Energised by sparks at the start of a burn.

Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report (ALSJ). LMP:Hey, Tom.

One of the advantages of liquid-propelled rockets is that they can be shut down. This came to be known as the Apollo 11 conspiracy. The Eagle nearly ran out of fuel just before they touched down. We have Loss Of Signal at 1 hour, 33 minutes, 50 seconds elapsed time.

How did lift-off feel?Aldrin: Well, there was a littlelittle blastthen we started moving. Apollo 11 Mission Report, supplement 10: Communications system performance. As the Apollo 11 spacecraft drifted farther from Earth, the crew members settled in for their first sleep. There they are and theyre watching us.

Amateur Archeologist Believes He Knows Location of Holy Grail, The Incorporation of the United States of America, The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car. As it flies through the air, the rocket must withstand an aerodynamic pressure imparted by its speed through the molecules of the atmosphere. Left to right, are Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. View Flickr image.

The cameras and recording that failed were some of the most expensive and highly advanced equipment, which produced reliable recordings throughout the rest of the mission. Either that or your tape was a little slow.Aldrin: Its supposed to sound that way.Duke: Thats one of those Collins: it sounds a little scratchy to us too, but the czar likes it. Photo filed 21 March 1969 - Scan by Kipp Teague.

In Apollo 11's case, a 9:32 am launch requires that the Saturn's groundtrack away from the launch pad will be on a bearing of 72.058. 03 08 20 18 IRP That . At nine hours before launch, nitrogen gas is pumped through the tanks to purge out air and water vapour contaminants. At the time of each Apollo mission launch, NASA prepared a set of printed "as flown" stowage lists to document what items were to be stored on the spacecraft (both the Command Module and Lunar Module), which items were to be transferred from one to another before landing and after rendezvous in lunar orbit following the successful landing. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. Collins: Breakfast was magnificent as usual. These exchanges feel familiar in an environment that is anything but. Thus, in the communication that follows, Mike will use the moniker LMP, and Buzz, CMP. [Owen Garriott, in Mission Control]: That does sound pretty good. It is the only time an S-IVB was successfully filmed separating and igniting. Initially, the LOX is fed at a slow rate which furiously boils as it contacts the relatively warm tank structure. This is an effect known as gyrocompassing. Apollo 11 is still right down the ground track. This platform's ability to stabilise itself is such that without external influence it would stay in a constant orientation with respect to the stars even while Earth turns and it would therefore appear to slowly rotate, even though it is actually Earth that is rotating. Did the astronauts really encounter alien spacecraft or see a base on the dark side of the moon?

Apollo 11 could now get into orbit using the S-IVB if necessary. GRR begins a 16-second period that inhibits the first of the Saturn V's control timebases. However, while the launch vehicle is sitting on the pad, the platform must not gyrocompass.

Armstrong: It was incredible of course, we had always known there was a possibility the fact is, we were warned off. One explanation that tries to shed some scientific light onto what the astronauts may have heard, is that it was the product of radio waves interacting with the magnetic field of the moon.

Right . Thank you. Thats in work.

Did you get some pictures of that?Collins: Yes, I just took one. Alright, go on.Aldrin: What do you mean by bringingbringing CSM trash in here?Armstrong: Well, thats stuff I had left over in my pocket. 00 00 57 27 CC Apollo 11, this is Houston.

Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription (5.5 Mb PDF). In particular, time base 4 will shut down the S-IVB stage when orbital velocity has been reached. 16 July 1969. 04:21. .

Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing (ALSJ). Credit: NASA. Apollo 11 Launch Operations Checklist, index to page scans. This pump also has two outlet lines, with valves, to feed the injector plate. This graph is redrawn from the AS-506 Flight Evaluation Report. Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513, The Infamous Bermuda Triangle; Theories to Unravel the Mystery, Scientists Just Inserted a Human Intelligence Gene Into Monkeys, A 12-Year-Old Boy is Youngest Person to Achieve Nuclear Fusion. Now you saw dust during descent, I think, around 40 feet, something like that, 30 feet maybe.Aldrin: Yes it was Collins: But its pattern is such that it sprays out horizontally, and it doesnt really come up and engulf you, huh?Aldrin: All the stuff looks like very light tan and gray, you know, thatsthats the color of it. At the end of the S-IC burn when staging takes place, it is no longer desirable to have the vehicle rotating, so the tilt manoeuvre is stopped or arrested. The three exhaust fans emanating from these three motors are very apparent.

