The basis for this request is to support downtown businesses as business hours begin to increase as children go back to school and workers return to the workplace and there is additional need for people to be indoors as the weather turns colder; but also to recognize that there remains reduced business traffic in the skyways, especially later in the evening. Executive Order 2020-5 amending skyway hours to allow individuals with responsibility for a portion of the skyway system to close their portion of the skyway for which they are responsible at 7 p.m., provided that notice of the revised hours is posted in conspicuous locations. Buildings and residences in downtown Saint Paul are connected by a robust skyway system which allows downtown residents to move between buildings without going outdoors. According to a report by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) The Effects Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On Small Businesses (released March 2, 2021), in April 2020, the number of people in metropolitan areas who were working and self-employed was 21 percent lower than in April 2019. Effective January 19, 2022, any licensed business that is a space of public accommodation in the City of Saint Paul during any time that food and/or drink is sold or served indoors for consumption onsite shall limit admission of patrons to the area of the licensed premises where food and/or drink is being consumed, to only those persons who furnish proof of a completed vaccination series against COVID-19 or a negative COVID- 19 test obtained within seventy-two (72) hours of entry. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on February 28, 2022 pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: WHEREAS, serious threats to health and safety of persons and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt in the City; and, WHEREAS, businesses and individuals continue to suffer the economic impacts of the pandemic and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future; and, WHEREAS, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City has increased its efforts to get individuals into shelter, which is putting a strain on shelter space; and, WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code chapter 13.06(b) provides that, whenever necessary to meet an emergency the mayor may by executive order promulgate regulations for which adequate regulations have not been adopted respecting the conduct of persons and the use of property during emergencies; the repair, maintenance and safeguarding of essential public services; emergency health, fire and safety regulations; and all other matters which are required to protect public safety, health and welfare in emergencies; and. The Minneapolis and St. Paul mask mandates will affect this upcoming weekend's professional sports games, including Saturday's Wild game at St. Paul's Xcel Energy Center and Sunday's. Compliance with the skyway hours of operation requires monitoring by both Saint Paul Police and building owners. During the course of the Declared Emergency, I have issued several Executive Orders which were extended before their expiration and now expire on June 3, 2020: In addition, Executive Order 2020-7 describing amendments to emergency plans will also expire on June 3, 2020. In addition, COVID related restrictions on social gatherings prevented many types of in person resources fairs that were planned. This Declaration has been extended and remains in effect. Governor Walzs Executive Order 20-56 issued on May 13, 2020 strongly encourage(s) all Minnesotans to wear a manufactured or homemade cloth face covering when they leave their homes and travel to any public setting where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. St. Paul Mayor Renews Mask Mandate - MLBA . Studies have indicated and public health experts have concluded that indoor dining is a significant driver of the COVID-19 pandemic, in part because it is not possible to wear a mask while eating or drinking. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, December 14, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: WHEREAS, Saint Paul Leg. THEREFORE, MAYOR MELVIN CARTER III, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DECLARES, REQUESTS, AND DIRECTS AS FOLLOWS: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on May 29, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: On May 29, 2020, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Effective January 26, 2022, any licensed business, during any time that a ticketed event is being held, that is a space of public accommodation in the City of Saint Paul during any time that food and/or drink is sold or served indoors for consumption onsite shall limit admission of patrons to the area of the licensed premises where food and/or drink is being consumed, to only those persons who furnish proof of a completed vaccination series against COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test obtained within seventy-two (72) hours of entry. 12.29; which the City Council consented to on March 17, 2020. Under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29 and Saint Paul Legislative Code 13.06, declares that a local emergency exists within Saint Paul, effective August 27, 2020, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Minnesota Statute, Chapter 12, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13. All Businesses: Strongly encouraged to continue to require that all individuals, regardless of vaccine status, wear a face covering indoors at all times when social distancing of at least 6 feet is not maintained. On May 31, curfew violations continued resulting in arrests in the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. d. Business and temporary sign regulations are waived. Ensuring that bars and restaurants can reopen under the guidelines laid out by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development will ease the burden on these businesses will assist them in survival and recovery, and, in turn, assist the City in its recovery. Pursuant to Chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, this Executive Order will take effect immediately on February 24, 2022 following my signature and, if not sooner rescinded or later extended, shall expire at the end of forty (40) days after its effective date or at the end of the declared local emergency to which it relates, whichever occurs first. