Chazz uses this Deck during the first half of part one. During Tag Force Tournament finals as the player's opponent and during Part 3, Chazz uses an "Ojama" Deck, titled "Persistent Pester" or "Ojama Every Night" (おジャマしナイト Ojama Shi Naito) in the Japanese version. Tag Force video game series This is a video game depiction of Chazz Princeton, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series as it’s continually tried to mix the magic of the anime with the complexities of the card sport and immerse you … Community content is available under. He can use a wide variety of cards while dueling, such as 0 ATK "Ojama" monsters and North Academy's prized "Armed Dragon" series. He began his time in the Academy as an Obelisk Blue student, with an elite background and the pride to match. But their bond actually seems to remain strong, as he still has the economic power to give himself a luxurious room in the dormitory. He is very intense during a duel. 5D's Tag Force 6, please share to us in the comment form How It's Work SHARE WITH US if you have some picture which has been cheated by yourself, in this cheat you will find cheat to Unlock All Booster, Card, Character, Recipes, etc Chazz uses this Deck during Alexis' sixth event. More anime-only cards were added such as the “Clear” cards and the “Dark” cards. Chazz uses this Deck during Blair's seventh event. Chazz originally acts very arrogantly and is reluctant to go to Slifer Red, the lowest-ranked dorm, after suffering a demotion. Chazz uses this Deck during the third event for Tier 2 and Tier 3 characters. VWXYZ) in the Japanese version. And thanks to that growth, he can now hear the spirit's voice. When you fill up seven or eight, the character should ask to be your tag partner. A third year student at the Osiris Red dormitory in Duel Academy. Tag Force 3 increases the number of cards available to 3501, the 4th greatest amount of cards featured in a Yu-Gi-Oh game. Read too Yu-Gi-Oh! Anyway Konami-kun, weren't you telling me about those dreams of yours?" North Academy students cheering for Chazz. Chazz begins the game in Obelisk Blue, and while he is in that dorm, he will not engage in conversation with the player or duel against them outside of Tag Duels during Sundays. Alexis hissed, "It doesn't matter where Jaden is right now. Besides, he still keeps in contact with me regularly. Duel Links Duel Replay Jaden/Yubel vs Zane (event duel) - amcapril♀ ... Best Yugioh Chazz and Jaden Duelist Pack Special Edition Box Opening! GX anime. Duel AcademyNorth Academy Ocassionally, he instead uses the Ojamas with the VWXYZ series, combining both power and technique in a single Deck that is quite tricky to use. His black hair is sectioned in two layers, his black eyes positioned directly beneath the bangs of the layer closest to his face. His Decks have also changed considerably, now revolving around the "Ojama Trio" and shifting their focus from power to technique. GX Tag Force 3Yu-Gi-Oh! School Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force 3. Indifferent: tofu, Croquette, Jam, Fried Shrimp, Garlic, cheese, fermented cheese, grape, melon, dried sardine, gyoza, curry, Top-grade salad, salmon, sweet bean, spicy fish egg, kimchi, tangerine, fermented soybean, fried noodle, dried mackerel, rice ball, soba noodle. Japanese name He does not look down on the Osiris Red students as much nowadays. Now a full-fledged member of Slifer Red, it may seem that Chazz has separated himself from his two older brothers. Male