I see a pen floating loose down here, too. As a result, they are noisy with technical interference that occurred during their recording and transmission. He was followed about 5 minutes later by Mike Collins, and finally Buzz Aldrin, the man who is sitting in the middle seat during lift-off, was the third astronaut to come aboard. Two details distinguish this stage from an S-IVB that was part of the Saturn V launch vehicle.

The yaw at launch and the roll to align the rocket with the launch azimuth were two of these. "I would appreciate if you could see if you could find the map " ", The end of the transcript of the moon landing with Armstrong's signature and "Apollo 11. T minus 25 seconds. As we came into the count this morning, we did already have the fuel aboard the first stage, but it was necessary to bring the liquid oxygen aboard all three stages and the liquid hydrogen fuel aboard the second and third stages. As a matter of fact, Im way overdue for a meal myself, here. The S-IC requires 1.3 million litres, that for the S-II takes 331,000 litres and the S-IVB's LOX tank requires 77,000 litres. [Garble]. The first 42 seconds are flown in abort Mode One-Alpha.

Footage of Mission Control, film shot by the astronauts, and television broadcasts transmitted from space and the surface of the Moon, have been painstakingly placed to . I think it multiplied g by [garble] it was aboutat lift-offmaybehalf a g or two-thirds of a g.Collins: Well, you know, well, just looking at that one sample, it wasIm surprised you didnt have a lot more dust. 11 has been very strong. Others have claimed to discover underground tunnels in images captured by IndiasChandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter. Roger. PDF file . Ignition sequence starts. They are sometimes garbled and sometimes have long periods of no voice. Once 30 seconds has passed after the first separation, enough time for the second stage engines to establish smooth acceleration with minimal rotation, another explosive charge severs the ties that hold the interstage just below the S-II's tank assembly. One minute to LOS Carnarvon; AOS at Honeysuckle 59 33.

However, at this early stage, the CM needs to be taken away out to sea as the vehicle has not yet imparted much horizontal velocity. After that, it is released and will maintain its orientation with respect to the stars. By the time they are ascending, they will have been breathing pure oxygen for about three hours and will have flushed dissolved nitrogen from their blood. Apollo 11 was all about the destination, but there was more to the mission than the landing itself. Long-Term Orbit Stability of the Apollo 11 "Eagle" Lunar Module Ascent Stage; Remembering Apollo 11; This Brochure Contains a Transcript of the Apollo 11 Post-Flight Press; Mission Design Applications in the Earth-Moon System: Transfer; Apollo 11: Where They Were When - a New Spatiotemporal Eva Map; Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages Apollo 11 Flight Plan, index to page scans. We appreciate you turning that off. Astronauts on the first mission to the moon were mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin. Therefore, although in real time 30 seconds elapse between each plane separation, the same events in these versions are separated by two minutes. Over. A tank of gaseous helium is fabricated within a larger tank of gaseous hydrogen. and menacing . The platform's orientation with respect to the theodolite will be maintained until just 17 seconds before launch. The only problem is that the moon doesnt have a magnetic field like planets do. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson. So much so that it is considered a mandatory abort if the interstage doesn't separate. It is essentially abort mode three and means that if the S-II were to fail, the S-IVB would have the capability to add sufficient speed for the Service Module's large main engine to complete the job and place the CSM in Earth orbit. Instead, the spacecraft would embark on a planned for, but hopefully never used Earth orbit mission.

