permalink. The light of God surrounds and fills you. Twenty years of seizures that were uncontrolled by medication and required brain surgery, twenty years of living life in a way I thought was “spiritual”, only to finally start living it right prior to surgery, living life the right way, living it in the way God asked us to, for; “He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. JAN, 06, 2016 02:30:10 PM: Debbie: I have been skeptical of big Pharmacy companies most my adult life. I'm going to go to a neurological university in my prev state and get my follow-up, Anonymous replied on Sat, 06/14/2014 - 12:03pm Permalink. Family was told the usual script "that I'll never be the same" etc. – It destroys your immune system, which is the most critical component in getting well. Yet to people who never really got to know him, he was a gentleman, funny, generous and could be quite sensitive. We then had to wait weeks for next treatment to start, which is a different chemo and also, like you, feel that we have wasted months letting the cancer spread when maybe an operation right at the start could have stopped it spreading. No secret, but surround yourself with close friends who can help and guide you and don't be afraid to asking what , why and how? So sorry to hear about the latest prognosis. Bronchial Mucosa. I fear my co workers or boss will discover the problems I'm having and I'll lose my job. With each chemo regimen, the healing process comes abruptly to a stop and the brain edema gets smaller; after the treatments, healing continues and the edema starts to grow again. After  just over three weeks he has had a better weekend as he has had every side effect possible. I had lost about 5 years of memory. For kids, things change over time. Anonymous replied on Sun, 08/26/2018 - 2:36am Permalink, Thank you sooooooooo much for all the info! This is real the recovery time is ongoing. Brain tumors are rare, so most doctors do not think of brain tumors right away. The onset of schizophrenic symptoms before the age of 12 is very rare; it is less than one-sixtieth as common as it is for adults. During the period of seizure he was also diagnosed to have suffered from Hypoxic Encephalitis resulting into loss of memory and recognizing ability. I had a tumour on my brain-stem that was removed Dec 13/99. I also have extreme brain fog with this and like a fuzzy head, there is a constant cloud over my brain and I never have any mental clarity or a clear head. I didn't know until 5 weeks ago that i could even have side effects. However, “spirituality” is a whole different aspect from a loving relationship, from being filled with the Holy Spirit! I had to believe them because that are my family. Anonymous replied on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 8:38am Permalink. In October 2020, it was announced that Archie Lyndhurst from the CBBC show So Awkward had died at age 19. -Parker Deal. MRI … Anonymous replied on Sun, 05/25/2014 - 11:11pm Permalink. I hope i hear good news. You've turned a tragic experience into a true blessing and a service! Brain tumor, breast cancer, colon cancer, congenital heart disease, heart arrhythmia. He was life flighted to local Children's hospital. I had a tumor/cancer removed September 2012 in the frontal lobe . Anonymous replied on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 2:48am Permalink, I had an astrocytoma removed and my surgeon stopped using the image guiding machine and decided that what he saw was part of the tumor turns out that when he snipped it it was actually a blood vessel so when he snipped the blood vessel I woke up on the OR table convulsing so hard in fact they strapped me down to the OR table when I woke up I tried to speak but had a tube down my throat and when I tried to wave my arms to tell the surgeon that I was awake I realized head strapped to the table so I started using sign language 28th my right fingers I caught the attention of the resident who said huh doctor so so I think she's awake. I think BM’s self-loathing and growing anger problem was all it took. 195: 697: Brain & Nervous System Disorders (6 Viewing) Undiagnosed for almost 2... by Lennon21 10-21-2020 03:06 AM. My family member has Young Onset Dementia affected greatly the Temporal Lobes and her personality has greatly changed and she has also lost all her creativity. We are still awaiting the PET scan to find out the full picture and then we'll have to see what's next but basically he told us that as chemo had no effect the first time, there are chances it won't work in the future either, even if they change the drug... Radio therapy is not possible due to the large area involved, and an operation is no good either, for the same reasons. It still gives him a lot of side effects. since then he is under medication as well as some brain stimulating exercises such as jigsaw puzzles etc. I have a hard enough time just reading and comprehending normal typed words. Her attitude changed from " I no longer have a brother" to learning to understand and accept her "new" brother...and wanting to help others like him. I just don't understand how to express to her that I'm really