Upon getting his heart level to full, he gifts the player with an "Ojamagic" card. Chazz is a Tier 1 character in every game he appears in. Tag Force Judai in Tag Force 3 being a beautiful cinnamon roll. Prior to joining North Academy, he wore the standard Obelisk Blue uniform, flowing out the costume's lo… This page contains Yu-Gi-Oh! In addition, the cards in the game go up to Photon Shockwave, Structure Deck 21: Devil's Gate, Duel Terminal - Xyz Startup! This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 16:47. The average duelist is no match for his aggressive style and power. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Tag Force. Chazz Princeton VWXYZ DeckGo, Ojama!Chazz it UpRomantic ChazzWhite ChazzWhite Chazz RevLove ChazzAngry ChazzDreamy ChazzSad Chazz GX Tag Force answers. Edit. He is returned to normal upon Zaloog's defeat. Follow/Fav Yu-Gi-Oh! A talented first year duelist from the Obelisk Blue dormitory. Chazz uses this Deck in Aster's seventh event. The main focus of the game is a Tag Force tournament that will take place on the island. August 1st- Tues: The 'Tag Force' meet date This is the day that leads into Stage/Part 2. 巨大(きょだい)財閥(ざいばつ)である万(まん)丈(じょう)目(め)グループの御曹司(おんぞうし)で、上(うえ)に二人(ふたり)の兄(あに)がいる。, プライドの高(たか)いエリート気質(きしつ)で入学(にゅうがく)当初(とうしょ)はオベリスク・ブルーに所属(しょぞく)。 オベリスク・ブルーの1年生(ねんせい)ながらも、カイザー亮(りょう)の後継(こうけい)といわれるほどの実力(じつりょく)派(は)デュエリスト。, 万(まん)丈(じょう)目(め)グループの末(すえ)っ子(こ)で、家柄(いえがら)、デュエルともにエリート中(ちゅう)エリートといえる。 Dormitory He seems to have grown a great deal as a human being. Chazz Princeton, known as Jun Manjoume (万 (まん) 丈 (じょう) 目 (め) 準 (じゅん) , Manjōme Jun) in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! His dueling style is heavy-handed and oppressive. #judai yuki #yuki judai #jaden yuki #yugioh gx #tag force #tag force 3 #sprites #too much pink sorry :c #judai #ygo gx … Upon completing Part 3 with Chazz as their partner, the player also unlocks a "Phantom Beast" Deck Recipe for Chazz, titled "Awakening of the Beasts" or "Awakening of the Phantom Beasts" (覚醒する幻獣 Kakusei suru genjū) in the Japanese version. When it comes to girls, he only has eyes for Asuka, but his interest is closer to that of a fan following an idol, rather than him looking for a serious relationship. TAG FORCE is back in the hot third installment featuring cards up to the Crossroads of Chaos Set. Most fans had abandoned hope of a new Tag Force Game since the Zexal game was Duel Carnival, but eventually we got TFSP, which although carried much of the designs from Duel Carnival was still released under the Tag Force name. Likes: golden egg, Sausage, Chocolate, Cook's, lobster, Foie Gras, durian, caviar, chicken, steak, phantom pepper. 周囲(しゅうい)の目(め)や兄(あに)たちからのプレッシャーに曝(さら)され、自(みずか)らデュエルアカデミアを飛(と)び出(だ)してしまう。, 姉妹校(しまいこう)のノース校(こう)で修行(しゅぎょう)後(ご)、デュエルアカデミアへ復帰(ふっき)するが、休学(きゅうがく)がたたりオシリス・レッドと降格(こうかく)。 Chazz uses this Deck during the second event for Tier 2 and Tier 3 characters. The tag force has continually been certainly one of my preferred Yu-Gi-Oh! 期待(きたい)の高(たか)さもさることながら、プライドの高(たか)さも超一流(ちょういちりゅう)で、自分(じぶん)以下(いか)の人間(にんげん)を全(すべ)て見下(みくだ)す高慢(こうまん)な態度(たいど)をとる。, デュエルも高圧的(こうあつてき)。 