On the S-II, the strategy was for most of the burn to be made at a high MR of 5.5:1 which also yielded the stage's maximum thrust. Click for larger image. As the vehicle begins to rise, disconnection of an umbilical triggers the start of time base 1 in the Saturn V's control system. He would wake up as though no time had passed, feeling like he had just had a really, really long dream. He tells his story with vivid and captivating detail. Id forgotten.Armstrong: Get a picture of that.Collins: Ooh, sure, I will. Then, he went to Mars where he spent 17 years at a military base. Apollo 11: Theyve landed there. At sea level, the atmosphere acts somewhat as a cap on an engine's nozzle, getting in the way of the exiting gases. When it was time, Armstrong and Aldrin clambered into the Eagle lunar lander while Collins stayed behind in the Columbia command module. 11:16. The transcript begins at the start of a hold in the Apollo 11 countdown at the three-and-a-half-hour point before launch. The transcript is as follows: Apollo 11: Those are giant things. RP stands for 'rocket propellant' which in this case has been highly refined to minimise the fuel's sulphur content. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins took an eight-day-long journey punctuated by a series of complicated procedures to reach the moon and make it back in one piece. Where do you want it?Aldrin: Trade you that for a piece of gum.

When enough liquid has collected, filling steps up to a fast rate until the tanks are nearly full. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. NASA achieved the unachievable on July 20, 1969, when the crew of Apollo 11 safely landed on the surface of the Moon. 190 [nautical] miles [352 km] downrange now, 72 [nautical] miles [133 km] high, velocity 11,000 feet per second [3,353 m/s]. While Collins flew in orbit around the Moon in the command module, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module, landing in the Sea of Tranquillity at 4:17 P.M. . Level gauges within the tank monitored how the propellants were being consumed and the change made based on that data. Are you on your way? Inboard engines are out, on the second stage as planned. The astronauts . On the morning of July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin crawled from the command module, Columbia, through a tunnel to the lunar module . Standing by for the outboard engine cut-down [means "shutdown"] now. PDF file (5.5 MB). NASA: Control, control here. God, what a star.Aldrin: Nobody in their right Collins: Menkents good Aldrin: nobody in their right mind would pick that one.Collins: Menkents a good star.Aldrin: Hey, I sure wish youd get out thatthat star chart.Armstrong: Cant see a thing, huh?Collins: No.

Of course, the spacecraft would not be able to depart for the Moon as the S-IVB's power would have been consumed in reaching orbit.

It is now inertial and holds an orientation with respect to the stars.

And so it went as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the surface of the moon aboard the Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969.

It is best to listen to the tapes while simultaneously viewing the same mission elapsed time on the transcript, since often the recordings are faint.

So the amount of film was just barely sufficient to record the descent. These theories are fueled by transcripts that have only been declassified within the past decade, or from NASA having lost documents and recordings of the original lunar landing. Cut-off of the central or inboard engine engine of the S-IC as acceleration nears 4g.

This came to be known as the Apollo 11 conspiracy. Does that, that Collins: Hes on hishes on his 19th bowl. The Saturn V's body coordinate system with respect to the launch pad.

Apollo 11 transcript. This is the Iterative Guidance Mode (IGM) whereby the guidance system is now actively plotting a course to the point in space and velocity where it will insert the vehicle into orbit. This cools the chamber and bell structure while also pre-warming the fuel. The third component of this system, the Z-axis, therefore was pointed directly west. KSC-69-HC-339 - Workers prepare the S-IVB for mating of the Instrument Unit (pictured left). They twisted their torsos from side to side, jumped up and down, and shifted their weight from foot to foot. Is your is your insulation all burned off here, on the front side of your window over here? Cliff Charlesworth taking a staging status. No one is going to believe this., NASA: What what. Kennedy charged NASA with one goal: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving .

The acceptable range of vehicle rotation is altered and is now 9 per second in pitch and yaw, 20 per second in roll.

Apollo 11 Final Lunar Surface Procedures (ALSJ). This is achieved using a theodolite located 210 metres directly south of the vehicle which shines a beam of light through a window in the skin of the IU and another in the casing that surrounds the platform. Randy Cramers life experiences are either incredible or absurd. They are not listed in chronological order but rather in the order that data was dumped onto storage tapes during the mission. As the flow of fuel and LOX rises to maximum, the chamber pressure, and therefore thrust, is monitored to confirm that the required force has been achieved. The interstage ullage rockets were eventually deleted from the later Saturn Vs. Ullage is a brewer's term for the space in a barrel taken up by air rather than liquor. One minute, 25 seconds and counting. The medics at the next console report that the shrew is one animal which can eat six times its own body weight every 24 hours. T minus 1 minute, 35 seconds on the Apollo mission, the flight to land the first men on the Moon. Downrange, 270 [nautical] miles [500 km]; altitude, 82 [nautical] miles [152 km]; velocity, 12,472 feet per second [3,801 m/s]. Apollo 11 Technical Transcript. Neil Armstrong, July 20, 1969. This is the Start Tank. The charges for the fuel tanks are placed on the opposite side of the vehicle from those for the oxidiser tanks so as to minimise the degree to which the propellants would mix as they are dispersing. Three minutes, 45 seconds and counting. The solution adopted from Apollo 10 onwards was to shut that engine down before the vibrations were expected. Fuel is also used within the engine as a lubricant and as a hydraulic working fluid, though before launch, RJ-1 ramjet fuel is supplied from the ground, it being more suited for this purpose. The cameras were ejected and, having parachuted into the ocean, were located by radio. Change in mixture ratio caused by the operation of the PU valve.

