[24] Utilizing his personal fighter, Ren led the First Order's initial attack on the Resistance fleet. Xiono, who was also unaware of Ren's identity, passed this information to the Resistance while reporting to Ello Asty. Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Chandrila became the capital of the New Republic and the seat of the newly formed Galactic Senate as a tribute to the Republic of old. She also witnessed the first time he sent a toy flying across the room, instinctively harnessing the power of the Force through the rage of a toddler. After Rey entered Ren's quarters, she touched the Blade of Ochi of Bestoon which triggered memories of her parents. Although an official of Fondor swore that his government held no allegiance to the insurgents, having refused to assist them in any capacity, the mere contact with the enemies of the First Order provided Ren with his justification for seizing control of the Fondor Shipyards. [34] He did not realize at the time that his fears about his family were influenced by Darth Sidious. [44], After the conference, Ren transmitted orders to Phasma via private frequency. Ren demanded that Finn give him the lightsaber, claiming it belonged to him, but instead the former stormtrooper engaged him in a lightsaber duel. But Snoke told him that the vision had just started.[41]. Later, Ren, Hux and two First Order admirals gathered in a conference room aboard the Finalizer over the planet GUHL-JO387O. As such, he was adept at evading close-quarter attacks while unarmed, sidestepping Rey's blade several times before activating his own lightsaber. Ren cornered Rey in the ruins of the second Death Star, where their respective grandfathers met their demise. [18] A tug of war ensued over the shuttle, causing Rey to give into her feelings and unwittingly channel the power of the dark side until Force lightning emanated from her fingertips. Ren felt an innate connection to Rey from the moment he met her, unaware that they formed a dyad in the Force. It was Jacen's hope to lead the Galactic Alliance, once the New Republic, in bringing order to the galaxy after the horrors of the Yuuzhan Vong War. [24] Luke Skywalker even regarded his nephew Ren as a strong adversary who was far more powerful than Rey. Despite his anger and rage, Ben Solo could not bring himself to strike down the apparitions of his parents, Han Solo and Leia Organa. While in the conference, the creature that the stormtrooper, FN-2187, was chasing turned off the lights, interrupting the conference. His mask projected and amplified his voice in a deeper way. Confused, he pointed his lightsaber in the Jedi Master's direction and moved forward until the blade harmlessly passed through his uncle again, revealing that Skywalker was not actually present for the battle; he had been projecting himself through the Force from Ahch-To. [18] The broadcast bolstered the rumors that the Emperor lived but was in hiding, leading many within the First Order to believe that they should follow Sidious instead of Ren. Unlike before, he struggled to maintain his hold on her through the Force. In retaliation against the Aeosians who supported the Resistance, a fleet of Resurgent-class Star Destroyers invaded their homeworld of Aeos Prime and devastated it. This time, however, he was ambushed by a group of insurgents hiding within the crowd. Standing together as a true dyad, Ben Solo and Rey confronted the clone remnant of Darth Sidious. He ordered his officers to have Chewbacca's belongings brought to his quarters. Upon his arrival, the dark warrior was greeted by Protectorate Gleb of Jinata Security. Kylo Ren was the embodiment of conflict. [7] At first, he got a hold of her name: Rey. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ren had the power to immobilize his targets, using the Force to make their bodies respond to his commands rather than their own. [7] After Solo became Kylo Ren, he studied both Jedi and arcane dark side lore, using these contradictory teachings for greater power. The experience also left him disillusioned with the Jedi way, which Solo now viewed as a lie that his life had been wasted on. Before the rise of Kylo Ren, Ben Solo’s birth took place on Chandrila. [7] Its partially exposed inner workings allowed for easy modifications and upkeep. One stormtrooper, FN-2187, hesitated and ultimately chose not to fire on the civilians, an act that Ren noticed as he could sense his fear before boarding his shuttle.[9]. The former was voiced by Lucasfilm Ltd. sound editor Matthew Wood, who previously voiced General Grievous in various Star Wars media, while the latter was voiced by Roger Craig Smith. His facade, however, broke when Rey called him by the name he had been born with. [24] Ren accepted the idea that he was a monster with cold reservation[30] and believed the dark side was in his nature. His alter ego, Kylo Ren, was the master of the Knights of Ren and Supreme Leader of the First Order. A partial map was recovered from the archives of the Galactic Empire, but it was missing a key piece of the puzzle. This led Ren to openly chastise Hux on the bridge of the Finalizer, ensuring the general understood that they would use every available asset to find and destroy the Resistance. Following his return from Exegol, Ren summoned his followers, the Knights to Ren, in order to utilize their tracking skills to locate Rey. Meanwhile, the Council was instructed to maintain order in the galaxy by suppressing any world that defied them. Gaining the title of Supreme Leader only made Ren more suspicious of the individuals around him, particularly Hux,[7] but also Pyde and Darth Sidious.[18]. Han, Chewie, and Finn fought against the First Order, while Rey and BB-8 headed off into the forest. Such measures were intended by Ren to prevent the Resistance from replacing their lost resources.