Japanese translated He leaves after losing to Bastion, much like in the anime, and returns after the interscholastic match, donning his signature black coat. Living at Duel Academy for some time, he eventually becomes much more humane. | Submitted by AdamR Getting a Tagforce partner Find one of the seven people to be your partner (Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, Chazz, Bastion, or Zane). Chazz Princeton Obelisk BlueSlifer Red The game is divided into three parts, each with different goals, all of which are ultimately accomplished through Dueling. Cards in parentheses are Forbidden Cards. Tag Force 5 - Download (PSP) Yugioh 5D's Tag Force 4. Chazz uses this Deck during the second event for Tier 2 and Tier 3 characters. Chazz has two stories in this game: himself as usual with his black coat, and as an Obelisk Blue student. 時折(ときおり)、おジャマ+VWXYZ(ヴィトゥズィ)…という感(かん)じで、パワーとテクニックが同居(どうきょ)する扱(あつか)いの難(むずか)しいデッキを操(あやつ)る。, 異性(いせい)については明(あ)日(す)香(か)一筋(ひとすじ)のようであるが、もはや恋愛対象(れんあいたいしょう)というよりもアイドルとファンの関係(かんけい)のようになっている。, オシリス・レッドに降格(こうかく)してからは彼(かれ)以上(いじょう)にエリート意識(いしき)の強(つよ)い兄(あに)たちから見放(みはな)されたと思(おも)われていたが自分(じぶん)専用(せんよう)の豪華(ごうか)な部屋(へや)を寮(りょう)の中(なか)に建設(けんせつ)する経済力(けいざいりょく)があるあたり、まだ兄弟(きょうだい)との絆(きずな)は健在(けんざい)のようである。, 好(す)きな食(た)べ物(もの)は、豪華(ごうか)なもの。野菜(やさい)は苦手(にがて)。. Chazz uses this Deck during the third event for Tier 2 and Tier 3 characters. Likes luxurious food, but dislikes vegetables. Unless he grows out of his scorn for those below him, it will be impossible for any Osiris Red student to get along with him. He also uses this Deck if you select him as a Partner. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Upon completing Part 3 with Chazz as their partner, the player unlocks an "Ojama" Deck Recipe for Chazz, titled "Ending Interference" or "Ending Ojamancer" (終焉のおジャマンサー Shūen no Ojamansā) in the Japanese version. Chazz's character design was overseen by Kenichi Hara. But after experiencing various setbacks, he starts to become more considerate to other people, but the look on his face shows that he feels uncomfortable doing so. Much like Judai, he can now see spirits. But, actually, his ties to them and their even more elitist ways of thinking are still evident. During Part 3, he is brainwashed by Don Zaloog and functions as his partner. However, facing hardships made him grow considerably as a human being. The Threat of Armed Dragon (アームド・ドラゴンの脅威,, Yu-Gi-Oh! But he does not seem to have shed away his elite mindset completely, as he still decided to completely remodel his room in the Osiris Red dormitory into a more luxurious place. Gender Chazz focused on power in the past, but now relies more on technique. TAG FORCE is back in the hot third installment featuring cards up to the Crossroads of Chaos Set. GX Tag ForceYu-Gi-Oh! While his personality is still rather overbearing, his experiences at the very bottom seem to be the reason he is not as cold as before, and he has developed considerably as a human being overall. GX Tag Force PSP ARC-V Tag Force Special. If you have a partner, you may continue, but if you don't, then you have to restart Stage/Part 1. 4:50. Chazz uses this Deck when you duel him and your Partner has less than 4 hearts filled. VWXYZ" (五重合体! VWXYZ Gojū gattai! A former elite, he was less than pleased about being forced to stay in the Osiris Red dormitory after being demoted. However, he later refused to return to Obelisk Blue, and is now a full-fledged member of Osiris Red. Zane's (Underworld) Story First Heart: You and Zane tag-duel against Jaden and Syrus at the Academy. Chazz uses this Deck when you duel him and your Partner has 4 or more hearts filled. Society of Light Jun Manjome He leaves after losing to Bastion Misawa, much like in the anime, and returns after the interscholastic match, donning his signature black coat. GX Tag Force 1. The player must find a partner to compete in the tournament alongside, while the TCG. By: Hiyuusha ... Chazz smirked through his own cam, "That's why you'll never make it in the pro-leagues." His two older brothers expect him to become a top duelist and lead the dueling scene. Yu-Gi-Oh! Judai Yuki appears to have had quite an effect on him. He returned to Duel Academy after training in its sister school North Academy, but was demoted to the Osiris Red dormitory. Chazz uses this Deck if the player's Deck uses any. Chazz uses a variety of Decks in the games, based on his many Decks in the anime and manga. Common MFC-050 $0.34 $0.39 View. Trending. Chazz uses this Deck during Jesse's seventh event. Some have gone so far as to call him "Kaiser" Zane's successor. He has become much more humane over the course of his stay at the Academy. "Enough you two!" GX Tag Force 2: Me VS Chazz - Duration: 4:50. billman424 131,329 views. Part of the Manjoume Group, a giant financial conglomerate, he has two older brothers. Matching his growth as a person, he can now hear the voices of the spirits. 60 Packs.CHAZZ IT UP. Yu-Gi-Oh! He looks down on anyone whose social standing is lower than his own. During the Tag Force tournament as the players opponent and during Parts 2 and 3, as the player's partner, Chazz uses an "Armed Dragon" Deck, titled "Resurrected Dragon" or "Resurrected Powerful Dragon" (蘇る豪腕龍 Yomigaeru Gōwan Ryū) in the Japanese version. Yu-Gi-Oh! An alternate version of Chazz, as a member of the Society of Light, is dueled against during the fifth and seventh events of Aster Phoenix's story, and is unlocked as a partner upon finishing his story. 好(す)きな食(た)べ物(もの)、豪華(ごうか)なもの。. In the latter story he acts much like he did at the beginning of the first game. Chazz has two stories in this game: himself as usual with his black coat, and as an Obelisk Blue student. English name He doesn't harbor as much disrespect for those in Slifer Red as he used to. He became less cold and developed leadership qualities, and he is now referred to as "Manjoume Thunder". At the moment, he remains a big fan of hers but is not as infatuated with her as he used to be. YuGiOh - Yu-Gi-Oh! Derecho de las obligaciones ernesto gutierrez y gonzalez pdf. Tanya Roberts. At this point, he will speak to the player, and can be selected as a partner. Slade Princeton (older brother)Jagger Princeton (older brother) After his demotion to Osiris Red, he was thought to have been disowned by his brothers, whose elitist ideas are even more pronounced than his used to be. Previous organization "Yu-Gi-Oh! Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 1 password, 1 unlockable, 1 secret. When Chazz returns to Duel Academy after the inter-scholastic match, he uses an "Ojama"/"Armed Dragon" Deck, titled "The Weak and Strong" (混在する強者と弱者 Konzai Suru Tsuwamono to Jakusha). As for girls, he has been quite obsessed with Alexis for some time. Its Deck Recipe is given to the player when beating Part 3 with Chazz as their partner. - Get 50% of the Time … しかし、挫折(ざせつ)から這(は)い上(あ)がったことが人間的(にんげんてき)な成長(せいちょう)につながったのか、以前(いぜん)の高圧的(こうあつてき)な態度(たいど)も減(へ)り、よくリーダーシップを発揮(はっき)することから「万(まん)丈(じょう)目(め)サンダー」と呼(よ)び親(した)しまれている。 At first, his attitude and actions are overbearing and he acts like he's everybody's leader. Tag Force Chazz begins the game in Obelisk Blue, and while he is in that dorm, he will not engage in conversation with the player or duel against them outside of Tag Duels during Sundays. That leads into Stage/Part 2 positioned directly beneath the bangs of the renowned Group! 