The interior lining of the combustion chamber and engine bell consists of a myriad of pipework through which a large portion of the fuel supply is fed. The first and dominant reason is that the mass of the vehicle as a whole is dropping by over 13 metric tons every second. The commentary now resumes with the PAO at Launch Control, Florida. As the thrust of each second stage engine reaches 65 per cent, it causes its indicator light on the Main Display Console to be extinguished. Three days later the crew is in lunar orbit. Presentation Operator MessageOperator Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to Apollo Hospitals Limited Q4 FY '23 Earnings Conference Call.

Like the Space Shuttle that came after it, the flight of a Saturn V had defined times during which the means by which the crew could escape from a failing vehicle were defined. Ive lost a Hasselblad. Collins: Id like to enter Aldrin in the oatmeal eating contest next time. Postflight Documents. If there is a topic youd like to learn more about, please let us know.

Their own dangerous reentry was still ahead, but they had completed the purpose of their mission, and they were almost home. Max-Q occurs at 1 minute and 23 seconds into the flight. Answer: They both create excitement and enthusiasm for space exploration by using words of motivation and intrigue; The "Rice Stadium Moon Speech" recalling past human's discoveries, and "Apollo 11 Transcript" describing the first actual exploration of the moon. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, walks on the surface of the moon.

The heavy load of ethylene glycol mixed with the first injection of fuel slows the build-up of thrust, giving a gentler start. We show velocity at insertion, 25,568 feet per second [7,793 m/s]. Were wondering who selectedmade your selections?Armstrong: Thats an old favorite of mine, aboutits an album made about 20 years ago, called Music Out of the Moon.Duke: Roger. Commentary: Neil Armstrong reporting the roll and pitch program whitch puts Apollo 11 on a proper heading.

This will align the vehicle's coordinate system with that of the platform.

With the loss of the escape tower, the flight moves to abort mode two. And it bounces and then (garbled).Aldrin: Reaching down is fairly easy. Title: Microsoft Word - SE_NHL_Earnings Call Transcript_26.05.2023 Author: 363840 Created Date: As a result, the engines have a decreasing mass to push against. Right away, the views were gorgeous. It made recordings onboard the Lunar Module, but the DSEA flown on the Eagle during Apollo 11 malfunctioned. (Click image for a larger version.). Although Armstrong said it was just far enough away that he couldnt make out the objects shape, the other astronauts debated whether it was shaped like a cylinder or an L-shaped, open book. This moment is more formally called Guidance Reference Release or GRR. This leaves the interstage attached to the S-II. Velocity 2,195 feet per second [669 m/s]. Armstrong was elected an APS Member in 2001. While the Saturn was in the thicker parts of the atmosphere, it was undesirable to allow it to make large attitude changes, hence the pre-programmed tilt sequence.

135 seconds after the start of time base 1, its programming shuts down the central or inboard engine of the Saturn V in order to limit the vehicle's rapidly rising acceleration. across HDFC Argo, Apollo Munich, Tata AIA Life and Reliance General. Apollo 11 Flight Plan, Honeysuckle Creek website. When they called to Houston to ask if that was the case, Houston told them that the S-IVB had been detached a while ago and was 6,000 miles away.

Have you made any estimates?Collins: Itll be close.Garriott: 11, Houston. Colin Fries of NASA HQ History has provided a copy. The spacecraft separated, and the Eagle began its descent to the lunar surface.

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