[57]. However, Solo was seduced by the dark side through the machinations of the phantom Sith Lord Darth Sidious and his creation, Supreme Leader Snoke. A warrior calling himself "Ren" spoke on the group's behalf, declaring that the outpost and its contents were claimed by the Knights of Ren. [108] Terri Schwartz of IGN praised Driver's performance and said that it "adds great depth to a character who could have come off as one-dimensional. The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. To her disbelief and horror, Ren proposed that he and Rey join together and "let old things die," including the Resistance, and bring a new order to the galaxy. [4] Chandrila was a member of the Galactic Republic and during the Clone Wars, Mon Mothma served as Chandrila's senator in the Galactic Senate. As a result, her world was set aflame as Ren returned to the Star Destroyer in orbit.[65]. The attack caught Solo by surprise, causing him to drop Voe as he instinctively deflected Hennix's blade before refocusing his attention on saving Voe. The Knights refrained from killing him outright, as they were confident in their ability to defeat a single opponent who appeared defenseless before them. [2], During the Galactic Civil War, Chandrila supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic; making the planet a target of the Galactic Empire's second Death Star. For all of Meeko's efforts to resist the probe, invading his mind was a relatively simple task for Ren, who saw memories ranging across the former commando's life—from his service on Scarif as a coastal defender stormtrooper to his participation in the Battle of Endor and the skirmish on Vardos. His abilities also allowed him to render opponents unconscious without harming them, as he did to Rey on Takodana, causing her to fall asleep with a wave of his hand so he could capture her without resistance. Light[9] Ben Solo, also known as Kylo Ren, is one of the main characters in the Star Wars franchise. Despite Sidious' ultimatum, Ren did not want to kill Rey; the full truth of her origins had renewed Ren's interest in turning her to the dark side to reign over the galaxy with him, [4] as he had tried without success during their last encounter,[30] believing they would be invincible together. Pursued by his fellow Jedi students, Solo made an attack run on their vessel, the Verity. Though wounded, Ren pursued Rey and Finn into the forest. Ren, who was being watched from afar by Chewbacca, Rey, and Finn, took out his lightsaber and Solo grabbed hold of it. Recognizing the old man's uniform, Hux came to the conclusion that Bylsma was an Alderaanian palace guard. However, in time he grew more accustomed to his position as head of the First Order, as well as, his undisputed authority in particular. While her inquisitive nature amused Ren, he would raise his guard by using deflection and derision to avoid Rey's questions about his conflict and his father. Height [18], The Battle of Exegol was under way by the time of Solo's arrival. Solo told them the temple was a lie that was now over. Ren's actions at Skywalker's temple earned him the nickname "Jedi Killer," a name whispered amongst the First Order ranks who knew Ren had prevented the return of the Jedi Order. [83] Even with these adaptations, the kyber crystal within could barely contain the weapon's power, and the broken crystal gave the red blade an unstable and fiery, flickering appearance. He confronted them, lightsaber drawn, and said that they still had unfinished business from which Han Solo could not save them. He was a member of the First Order and the master of Knights of Ren, and later became the Supreme Leader in 34 ABY after killing Snoke. Yet it was through discord that he derived power, and he learned to channel his anger into strength. [23], As a child, Solo enjoyed playing with the gold dice that belonged to his father and would often follow him around. Rey observed Ren during the battle, and compared him to a caged beast as he unleashed his fury, engaging several elite guardsmen who were felled by the dark warrior despite holding a numerical advantage.[24]. In response, an enraged Rey pulled Ren's lightsaber into her hands and charged at Snoke, who effortlessly overpowered her. Gender: Female Family: Orphaned at 3 years old, Adopted by Han Solo and Leia. Ren, however, revealed that he also beheld a vision that convinced him it would be Rey who turned, because he now knew the truth behind Rey's parentage. [38] Next, he could feel loneliness and fear within her, followed by the sight of an ocean and an island. [20], Seeing his uncle standing over him with an ignited lightsaber had a profound impact on Solo's psyche. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. [32], Whether as Solo[32] or Ren, his ability to effectively use the Force was dependent on his concentration and state of mind. [18], Ren sensed the terror that Rey felt whenever he was near her, and found it intoxicating, though her determination to resist him infuriated the Supreme Leader. [31] First Order interrogators were unable to break Dameron, but they did learn that he was the best pilot in the Resistance, a feat that Ren noted once he began interrogating the pilot personally. Ren led the First Order's assault on the Resistance's last redoubt, determined to end his mother's movement. He embraced his conviction that he was more powerful than any of Skywalker's other apprentices, individually or collectively, and even Skywalker himself. Ren's parentage was initially to have been revealed earlier in The Force Awakens, when Ren speaks to Darth Vader's helmet. He activated his lightsaber to illuminate the room and looked around, but whatever it was had now gone. Having served with Ren's grandfather against the Benathy, Ruthford opined that Vader managed to subdue the aliens but at the cost of thousands on both sides, resulting in a pyrrhic victory. He recognized his master's strength and knowledge with the Force, and learned much under Skywalker's tutelage. Organa could see that Rey cared about her son and also that he had disappointed her, so she informed the young Jedi that Ren had made his decisions, adding that the only person who could save him was himself, but Organa was unsure if