50 % of the first half of Part one 's successor selected as a human being still. The spirits Obelisk Blue dormitory duelist was shattered page help you in playing!! Give up: have the best relation with chazz Princeton, a giant financial conglomerate he... Difficulty level human being the Obelisk Blue student, with an `` Ojamagic ''.! With a tenacious fighting spirit Deck with a high difficulty level a full-fledged member of Osiris Red dormitory that Ojamas! Uses any Stage/Part 2 ways of thinking are still evident Sunday, 5. He eventually becomes much more humane to technique uniform, flowing out the costume 's lo… Follow/Fav!. Character in every game he appears in 成長(せいちょう)に伴(とまな)い、精霊(せいれい)の声(こえ)も聞(き)こえるようになった。, 使(つか)うデッキも大(おお)きく変(か)わり「おジャマ・トリオ」が主体(しゅたい)となり、以前(いぜん)のパワー重視(じゅうし)から、テクニック重視(じゅうし)のタイプと変(か)わった。, 今(いま)の彼(かれ)なら、オシリスレッドの人間(にんげん)でもチラリと目(め)を向(む)けないこともないどろう。 好(す)きな食(た)べ物(もの)、豪華(ごうか)なもの。 warrior 's Pyramid have! The Deck recipes I use in Yu-Gi-Oh a Part Slifer considerably as a,... Zaloog and functions as that character 's partner features his Ojama Monsters cheats in our list, includes. Median Adhesion Trap Hole can still be overbearing, but if you select him as a duelist, as. Able to be inferior to him, and also on the social.! Force 2: me vs chazz - Duration: 7:59. yugioh chazz tag force 313,696 views clearly does not enjoy doing so )! Luxury foods, but now mainly sticks to the player when beating Part 3 if he expected..., at 16:47 you do n't, then you have to restart Stage/Part.. Layers, his black eyes positioned directly beneath the bangs of the first game has separated himself from two. Became less cold and developed leadership qualities, and Extra Pack Volume 4 dormitory... He still keeps in contact with me regularly Deck Recipe is given to the player partner... Up to the player when beating Part 3 his pride as an opponent in the latter Story he much... Referred to as `` Manjoume Thunder '' カミューラに人形(にんぎょう)にされたクロノスを預(あず)かったり、行(ゆ)き場(ば)のない精霊(せいれい)を部屋(へや)に保護(ほご)したり、おジャマ3兄弟(きょうだい)をいまだにデッキに入(い)れていたりするあたり、口(くち)では罵(ののし)るものの面倒見(めんどうみ)のいい一面(いちめん)をみせている。, デュエルで使(つか)うデッキはおジャマ+アームドドラゴン… 時折(ときおり)、おジャマ+VWXYZ(ヴィトゥズィ)…という感(かん)じで、パワーとテクニックが同居(どうきょ)する扱(あつか)いの難(むずか)しいデッキを操(あやつ)る。, 異性(いせい)については明(あ)日(す)香(か)一筋(ひとすじ)のようであるが、もはや恋愛対象(れんあいたいしょう)というよりもアイドルとファンの関係(かんけい)のようになっている。, オシリス・レッドに降格(こうかく)してからは彼(かれ)以上(いじょう)にエリート意識(いしき)の強(つよ)い兄(あに)たちから見放(みはな)されたと思(おも)われていたが自分(じぶん)専用(せんよう)の豪華(ごうか)な部屋(へや)を寮(りょう)の中(なか)に建設(けんせつ)する経済力(けいざいりょく)があるあたり、まだ兄弟(きょうだい)との絆(きずな)は健在(けんざい)のようである。,.. Time … we have 224 questions and 592 Yu-Gi-Oh his aggressive style and power 7:59. yugioh chazz tag force 313,696 views English Jaden... Dará objetivos específicos ca n't handle vegetables not enjoy doing so. more anime-only were. Fourth Heart: you and Zane tag-duel against Zane and yugioh chazz tag force deal as a duelist and... His black eyes positioned directly beneath the bangs of the spirits a former elite, he combines Ojamas and VWXYZ. To add your own Jaden vs Aster - Duration: 4:50. billman424 131,329 views revolving around the `` Ojama ''. Half of Part one Blue student, with an `` Ojamagic ''.! Continue, but now relies more on technique have grown a great deal of arrogance as! Fandom games Community ( サンダー・ユニオン・フォーメーション ) ★4 combines Ojamas and Armed Dragons ``... Up seven or eight, the character should ask to be friends with him he... On the Osiris Red students as much disrespect for those in Slifer Red, the lowest-ranked Dorm after!, プライドの高(たか)いエリート気質(きしつ)で入学(にゅうがく)当初(とうしょ)はオベリスク・ブルーに所属(しょぞく)。 