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on February 16, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: During the course of the Declared Emergency, I have issued several Executive Orders, and the original basis for these orders has not changed: Executive Order 2021-3 (regulating third-party food platforms), The following Executive Orders are extended without amendment: Executive Order 2021-3 (regulating third-party food platforms). Executive Order 2022-5 was necessary to address a surge in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta and Omicron variants, identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as variants of concern. Nationally, liberal strongholds like New York City and Portland have dropped . Pursuant to Chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, I hereby rescind Executive order 2021-21, effective immediately. On April 9, 2020 I issued Emergency Executive Order 2020-05 which amended Saint Paul Legislative Code 140.10 and allowed building owners connected to the skyway system to reduce their daily skyway hour of operation to 6 AM to 7 PM. 21% of small businesses have had an overall large negative impact and 41% have had a moderate negative impact; 40.4% of households with children under 5 have had a childcare disruption in the last 4 weeks; 15.1% of households have been unable to pay an energy bill in the last 12 months; and. Declares, under Minn. Stat. Mild hypothermia sets in as one's body temperature dips below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point it's considered a medical emergency. WHEREAS, Ordinance 20-36, Section 2 allows City officials authorized to arrange for the use of Freedom House as a temporary day-use service facility and winter weather sheltering facility for the unsheltered but does not address severe weather such as tornadoes or high winds. Upon receiving notice of permit expiration or temporary suspension, permit holders must immediately remove from the right of way all business furniture and other property. During the course of the Declared Emergency, I have issued several Executive Orders. . seven days a week will increase the number of officers available to patrol the streets, provide relief by reducing financial and staffing burdens on building owners, and assist in reducing the incidents of vandalism in the skyway system that are believed to be attributed to the decrease in use by the general population. The percentage of Minnesota Residents who reported difficulty paying for usual household expenses in the last 7 days: The percentage of households who were unable to pay an energy bill or unable to pay the full bill amount: The percentage of households who reported a likelihood of leaving their home due to eviction in next two months: Under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, declares that a local emergency continues to exist within Saint Paul, on March 13, 2022, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13. On March 15, 2020, I issued an Emergency Declaration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant to Minn. Stat. (a) For the purposes of this Executive Order, travel includes, without limitation, travel on foot, bicycle, skateboard, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit, or any other mode of transporting a person from one location to another. The license will remain in the inactive status and the business may not be in operation until the expiration of the closure ordered under Governor Walz Emergency Executive Order 20-99 or such time as the impacted license holder requests that the license be reinstated, whichever occurs first. This civil unrest included mass protests in Minneapolis on May 26-30, 2020 which caused injuries, looting and the destruction of public and private property. WHEREAS, the necessary resources to respond to and recover from this pandemic will exceed those resources available within the City, and additional resources will be needed from Ramsey County, and state and federal sources; I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on February 7, 2022, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: Even though the spread of COVID-19 has slowed, and vaccinations are becoming widely available, serious threats to health and safety of persons and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt in the City. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on January 4, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: On March 13, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-01 declaring a Peacetime Emergency and coordinating Minnesotas strategy to protect Minnesotans from COVID- 19 pursuant to Minn. Stat. On May 29, 2020. Saint Paul Legislative Code 13.06(c) gives the Mayor the authority to issue emergency executive orders and provides that by like proclamation the mayor may modify or rescind any such regulation.. Provided that the application and supporting documents for a Temporary C-19 Seasonal Outside Service Area and a Temporary C-19 Right of Way Obstruction Permit meet all legal requirements as outlined in this Order (including approval of site plan, verification of insurance, and verification of legal authority to occupy the proposed area) and the director finds that no grounds exist for the denial of such application, I authorize the Director of the Department of Safety and Inspections and the Director of the Department of Public Works to administratively approve, modify, deny or revoke such application. St. Paul Public Schools voted this week against a resolution that would make masks optional for students and faculty. On the afternoon of Sunday, April 11, 2021, a Brooklyn Center police officer fatally shot Daunte Wright, a 20 year old black man, during a traffic stop, inflaming already raw tensions between police and community members in the midst of the Derek Chauvin trial. 