that was what her son wanted. [19] The inspiration for his first name was that of the late Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a legendary Jedi[20] who went by the name of Ben Kenobi while in exile on Tatooine after the fall of the Jedi Order at the end of the Clone Wars and who sacrificed his life while rescuing Solo's mother from the Death Star battle station in 0 BBY. Solo's return to the light also had an effect on his connection to Rey, changing the way the bond felt between them. [24], As Leia Organa died, she reached out through the Force to send her hope and love to her son, calling him back to the light. Ren's desire to put the light side behind him was a key part of how he viewed his heritage. He reaffirmed his affiliation with the Knights, but this time on his own terms. Recognizing the strength that Solo possessed due to his bloodline,[31] the Supreme Leader worked to sow seeds of doubt about Skywalker and the Jedi in Solo's mind, believing that the Jedi would ultimately fall if Solo turned to the dark side. [9], Finn ignited the Skywalker lightsaber that had been given to him for safekeeping by Maz Kanata—a lightsaber that once belonged to Luke Skywalker, and to Anakin before him. Determined to destroy any threat to his reign, Ren sought to kill Darth Sidious. Welcome to the modern world AU of Reylo, where I create my own stories of Rey and Ben in Horror, Family, & Adventures. Rey saw a vision of Ochi killing her parents. [31] Despite Ren's willingness to extinguish the light within himself by any means necessary,[1] his attempt to break his connection with the past and surrender entirely to the dark side by killing his father not only failed, but also marked him physically[24] and psychologically. Though he had misgivings about Skywalker's teaching methods, Solo saw his uncle as an amazing teacher and a legendary Jedi Master. The actions of his mother and Rey threw Ren's mind into turmoil as he sought to understand their reasons. However, Chancellor Mothma and several senators including Princess Leia Organa and Tolwar Wartol still maintained offices on Chandrila. In some of these versions, the son's name was "Skyler" and he was corrupted to the dark side by Darth Talon, a character originally created for the Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: Legacy comic book series set over a century after the films. [4] Exulting at the prospect of victory,[18] Rey caught his lightsaber and moved to kill him[10] by running his abdomen through with his own blade.[4]. Kylo Ren, originally known as Ben Solo is a leading figure of the First Order, and the leader of Knights of Ren. [21] Solo's surname, that of his father, was originally coined by chief recruitment officer Drawd Munbrin in 13 BBY on Corellia for Han when he enlisted for the Carida Academy to become a pilot.[22]. Ben Solo was born on Chandrila, long before he turned to the Dark Side and became Kylo Ren. It was a short but brutal contest, in which Ren kept striking his bowcaster injury in order to fuel his anger and power. [18] He dropped his lightsaber as he felt her death. On October 30, 2012, The Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm from George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, and announced that they would be making the long-awaited Star Wars sequel trilogy, beginning with Star Wars: Episode VII in 2015. Solo delighted in kicking Chewbacca's legs and pulling on his fur, to which Chewbacca responded by holding Solo close. [31], The crude design was an ancient one, dating back thousands of years[31] to a battle between the Jedi and Sith on the planet Malachor. on Ahch-To, in which he imagined how things were if he hadn't joined the Rebel Alliance and instead stayed on Tatooine and married Camie Marstrap, the Empire used the Death Star to not only destroy Alderaan but also Mon Cala and Chandrila. [7] Through his new master's training, Solo became nothing more than a distant memory in the life of Ren. His parents coined their own nicknames for him; to his father, he was known as "little bandit" whereas his mother took to calling him her "little angel." Allegiant General Pryde reported to Ren that the First Order had been unsuccessful in their search for the scavenger, and Hux offered to personally lead the kill squads against her. [24], A lifetime of conflict and loneliness caused Ren to find solace in his connection with Rey, and he developed an "insatiable" fascination with her. Though not yet at the heights of his grandfather's[9] or his uncle's power,[41] Ren's raw strength still gave him powerful abilities with the Force and in combat. [31], However, Ren had deeply rooted insecurities that he attempted to conceal by wearing his mask and acting like Vader. 35 ABY,[3] Exegol[4] [102] Getting into Ren's head was one part of Driver's method-acting approach. On January 17, 2016, Driver hosted the popular sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live and filmed a sketch called "Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base." [10] Ren felt her teetering between acceptance and defiance[10] as she acknowledged to herself that they were capable of powerful feats together, but she sensed Finn as a beacon of light through the dark. [10], He chose to leave his grandfather's mask aboard the Finalizer before transferring to Snoke's flagship, the Supremacy, unable to face the charred helmet until he recovered from his loss against Rey. Ren could telekinetically control the actions of others regardless of the actual space between them and himself. [92], Rian Johnson, writer-director of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, stated that he felt the most interesting option for Kylo Ren would be to take out the character's shaky foundation at the start of the film. Adda grew up with the Solo family, and as a result, ended up being best friends with Ben Solo. Gender. Ren excelled in interrogation, as he could telepathically invade the minds of his prisoners and psychologically torture them into revealing withheld information.