trying. My cognitive function is extremely poor now, my short term memory is non existent, its scarily bad. Saying that, I emailed the oncologist on Monday as by then we had a few days to take the news in, and I listed a lot of questions (like how was the cancer able to spread whilst my husband was on chemo and why wasn't it picked up on previous scans and/or the blood tests they do prior to each chemo session). Changed my memory and personality! You must both be shell shocked and so sad. (Mrs.Norris' Intro To Psych. use this website because it is the best! They said the scans were clear in the lungs and liver. Unfortunately, he told us that the tumour was just too aggressive and that this is why it spread to the liver despite the chemo. Anonymous replied on Thu, 09/26/2019 - 5:10am Permalink. 205: 1,413: Brain & Head Injury. When this gets reviewed it probably get deleted but at least one person would have read it. My husband says he is not too worried whether we go or not, and I am not sure I am ready for this. He is on an immuno- therapy treatment, Votient, as advance renal cell cancer doesn't respond well to traditional chemo, so he takes a pill everyday and is on it now until we see the oncologist in the new year. I think it was for the best I had this event in my life. Xx. They can do some cognitive exercises to assist with memory. I can be doing something and in the middle of it I shake uncontrollably for what feels like an instant. We were then told that the tumours were static and that the scan now showed more secondaries in his lungs, one at the base of his spine and another suspect pelvic lymph node, also that there was now no chance of an operation to remove the bladder with the primary tumour. I have always been an over achiever. Simple dayly tasks like reading counting money and driving. before the accident. I had a similar event from a fall off a scooter. I am a ten year old and I am researching the brain for a project. Damage from the surgery and then post op brain swelling 12 days later left me with brain-stem damage plus Limbic, Pons, Cerebellum, Temporal Lobe, Hypothalamus, and Amygdala damage. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. Always. We now need to wait until the PET scan and the next appointment in November to find out when treatment will start. I simply started putting my focus on God first in all things, and pouring my love out to all those around, my neighbors, even those who treat me with hurt! After all of that to make sure the tumor was gone I went through 6 weeks of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation surgery left me paralyzed on my left side, Anonymous replied on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 12:14am Permalink. Brain Edema. Just had a PET scan this week. After the op, the doctors told us that it was Duke C bowel cancer, with 3 lymph nodes affected out of 20. Frontal lobe was affected. Reading all these comments makes me feel normal. Today, many psychologists agree that certain emotions are universal to all humans, regardless of culture: anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness. Sent to a children's rehab was there two weeks And is home now. I will tell someone I will check on something and call them back and if I get interrupted before I speak to them again, I forget. Here’s what this means for BC Cancer patients. I don’t remember the first 2 weeks due to medication. He has also said that he had a meeting with the Liver team the previous day and that, according to them and from what they can see on the CT scan my husband did 2 weeks ago, the cancer may have also spread to the peritoneal cavity, making the cancer terminal. What if they gave him the wrong type of chemo and they should have given something else/checked earlier that it was working (or in this case not working)? Not sleeping well at night doesn't help. He was the. Brain Sand. I have a feeling something like this is going to happen with my husband as right from the beginning we were told it was an aggressive cancer. My 23 yr old son suffered a TBI 6 yrs ago. A groundbreaking 14-year study was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004 … However I know you will also be worried about falling ill if abroad. I am on MS support group sites, I ask a question and get what seems like 1000 different answers. I will never go back to the job that I love. Be encouraging do not act as a detractor. And I'm a neuroscience RN. ‭‭ Matthew‬ ‭22:37-39‬. 