The place itself might reveal some clues as to what sort of person or people would construct it and what are the chances of them doing something bad. The limited number of attempts especially on the first day is very strange. So this sparked my curiosity. Well be mapping the trails with a GPS device, searching for the location of the night photos and capturing aerial footage of the rivers in the region. He has collected much that is out there but still the majority is second hand and we have no information as to the voracity. There is definitely a face on that the post/tree to the right of Kris. These are all similar in so many of the cases in his Missing 411 series. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . Eerie Photos Reveal Last Moments Before Women Vanished in Panama I do think it looks like red flowers growing through the structure, and whilst I agree that it does look like there is some sort of symbol on the tree, after studying her pose from the photo above, I dont think she would be acting / posing like that if there was a creepy ass symbol scrawled into the tree! A year later, two tourists following the same trail are robbed at gunpoint. There is much speculation about the night time fotos made using the Cannon. I have a working theory of the predator (not a specific name). He goes down some intriguing avenues which while I may not agree with either the direction or point have value because they stimulate me to think. The camera had a video function this could have been used including of course sound. Not saying that its impossible, but very VERY difficult to edit photos seamlessly. I believe that the LA Times article is more informative, so Ive updated the link in my writing above. After finding the women's phones, authorities now had alead. Hi Rune (and Stian), great points. Think about it. He wasnt walking with them. I dont think theres anything untoward I think shes saying look at this tunnel. A priest of sorts. Its all speculation until more answers are found. You need to be a Photoshop wizard of substantial level to even attempt this and it would take absolute ages. and happened to Kris that would explain why Lisannes phone was first one used to make an SOS call. There is discussion in reference to a possible cave, but is there any evidence that the girls found a cave besides perhaps Kriss hair appearing unusually dry in the night photos? Do you or anyone else that you know of have any idea where in Panama this photo was taken? Something happened between the morning and afternoon of the 5th because it was in the afternoon that a wrong pin was entered and subsequently every time thereafter. It would be like a marker for anyone to see. Or maybe the girls were using the flash as light in the dark. Highly probable. Her hands are not tied. Did they lose it right at the start of the hike, but didnt bother to go and look for it? Panamas government is stuck in a desperate position. So easily noticeable. As for the night pics Im going to also throw this one out there and say the photos were heavily darkened to take away what was really there in view and then the spotty weather areas were added over including the rain drops. We have no way of knowing if somebody tried to unlock the phone but failed. OmgIm staring at this pic. In either case, maybe the rucksack was looted then later planted to avoid criminal implication. because why else would they have continued access to their phones for the next week? Two days pass. They are free now. Bizarre Stories About Tourists Who Went Missing Far From Home - CBC A decade under Maduro, migration marks Venezuelans' lives This lady, Pitti, she is under much suspicion as she practically botched the investigation efforts with her repeated lack of discipline in collecting and documenting and directing the case. Also, no organ stealing, no cartels, no people traffickers, nothing to do with tribes, cults, sects, etc. Yes, you are right that a great deal of caution is necessary. They got lost and succumbed to the wild. I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. If Kris were injured and they couldnt use the phone, then why didnt Lisanne go get help? And the weird flesh colored thing hanging in the tree to her left could be a skinned animal. A lot of times countries dont want investigations to be publicized or they shut them down as best they can in order for their tourist trade to not be hurt!!!!! Also mobile signals are better at night yet no calls were attempted. Hi Mel, thanks for sharing. She is obviously excited by the weird place they have found. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story ^ From that point the trail leads over another dangerous cable bridge, and two more rickety plank swing-bridges, before reaching the Ngobe village of Alto Romero on the banks of the Culebra. This tells me that they had a time in their minds of what time to leave to get back to their host home in Boquette. I would like to know the answer to that question also. Btw, phones will connect to emergency services with or without sim card being present. For Composer Drew Silva, Music is all About Embracing Life. Why? Much information is second hand. Im very curious what your experience is living in Latin America, because generalizations like your statement are certainly inconsistent with many disappearance stories and law enforcement activity here. It seems likely it was tribal. Dogs are very independent here. So, if the dog went on the hike with the girls, its most likely that the owners would not have known that fact. I prefer to think that the two girls had some sort of accident, still horrific but better than being murdered. Clearly the trash on the rocks indicates it had active people. Im not understanding why they bothered to create a cover story. Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph? Im not saying that I dont think foul play was involved. There are so many possibilities and we will probably never really know. Sorry Chris, having re-read what you said at the beginning of your article and having stared at the photo a for a bit longer, I can definitely see the corner of a kind of pitched, thatched roof of a what looks like a man-made hut. Has anyone gone back to the spot where the photo was taken? Friends Kris Kremers (born August 9th, 1992) and Lisanne Froon (born September 24th, 1991) were two Dutch tourists who went missing under mysterious circumstances in early April of 2014 while on vacation in Panama, allegedly disappearing during a hike on the Pianista trail near Boquete.. The hand painted insignia looks more like a face to me.. "It is our intention -- almost exactly one month following this tragic accident -- to give proper thanks to all those who supported our families during this difficult time, as well as to have many outstanding questions answered by way of a swift and thorough investigation," the families said in a joint statement. I wrote about the upcoming book here: I think the look on her face isnt scared, but she looks to maybe be in wonder that they found a place like that? I think that I read somewhere that something blue was found on one of the shoes. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. If it is a photo-op, why is Kris not waving her hands or something. We simply dont have enough information at this time. Therefore, if Kris Kremers is normal and happy, as she appears to be in this photo (and in the other photos in the series), it means that things took a bad turn for them relatively soon after the photo above was taken. The total number of people who have gone missing in Mexico since 2006 and have never been found stands at almost 87,855, according to the government from a report earlier this year. In reality, I dont think someone would go to this extent. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne reached this field with fencing (past the second stream crossing) and mistook this place to be a different entry to the farm areas which are closer to the trail head ? How Many Kids Does Linkin Park Have? More info here. After the attempted calls, the phones stayedon for some time. . Its a sect of foreign Christians that set up in the area and murdered 6 people FROM one of the local tribes. These are more unanswered questions that we may never know. This eliminates all questions about why didnt the girls call X, Y, Z. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Does anyone know if the dog they brought with them is in any photos from the hike? Im sure removal of the comment was justified, but in considering all possibilities Im curious if there was there any insight offered? It does not make sense to me. It suggest that this case goes deeper than we imagine. Thanks for sharing this. Unfortunately we dont have a lot of answers to your questions. Europe is the world . One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Is this in dispute? Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (lost unreleased/uncompressed original Sometimes that is all that is found. Most travelers that have big experiences want to remember the small details of trips, because the trip represents an important memory in their life. I would like to know their movements precisely from arriving in Boquete. Kris has somewhat prominent cheeks and a full lower lip. The grimace on Kris face is because she is in pain. Its almost as if Kris is in the midst of turning back around at the moment this photo is taken, due to the foliage becoming too dense to proceed any further. But what if that is what led them off track ? The simplest is for them to disappear. Shortly after this, they became victims. I do get very creepy and bad vibes from this photo though. This story and all the bizarre features surrounding it as strange as they are, are actually very much similar to the thousands that have been put together by former cop and forest ranger David Pauladis series of books Missing 411. ): If you find more info about this, please feel free to share it. She looks as if her hands are above her head in a way someone would have them if a police officer were to tell them to put their hands above their head. How Many Backpackers Go Missing In Australia Every Year Hi, do you know when and where this book will be available? Her hands could be tied behind her back but, if this is the case, then much computer editing was involved because other photos that come AFTER this one in camera sequence show Kriss walking ahead of Lisanne WITHOUT her hands tied behind her back. if you break your ankle in a fall and die your foot is likely to be found IN the shoe as is what happened. Thanks for your comment. Once they examined the phones, investigators unraveled a confusing and grim timeline. If you find any additional information, please let me know. On the bottom right of the photo it looks as though her hair is wrapped around somebodys fingers, or rather someone has their fingers wrapped around her hair. They took the dog with them on the walk and it came back the next morning but they didnt there had to have been some clues maybe like how far could the dog have gone and still find its way back home? As soon as I zoomed in, my heart sank for her. The blue item could be anything, but shows someone has been there before. I wanted to share this article from a big newspaper in Panama. If the dog was with them, we cannot know for how long, nor why the dog left the girls. But then Im immediately confronted with conflicting evidence to suggest otherwise. There are some walls of rock in an area which I think is called los Naranjos, not too far from the Pianista trail (relatively speaking) and is where people go climbing. This option is least likely, because wed obviously see something more tangible in the photos. There has recently been something in the news about it. With all that Im reading now in the police file, it couldnt be anything else there was a certain sequence and timing to it, that had to be caused by the flash floods, typical to the region and season., Winning Photos from the 2018 Nikon Small World Competition, Incredible Time-lapse Shot from the International Space Station at Night, Intense Macro Photos of Ants Battling to the Death, Surprising Underwater Photo Revives Investigation of Missing Teen, Hacker Hoodie Blinds Surveillance Cameras with Infrared Light, Couple Finds Trove of 2,000 Cameras and Lenses in Storage Unit, Hyper-Realistic AI Face Filter Shocks TikTok Users, AI Tool Reveals How Celebrities Faces Have Been Photoshopped, The Exposure Donut for Sony Cameras Simplifies Manual Exposure. How many tourists go to Australia? My interest would be to see if its scientifically possible for the official theory to have happened. There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. While the case has since been declared closed by both the Panamanian and Dutch authorities (who worked on . scary However, if Kremers and Froon had found manmade ramshackle structures during their hike, such as the possible items viewed in this photo, its possible they had unwanted company. They knew to be on guard and be careful. It looks straight and like it may go over the eye and above it. The case needs solid evidence and/or solid witnesses coming forward. There's no telling how many ships or planes have "disappeared" in the Bermuda Triangle, but the U.S. Navy estimates that around 50 ships and 20 aircraft have gone missing there. Fortunately, theres a lot of work still underway from private investigators and researchers. Another case that comes to mind is the case of Holger Hagenbusch: The dogs just do what they want to do. He has a whole series of You Tube videos (over 50) that were made that show that the pictures were manipulated and he names the suspect. Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism - IMF F&D What confuses this is that after Kriss phone dies then on the 5th during the afternoon SOS attempt a wrong pin is input on Lisannes phone and indeed continues to be input until the end. Also last year, 22-year-old Florida man Craig Taylor was found strangled to death on a dirt road in Punta Sam, north of downtown Cancun. Or if they went, they could have been followed by someone the murderer (or murderers). Why did he leave them? Seems like no one has taken off in the direction of the dog and what it could have offered us. I think they were lost. For one, the girls' camera had photos on it from hours after they stopped dialing emergency services. The timeline could have been enhanced with this info. I think Juantarctica made a compelling case on YouTube for this theory. But in numerous case there are adverse priorities that lead to incompetence in disappearance investigations. They got lost and they died of starvation and a hard ration, except for Chriss. Everything suggests they had no clue what they were doing when they took the taxi to the start of the trail. You can bet your life if someone was with them at that point, then they were the culprits who had something to do with the girls disappearance. Two months after the backpack was found, a pelvic bone and foot still inside a boot were discovered in the same area, according to La Estrella de Panama. Kriss bones had unnatural traces of phosphorus. The blood on her leg is, again, a shadow. That and the deleted photo make me for first time in my studies of this incident start to suspect foul play, but well never know. Where did he leave them? Feel free to comment again or send me an email. Personally, I believe that number one mentioned above is the most likely reason. I think that if the parents had withheld important photographs,showing that the circumstances pointed to natural causes,they would have disclosed that theory before now, surely,if for no other reason,than to prevent further speculation about the girls disappearance. Give me a link. Something drastic happened it is clear but what exactly and where exactly? A closer look at mysterious disappearances that continue to baffle detectives. Over the years, dozens of tourists like Agarwal, many of them foreign nationals, have gone missing while visiting the Parvati Valley in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Kids in the area could have found the backpack and were just messing around with the camera. Then again, my brain may be playing tricks from staring at it too long. Debra Ann Velleman, 70, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Sue Borries, 57, of Teutopolis, Illinois, both retired public school teachers, were part of a community of snowbirds and expats living in the area of Chame, Panama. Links that require download are high-risk by their very nature, so please consider uploading your media to a website like or a similar alternative. Life of a stay at home home. But by April 6, the girls were still missing. Please read. The theory of being lost is so plausible in a Jungle but then the photos .. the speculation can never end. Yes, thank you, Sue. The gangs in Panama are much smaller, usually consisting of between 5 and 30 people. Australia has 2,000 missing persons and 500 unidentified human remains IF there was a dog with them why then did they not photograph it? In any case, this doesnt give any insight as to why there are no photos taken from that day beyond the first stream crossing. Hi Susan, those are all possibilities. More probable is that the picture was deleted. I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THE PIT PICTURE FOR YEARS, YOU CLEARLY SEE A GATELIKE STRUCTURE OVER THE PIT. The photos showed the girls belongings spread out on rocks, along with plastic bags and candy wrappers, mounds of dirt, and a mirror. When browsing the images that were on Lisanne Froons phone, I also noticed that a lot of other websites cropped off the top of this particular photo of Kris Kremers. Over four days, 77 separate attempts had been made to call the cops - using the emergency numbers in both the Netherlands and in Panama. The mans face is clearly visible standing behind the rock with the red bags. JW, I agree with you totally, thanks for your intelligent remarks! They very quickly realized that they could not find the point where they entered the jungle and if they were in trouble, and that is when the 911 calls started. Why no video diary? But we need to be careful about the information we have. In which photos? Hi Chris, i uploaded the photo to show what i see. Hi Jim, That particular photo was supposed to have been taken at 1.20 pm. From my understanding, there was no warning signs on the trail. If so then those could tell some information. PANAMA CITY BEACH Local officials agree that traffic is the No. Thanks for the analysis though, I keep looking for new stuff, this case really gets to meI can see why people think this was a criminal act -I see that with some aspects of the case, however, I do think that it was the result of injury and or getting lost -I cant see a criminal 1) letting them keep their phones and camera and 2) letting the camera and phones being discovered. There are flaws in the manipulations, such as the photo timeline, the inconsistent resolutions, the missing photo (or video), the red lines on the shirt, incorrect shadow positioning, etc. She does look slightly uneasy but I just think it was a photo she wasnt expecting. Even if that had happened, the skeleton would have been more intact and scratch marks would have been found on the bones. It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. I do not see any eyes, but I can definitely see a nose and a mouth. Many cold cases have been solved years later. she does see something disgusting. Highlighted areas of interest (some not yet discussed I think): I think the night pictures were made by the killers to make it look like they were lost and trying to signal for help. I cover a lot of these things in my other comprehensive article regarding Kris Kremers Bones: There are simply too many variables involved to oversimplify the case with the conclusion that they got lost.