12.29; which the City Council consented to on March 17, 2020, and which I have extended on several occasions; and, WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Oder 20-63 that included regulations for outdoor service provided by restaurants, food courts, cafes, coffeehouses, bars, taverns, brewer taprooms, micro distiller cocktail rooms, farm wineries, craft wineries, cideries, golf courses, and other Places of Public Accommodation offering food or beverages (including alcoholic beverages) for on premises consumption; and, WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020 I issued Executive Order 2020-10 which eliminated certain City requirements to facilitate commercial uses of outdoor spaces, and this Order has since been amended several times; and, WHEREAS, on several occasions I have extended Executive Order 2020-10 and amended that Order in Executive Order 2021-5; and. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on March 27, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: The Novel Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19), a respiratory disease that can result in serious illness or death caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus, is a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans and can easily spread from person to person. 2. Four Minneapolis Police Officers were charged with murder and manslaughter for causing Mr. Floyds death. Minneapolis and St. Paul have not. Approximately 500 protesters later walked to the Brooklyn Center police headquarters where protesters chanted Wright's name and climbed atop the police headquarters sign; and late Sunday night, Brooklyn Center police in riot gear used tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets on the crowd. Directs the Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) to develop and implement a program that provides payments in an amount not to exceed $500 in monthly guaranteed income to as many as 150 randomly selected Saint Paul residents, subject to the requirements of this Executive Order. All employers of businesses that are spaces public accommodation subject to this Regulation shall comply with OSHA standards 1910.501(e) and (g), as existing on the date of issuance of this Emergency Regulation, relating to employee vaccination status and testing at covered locations, regardless of the number of their employees. In Saint Paul overnight on April 11 and into April 12, 2021 there were arson fires, seven Saint Paul businesses were damaged and/or looted, and four individuals were arrested. Therefore, the Skyway Governance Committee held a meeting and voted to ask the City to return to the 7:00 p.m. closing hours rather than extending those hours to 10:00 p.m. Keeping the closing hours at 7:00 pm. Jobs were down nearly twice as much in low-paying industries (5.3 percent) as in medium-wage industries (3.2 percent) and more than six times as much as in highwage industries (0.8 percent) during this period; and, WHEREAS, in addition to action necessary to safeguard the health and safety of Saint Paul residents, it remains necessary for the City to provide economic support to individuals and businesses alike to ensure that Saint Paul recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic disaster; and, WHEREAS, during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency, I have exercised executive authority through more than 80 Executive Orders to provide relief and further prepare our City for the COVID-19 Pandemic; and. Even in non-extreme cold, hypothermia can be fatal. This state of local emergency may not be continued for a period in excess of three days except by or with the consent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. The following Executive Orders are extended as amended below: On June 1, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-69 extending the temporary night-time curfew, through June 3, 2020, from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. On June 3, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive order 20-71 further extending the temporary night-time curfew in the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to restrict individuals from being in public streets or public property for two more nights, through June 5, 2020, from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Pursuant to Chapter 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, this Executive Order is in immediate effect upon my signature and, if not sooner rescinded or later extended, shall expire at 4:00 A.M. on June 4, 2020. Develop and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, Open for outdoor dining and/or curbside pickup/delivery only, Ensure at least 6 feet of distance with maximum on-premises capacity to no more than 50 persons, Limit table service to 4 persons, or 6 if part of one family unit, Require reservations; do not allow walk-in customers, Require masks or face shields to be worn by workers and strongly recommend masks for all customers, Establish regular disinfection routine and train workers. The Mayor requests that all shelters serving unsheltered or homeless individuals or families expand their occupancy to accommodate such above-described extreme weather emergencies. 12.29, I issued an Emergency Declaration, declaring a Peacetime Emergency due to the civil unrest occurring throughout Saint Paul. will continue to allow an increase in the number of officers available to patrol the streets, provide relief by reducing financial and staffing burdens on building owners, and assist in reducing the incidents of vandalism in the skyway system that are believed to be attributed to the decrease in use by the general population. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on February 24, 2022, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: WHEREAS, on February 15, 2022, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code section 13.06, I issued Executive Order 2022-11, which required the following: WHEREAS, according to data available as of February 24, 2022, case rates, positivity rates, and hospitalizations in Ramsey County have continued to decline deeply. Leg. During the course of the pandemic, small businesses in metropolitan areas have been hit harder than those in rural areas. On March 15, 2020, I issued an Emergency Declaration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant to Minn. Stat. All Businesses: Strongly encouraged to continue to require that all individuals wear a face covering indoors at all times when social distancing of at least 6 feet is not maintained. Any employee in the Non-Represented Unit is not entitled to any negative accrual of Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) beyond forty-eight (48) hours under this Executive Order. WHEREAS, serious threats to health and safety of persons and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt in the City. 12.29; which the City Council consented to on March 17, 2020, and which I have extended on three occasions, with such extensions being approved by the City Council on June 10, 2020, and September 9, 2020, and December 2, 2020; During the course of the Declared Emergency, I issued Executive Order 2020-26, directing the Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) to develop and implement a monthly guaranteed income program. National Guard troops arrived just before midnight as looters targeted the Brooklyn Center Walmart; and several businesses around the Walmart were completely destroyed, including Foot Locker, T Mobile, and a To New York men's clothing store. On April 8, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-33 which extended Executive Order 20-04 until May 4, 2020. Code 106.01(b) and (c) as amended below. OFE may enter into an agreement with a third-party to complete this study. The City is working to establish low or no barrier shelters that will provide indoor sleeping space for up to one hundred (100) adults. COVID-19 has become "community spread," which means that someone has become infected with the virus, but health officials aren't sure where, or how, the individual was infected. Priority Two services can be disrupted temporarily, if necessary, but must be re-established within a few days to preserve the essential elements of the financial system of government, and to continue priority services. For the avoidance of doubt, and unless otherwise notified by the City, Establishments may operate outdoors in the City right of way without COVID-19-restrictions on capacity, party size, or distancing. Saint Paul businesses impacted by the Governors Executive Orders contribute to the vitality of Saint Paul, provide employment opportunities and services to residents, grow the Citys tax base, and increase our sense of community. Over the past seven days, Ramsey County has seen a 58% drop in cases and a 38% drop in hospital. On April 8, 2020 and April 30, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Orders 20-33 and 20-48, respectively, extending and modifying the previous Stay at Home order. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Melvin Carter, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, hereby issue the following Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on November 16, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: The March 15, 2020 Emergency Declaration at Paragraph 2 directed City departments to review ordinance and regulatory requirements that can and should be adjusted or suspended, or to enact emergency regulations to support the residents of the City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Athletes, performers, and supporting staff competing or performing at indoor spaces that are controlled by the City of Saint Paul are not subject to this regulation. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on July 8, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on July 19, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on July 28, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on August 3, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: Saint Paul Leg. The basis for that order continues to exist and, in fact, the spread of COVID-19 has worsened significantly since the issuance of that order. On March 15, 2020, I issued an Emergency Declaration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant to Minn. Stat. . On March 18, Governor Walz signed Executive Order 20-08 clarifying that Executive Order 20-04 also applied to salons, barbershops and other similar establishments. Executive Order 2020-5 regulating skyway hours. On August 21, 2020 I issued Emergency Executive order 2020-22 extending and amending Executive Order 2020-5 to allow skyway closure hours at 7:00 p.m. through Labor Day, but then allow closure 10:00 p.m. starting Labor Day. Governor Walz, in Executive Order 20-56, has declared a peacetime emergency in the City of Saint Paul as well as the City of Minneapolis and the surrounding communities. The Omicron variant accounts for 68% of the cases in Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, on December 16, 2021, representatives from the Department of Safety and Inspections met with representatives from SPPD, Downtown Alliance, BOMA and Skyway Easement Property Owners and discussed that due to COVID cases resurgence a comprehensive and coordinated Skyway security and maintenance effort was not yet ready to move to adding additional hours; and. The Committee requested that the skyway closure option remain in place with a 7:00 p.m. closure until Labor Day, August 31, 2020, and then be extended to a 10:00 pm closure time. The majority of jobs lost in the crisis have been in industries that pay low average wages, with the lowest-paying industries accounting for 30 percent of all jobs but 56 percent of the jobs lost from February 2020 to September 2021, according to the latest month of Labor Department employment data. 2. Any person who disobeys a lawful order of a regular member or auxiliary member of the police, National Guard or fire departments enforcing this Executive Order or another person having a specific emergency management assignment and displaying their official identification enforcing this Executive Order shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code 13.13 and other applicable state law. There are documented community acquired COVID-19 cases in Saint Paul. Saint Paul Leg. Jan 5, 2022 Updated Jan 5, 2022, 3:53pm CST Indoor mask mandates are being brought back for businesses and city buildings throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul amid surging Covid-19 cases.. The effective date of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 236 is delayed from January 1, 2020 for as long as this Emergency Executive Order, and any extensions of this order, remain in effect.