118: 679: Bell's Palsy . Following that, he has called us and suggested we go to see him on Friday so that he can talk us through it and answer our queries. Lingering feelings of sadness and anger can interfere with your daily life. What part of the brain affects our spirituality, Get the Stats on Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States. The MS condition is clearly not helping either, it must be very difficult for you both. Frontal Lobe damage is generally thought of as being associated with personality changes but it is lesser known that the Temporal lobe damage can also provide personality change. These functions can include: Located below the thalamus and above the brain stem, the hypothalamus: Located at the base of the brain, the pituitary gland: Injury to the pituitary gland may affect: Located near the hippocampus in the frontal portion of the temporal lobes, the amygdala: The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe. We were also cruising- going to the Canaries with P and O. They were right. This site has helped me to understand why so many things are such a struggle for me. It is a rare type of cancer, but can be very aggressive. Find encouragement in scripture as you explore and resolve your angry feelings and resentment. Thank you, Anonymous replied on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 4:27pm Permalink. I am almost 40 now and I've been passing out, having pain in my head, am confused often, frustrated, have mood swings, trouble communicating, staying focused. Anonymous replied on Sun, 08/26/2018 - 11:44pm Permalink. What I can say is it’s helpful when I don’t feel like I’m under a microscope. Little specks of memory piece by piece and the majority was back. I am reading a lot of information,be careful with your diet. Increased blood–brain barrier permeability has the dual effect of enhancing cytokine production at vascular sites in a positive feedback loop, and augmenting T-cell trafficking across the blood–brain barrier (Cayrol et al., 2008; Lopes Pinheiro et al., 2016). But we are only too aware that this may not last. Will Smith replied on Fri, 09/15/2017 - 2:38pm Permalink. Anonymous replied on Sat, 06/24/2017 - 3:21pm Permalink, Anonymous replied on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 8:32am Permalink, Anonymous replied on Sat, 05/27/2017 - 12:04am Permalink, Anonymous replied on Mon, 05/15/2017 - 3:09am Permalink. All the comments make me feel so sad to hear all sad stories. What To Do If You Think You Have Had a Concussion? Like you we were relatively shocked and speechless. Extremely low blood sugar can cause anxiety because the brain isn’t getting enough fuel and you may fear what happens next. Saying that, I emailed the oncologist on Monday as by then we had a few days to take the news in, and I listed a lot of questions (like how was the cancer able to spread whilst my husband was on chemo and why wasn't it picked up on previous scans and/or the blood tests they do prior to each chemo session). Andy will have a different one as the Folfox didn't work - I can't remember what the name of the other one is but the oncologist said there will be a daily injection to go with it (not sure what it's called either - sorry. Does a temporal lobe stroke cause up to 10 headaches a day? Johnson knows it’s … Except months leading up to the TMI. During my year of treatment, I could not retain new information and my short term memory was weak. You just need to talk to him and actually listen and let him be whoever he wants to be. Brain tumor symptoms vary from patient to patient, and most of these symptoms can also be found in people who do NOT have brain tumors. Waiting for scans and the results is so difficult, my husband goes for his first scan tomorrow after 3 months of chemo for a recurrence of bowel cancer. Ronnie Floyd: Pray For President Joe Biden, VP Harris, And The New Congress "God is able to sovereignly engineer people and circumstances to fulfill His will." The Temporal Lobes do not just involve function of memory and language,they are also the "seat" of the personality and creativity. These two lobes are involved in: The left frontal lobe plays a large role in speech and language. My wife gets so mad at me for not being able to communicate my feelings, show "proper" facial expressions, etc. Keep positive and best wishes to you both. Anonymous replied on Thu, 01/07/2016 - 6:10pm Permalink. I NEED HELP. Wow I've wrote a biography lol. It should be noted that blood–brain barrier vulnerability can vary as a function of brain region. Once they've done the PET scan and the MRI, they will have a better idea of whether it is operable or not. He had surgery to remove a large part of his colon and has since got a colostomy bag in place. I hope if you get a brain injury you can still live your life as a happy person. Things are mostly the same as they were from most people’s perspective. I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. A bittersweet moment. I love this site thank you, Anonymous replied on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 9:50am Permalink, No matter what I learn I just can't get my head around it even if I concentrate it just doesn't go through my head, Anonymous replied on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 11:19am Permalink. I did not have any of these problems a few years ago. Very much the same has happened with me too. My situation is nothing compared to what so many others ho through! By the time couples come to our boot camps for chronic resentment, anger, or emotional abuse, they have developed entrenched habits of protecting their … But can be doing something and in the lungs and liver once they 've done the scan. Must be very difficult for you both and sending lots of love solace! 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