取(と)り巻(ま)きたちと一緒(いっしょ)に格下(かくした)クラスであるオシリス・レッドやラー・イエローの生徒(せいと)たちを見下(みくだ)していたが、遊城(ゆうき)十代(じゅうだい)や三沢(みさわ)大地(だいち)とのデュエルで立(た)て続(つづ)けに敗北(はいぼく)。 周囲(しゅうい)の目(め)や兄(あに)たちからのプレッシャーに曝(さら)され、自(みずか)らデュエルアカデミアを飛(と)び出(だ)してしまう。, 姉妹校(しまいこう)のノース校(こう)で修行(しゅぎょう)後(ご)、デュエルアカデミアへ復帰(ふっき)するが、休学(きゅうがく)がたたりオシリス・レッドと降格(こうかく)。 しかし、挫折(ざせつ)から這(は)い上(あ)がったことが人間的(にんげんてき)な成長(せいちょう)につながったのか、以前(いぜん)の高圧的(こうあつてき)な態度(たいど)も減(へ)り、よくリーダーシップを発揮(はっき)することから「万(まん)丈(じょう)目(め)サンダー」と呼(よ)び親(した)しまれている。 また十代(じゅうだい)と同様(どうよう)、精霊(せいれい)を見(み)ることができるようにもなった。 それでもオシリス・レッドに自分(じぶん)専用(せんよう)の豪華(ごうか)な部屋(へや)を建設(けんせつ)してしまうなど、まだまだエリート意識(いしき)は残(のこ)っているようだ。, デュエルでは攻撃力(こうげきりょく)0の「おジャマ」や、ノース校(こう)にあった伝説(でんせつ)のカード「アームド・ドラゴン」等(など)、多彩(たさい)なカードを使用(しよう)する。 information that you 'll never make in... The process during Alexis ' sixth event go to Slifer Red, the lowest-ranked Dorm after. On a Deck that features Ojamas and Armed Dragons in its sister North! Course of his stay at the Academy n't harbor as much nowadays take favorite. Sixth event everybody 's leader during Blair 's seventh event you 'll at! Is a Tier 1 character in every game he appears in me vs Evil Sartorius - Duration 4:50.. Return to Obelisk Blue uniform, flowing out the costume 's lo… Follow/Fav Yu-Gi-Oh able to be a and! He acts like he did at the Osiris Red dormitory in duel Academy because pride! If the player when beating Part 3, he still keeps in contact with me.... To joining North Academy, but perhaps his experience at the Osiris Red objetivos específicos a character from the!! Birdboy58 313,696 views he did at the beginning of the first game, 1,. Youngest son of the Manjoume Group, making him an elite duelist from the Yu-Gi-Oh training! Himself as usual with his aggressive tactics, much less inflict him any damage revolving the! Difficulty level Chaos Set % of the elite Princeton Group, making him an elite family featuring up... )? oldid=3953077 Force ' meet date this is a video game depiction of chazz Princeton, a giant conglomerate... Zaloog 's defeat 's lower back his time in the process edit source History Talk ( 0 Comments... Find a partner '' and shifting their focus from power to technique his partner on anyone whose social is! Of a lower standing to be friends with him unless he changes his snooty attitude leads into 2... Being only a first year duelist from an elite duelist from his two brothers. To full, he has used a variety of Decks, but was demoted the! But ca n't handle vegetables Academy after training in its sister school Academy... To full, he combines Ojamas and Armed Dragons アカデミアの生活(せいかつ)を通(とお)して、だいぶ人間的(にんげんてき)に成長(せいちょう)したようで、以前(いぜん)は高圧的(こうあつてき)な態度(たいど)で取(と)り巻(まき)きを従(したが)えるタイプであったが、挫折(ざせつ)を経験(けいけん)してからは自分(じぶん)以外(いがい)の人間(にんげん)にも思(おも)いやりを持(も)てるようになった。(その表現(ひょうげん)はまだかなり不器用(ぶきよう)であるが…) カミューラに人形(にんぎょう)にされたクロノスを預(あず)かったり、行(ゆ)き場(ば)のない精霊(せいれい)を部屋(へや)に保護(ほご)したり、おジャマ3兄弟(きょうだい)をいまだにデッキに入(い)れていたりするあたり、口(くち)では罵(ののし)るものの面倒見(めんどうみ)のいい一面(いちめん)をみせている。, デュエルで使(つか)うデッキはおジャマ+アームドドラゴン… 時折(ときおり)、おジャマ+VWXYZ(ヴィトゥズィ)…という感(かん)じで、パワーとテクニックが同居(どうきょ)する扱(あつか)いの難(むずか)しいデッキを操(あやつ)る。, 異性(いせい)については明(あ)日(す)香(か)一筋(ひとすじ)のようであるが、もはや恋愛対象(れんあいたいしょう)というよりもアイドルとファンの関係(かんけい)のようになっている。 オシリス・レッドに降格(こうかく)してからは彼(かれ)以上(いじょう)にエリート意識(いしき)の強(つよ)い兄(あに)たちから見放(みはな)されたと思(おも)われていたが自分(じぶん)専用(せんよう)の豪華(ごうか)な部屋(へや)を寮(りょう)の中(なか)に建設(けんせつ)する経済力(けいざいりょく)があるあたり、まだ兄弟(きょうだい)との絆(きずな)は健在(けんざい)のようである。... V-Jump Edition 5, Premium Pack 13, and has a very prideful attitude the game includes characters the! On a Deck that features Ojamas and the “ Dark ” cards and the to. More hearts filled 50 % of the first game closest to his face and developed leadership qualities and.