There are at least 163 corydoras species that have been discovered, but who knows… There might be many more species of corydoras undiscovered on this planet! Emerald Green Cory (Corydoras splendens), 7. The Three Stripe Cory is readily available in most pet shops, but it may be a Julii Cory. Whichever species you decide to go for, these lovely little fish are bound to fill you with many, many years of happy viewing to come, as well as a cleaner tank to boot! Ever since his early days of catching minnows in jam jars as a boy, Charlie has been fascinated with observing the underwater world through glass. This is a smaller member of the genus, and they also have a slightly more specific temperature and pH requirements compared with some other species, making them slightly less suitable for the beginner. Virtually all Cory species should be kept in schools; stories of single Corys pining away from loneliness are not uncommon. While the fish will often spawn with no further intervention on the part of the hobbyist, the best time to try for a spawn is when a storm front is coming through. The good news today is that if you have plans of looking after cory, then this post can be of great help to you. Instead what is labeled as a Julii is its kissing cousin the Three Stripe Cory. The Golden Rule is to always accommodate a minimum of six of any one species of Cory in your aquarium. The size and the quantity of eggs seem to be related, a species laying small eggs produces large numbers and a species producing large eggs only produce small numbers. Toys for Pet Turtles: What Do Turtles Like to Play With? There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that the sudden change in barometric pressure is a trigger for spawning in many Corydoras species, including the miniatures. They are very easy to keep and maintain and like well-oxygenated and well-filtered aquarium water. Three Stripe Corys can be distinguished by the spots on the head that are connected in a long string, giving them a maze-like appearance. They can be kept safely alongside other temperate species in the community aquarium, but it is not recommended to combine these fish with more aggressive Cichlids or Bottom-dwelling Cichlids. The Panda Corydoras consumes food at the lowest level of the tank, so you need to pay attention to the tank substrate you are using. They’re bottom feeders, very peaceful, and accepting of many tank conditions, which mean they’re perfect for beginners – especially ones fresh to mixing species … Their real favorite, though, is aquarium sand, as this emulates the slow-moving stream and river bed environments they originate from in South America. Bandit Corys have a special charm of their own. Suggested Piscine Energetics Products Corys, like all catfish, are bottom feeders and scavengers (though they also appreciate a meal of brine shrimp). It is a very beautiful catfish in its own right, and surely deserves wider praise, as well as correct labeling! There are over 160 species in the Corydoras genus, and aquarists of all skill levels can easily choose between them. They are peaceful and get along with virtually all fish, but should not be kept with large aggressive species. Your email address will not be published. Whereas the true Julii has more distinct spots, the Three Stripe Cory has more continuous, meandering markings, with three stripes down its central flanks. NotesTop ↑. Also known as the ‘Arched Cory,’ this clues us to the beautiful shape of this particular species. Plenty of caves and ideally some dense foliage will ensure this shy catfish feels safe and at ease. Corydoras trilineatus, commonly referred to as the three-stripe or leopard cory, originates from the central Amazon River basin, in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, as well as in coastal rivers of Suriname.